January 31, 2012

Politics And Governance Are Two Different Things

Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Government employees work till the age of 58. They need to submit fitness certificate. A certified government practitioner should give certificate. Politician controls, guides, leads and heads the government. He can be vexatious. But there is no age limit binding on him. He need not prove physical fitness.
Illnesses impact physical capacity. Thinking power also goes down. Aging gives tiredness. This is not beneficial to seven crore Tamilians. Government top-rung officials may need to go through 500 pages a day. They have to understand complete history of files and present status. They have to get schemes and plans imprinted in their minds and offer astute, comprehensive solutions.
Politician cannot handle such work pressures. He has spent forty years wallowing in party politics, flags, marches, sycophancy, fund collection, posters, cutouts, hooliganism and threatening. Suddenly he takes the mantle of ministry. Character, habit and dispositions seldom take leave.
A minister should not continue doing party works. A person occupying ministerial berth cannot be allowed to don posts in party. Otherwise, he will destroy both the responsibilities. A government higher official is legally barred from participating in any political party. But the minister who directs bureaucrats can enjoy party positions. This adversely affects the interests of the people. He will not be able to overlook the full state. He won’t find time. Constituency and district tours will take all the time. There won’t be any chance to learn and understand schemes and details. Complacency, amateurish, incomplete knowledge will be exposed.
Higher officials have to work 20 hours a day. Otherwise they cannot retain their seat and position. They will face transfer. Ministers who are responsible to operate government should concentrate only on government tasks for five years. Party works should be sacrificed. Otherwise, government funds will be wasted. Farce schemes will be designed. People will pay the price.

January 23, 2012

Black Money And Inflation

Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Reserve Bank of India manages currency note printing. On an average, a currency note changes 50 hands before becoming unusable. Currency worth of ten lakh crore rupees is in circulation in India. National growth is 60 lakh crore rupees. People do not carry currency all the time in their hands and pockets. Two lakh crore rupees of currency notes is adequate.
There is no way 50 times 10 lakh crore rupees will be used. Black money use internally in India is around 150 lakh crore rupees. Money stashed abroad is 400 lakh crore rupees. Rampant hoarding of money started since 1990. Indian names have been recovered from Swiss banks. Politicians, higher officials and large entrepreneurs have been in this habit.
Baba Ramdev suggests that denominations of 500 rupees and 1000 rupees should be pronounced void. This will bring out white money and black money will go down the trash.
Money locked in vaults is not going to benefit anyone. Strong steps are needed to control this. Money movement of those having accounts with foreign banks should be brought under radar. There are no relatives abroad nor is there any foreign business; but the folks continuing to do foreign transactions are puzzling.
Banking contacts with countries that function as tax havens should be completely severed. Black money sharks should be awarded death sentence. Indian money stashed abroad should be declared as national property. Investments from Mauritius should be probed.
Price hikes are reflection of hoarding. There is constant manufacturing going on and 120 crore Indians are continuously toiling. But prices are spiraling up without any stop. Those who do not pay taxes properly should be eliminated from public life. Otherwise, inflation won’t reduce.
Hostile news is always on air about neighboring countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and China. But there is no hatred towards nations hosting black money banks that cripple Indian economy. Hypocrisy of our patriots becomes evident. Indian mentality to pose faith in foreign banks should be analyzed. Indian loyalty and foreign loyalty should be defined and discussed. Fear and hatred psychosis towards Indian banks and love and faith for foreign banks should be brought to light. There is no other way to rein in inflation.

January 22, 2012

Madrasa Administration Lapses

Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Christian practices, traditions, language and culture were thrust upon Indian people during British rule. Guns and canons, prisons and gallows supported this. In such difficult situation, in the interest of protecting religious rituals and fundamentals, Muslims placed their hopes on Madrasa movement, supported it dearly and developed it with reverence.
In the current technology era, religious preachings and teachings are reaching households through television, internet and videos. One has never seen the preacher. But views are influencing the hearts strongly, thanks to internet. Audience base swells fast in this age.
Wakf property, by and large, has not been properly monitored and managed in Tamilnadu. Muslim society has been lax and wobbling in public property administration. Trustees are undeniably dominating with bossy attitude. The rule of the wealthy has become intolerable.
Fifty years earlier, religious heads received great respect from Muslim society. Tableegh madrasa, Tareekath madrasa, Wahabi madrasa, Dargah madrasa, these schisms have made people tired. Muslim society started reducing Madrasa involvement. Crowds in convocation ceremonies have gone down in number. Student admission has become sparse and troublesome. Quality is on free fall. Offspring of senior religious heads have landed IT jobs, medical, engineering and management graduations. They do not come for religious preaching.
People have to know about Madrasa administration, funding, student and trainer counts, qualifications, background and wealth details. Laxity in madrasa administration have surfaced recently in magazines. Religious heads and institutions should operate transparently. They should leverage internet development and submit relevant information to the society. Otherwise, madrasa movement will become weak.

January 19, 2012

Are Mosques Needed In Every Street?

Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Offering prayers in groups is 27 times more beneficial. Long distance to mosques has caused a surge in new mosques. Continuously commissioning this work costing two crore rupees will lead to economic plundering.
The role of mosques in social, economic and education system is meager. There are adequate number of mosques for 50 lakh devotees in Tamilnadu. Additional mosques are not going to uplift the community. Mosques shall transform as helping centers. Building should help and prioritize poverty eradication. Otherwise, it will become a burden on the society.
Muslims have adequate and excess fund for social managing. Wedding ceremonies are perfect evidences. Surging foreign travel and pilgrimage applications further testify this.
Notice boards in mosques should serve as information dispensations and connecting bridges. Juma announcements should support poor families. Protecting God and uplifting Muslim family; of these two, priority should go to human side. This will strengthen religion.
Families are languishing in rented houses. New mosques and new societies are retrograde ideas. Traditional, ancient mosques should be put to proper use 24 by 7. New mosques coming up with urgency and out of emotional outburst will only increase hotheads and unfits.
Construction can be stalled for some time. Inflation is throttling. Backs of Moomins are breaking under unbearable stress. Families reeling under income of less than 50000 rupees will render disgraceful thoughts. Government is content to be onlooker. Change in government won’t bring change in poverty situation.
Education, employment, loans with easy installments, industrial training and marriage counsel should get priority. New buildings are no more needed. Philanthropists should donate their money only for eradicating poverty in Muslim society. Poverty will bring apostasy. Compelling need now is to populate already established, empty mosques.

January 15, 2012

Prophet's Family

Speech by Maulana Syed Shah Murtaza Ali Sufi Hyder Quadri in conference at Masjid Hafiz Danka, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, January 2012

The subject and title of this conference is 'Ahle Bait and Kulafaye Rashideen'. Kulafaye Rashideen refers to four Khalifas. Bait means house. Ahle Bait means people of the house.
A section among Muslims are respectful and sincere in their love for Prophet’s family. But they say mischievous words about companions of Prophet. Another section pay due respect to Sahabas but do not show the same respect and reverence to the family of Prophet. ‘Gharwale’ in Urdu refers spouse. In Arabic, ‘Ahle Bait’ refers to wives of Prophet.
Surah 33, Ahzab, verse 33 – Ye Members of the Family! God wishes to remove all impurities from you and make you completely pure.
Allah refers to wives and offspring of Prophet. In Arabic language, ‘kum’ is for plural masculine gender and ‘kunna’ is used for plural feminine gender. The grammatical structure used in this verse points to both the gender.
Prophet called Ali, Fathima, Hasan and Husain (rali) to come under his blanket. Five under the blanket are called as ‘Panchatani Pak’. Panch – five; than – body; pak – pure. ‘Pure five’ concept is not exclusive to Shia ideology. Sunnath Jamath shares this notion as well. Prophet told that it is Wajib to have love for Fathima, Ali, Hasan and Husain (rali).
Verse 6 in this Surah says, “Prophet is more important to Moomin than their own lives and his wives are their mothers”. All eleven wives will come under Ahle Bait.
It will also include Ali’s brother Jafar(rali). Prophet had nine Chachas (paternal uncles). Of them Hamza and Abbas (rali) accepted Islam and are Sahabas.
Abu Talib was also Prophet’s Chacha. Some Muslims are using unkind words for him. This is wrong. Prophet was ostracized along with his family members for three years. This included believers and unbelievers alike and all of them were persecuted. Abu Talib used to wake up Prophet in the middle of the night and ask him to take a different place to sleep. He will ask his son to take Prophet’s place. When Prophet asked about this, Abu Talib explained, “Someone can try to kill you. Hence I am making this arrangement”. Abu Talib did not openly embrace Islam. But he did not brazenly deny either. It is better to maintain silence about him than wrongfully and harshly criticizing him.
Abu Lahab was one Chacha. He was arch-nemesis. A Surah was sent down cursing him. Prophet’s aunty Safiya (rali) embraced Islam.
Prophet’s sons were Kasim, Ibrahim and Abdullah. All of them passed away at their young age. Daughters were Jainab, Rukkaiya, Ummu Kulthum and Fathima (rali). Jainab married a Sahaba. Rukkaiya married Usman (rali) and when Rukkaiya passed away, Ummu Kulthum was given in marriage to Usman (rali). There are no descendants of Jainab, Rukkaiya and Ummu Kulthum.
Prophet said, “Whoever hurts Fathima, hurts me, and whoever hurts me, hurts God. They will enter hell”. Descendants of Fathima (rali) are present now. Prophet told that I leave two things with you. In one hadees they are told as Quran and Sunnath and in another hadees they are told as Quran and my family. Mahadee will be Fathima’s descendant.
Prophet likens his family to ship of Prophet Nooh. We learn from another hadees that Prophet has likened his companions to stars. We have to understand and fully realize the merit and importance of Prophet’s family and his companions. Our ship will neither sink nor stray and we will safely reach our destination. This conference is labelled ‘Azeemoshan’ conference. It is not because of this place or the organizers who arranged this. It is because the family members and companions of Prophet who were mentioned here are exalted and praise-worthy.

January 12, 2012

Four Witnesses For Charges Of Adultery

Darse Quran by Maulana Rizwan Pasha Quadri at Masjide Shujath, Tolichowki, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Surah Nisa, Rukoo 3, verse 15 mandates that those who raise allegations of adultery should produce four witnesses. If they fail to do so they will be flogged 80 lashes. Usually two witnesses is the rule in Islamic law. But four witnesses are stipulated in cases of adultery. One can level such charges if reliable witnesses can back it up. Else women should be spared from frivolous and unfounded accusations.
Rule given in this verse was applied during initial stage of Islam. Punishment is to detain the offender in house until death or until God shows them a way out. Next verse makes it clear that punishment is for both. But they should be let alone if they repent. Law given in Surah Noor in this matter has superseding effect. Offender will be pelted with stones if he or she is married. Punishment is 100 lashes for unmarried. One life may get killed. But this will protect honor of other women. Penalty is impartial and common for both the genders.
In India, only way out in case of adultery is Tauba (repentance). Sinner should not discuss it with others.
A Sahaba (companion) came to Prophet and confessed that he had committed adultery. Prophet ignored him thrice by turning his face away. But he persisted and finally Prophet said, “You should have repented and sought forgiveness from Allah when you had wronged. You have made His Prophet a witness. Now you will be punished”. In another incident, a woman came to Prophet and confessed her sin. Punishment was meted out to her. Sahabas were talking ill of her. Prophet told that had the forgiveness received by that woman were divided among people of Madinah, all the sins of all of them would have been forgiven. Further, that woman is far ahead of you because she has reached heaven.
Moomins will repent throughout their lives when they commit a sin. Verse 17 assures that Allah will forgive. Allah has made it incumbent on Himself to forgive. He is not bound by any rule. But this is His mercy. God will certainly forgive those who regret and repent. God does not care about what others think or what is the opinion of the human society. Whatever be their stand, God will forgive remorseful sinners.
“Innallaha yuhibbu tawwaabeen” – God does not stop at forgiving them. He further showers His love on them. Surah 25, Furqaan, verse 70 declares that He will change their sins into good deeds. Servants of God should not lose hope. Islam does not preach despair. This religion is about God’s grace. Allah calls all sinners to His Kingdom. His mercy knows no limits.
Do not talk with women in private. Don’t you see any man? What is the compelling reason to talk with women? Some relations start with conversations and then take shocking turns.
I saw a marriage invitation card. Groom was a Muslim and bride was a Hindu. Muslims were given a separate time for feast and Hindus were invited at a different auspicious time. Shaitan will stray a person far away and ruin him when he takes his sins lightly.
Verse 18 categorically announces that forgiveness is not for them who continue to do evil deeds until death comes. We won’t know when we will die. Death can be sudden. Repentance will not be accepted after seeing angels. A painful punishment is ready for them. When they cry for another chance, Allah will reply that they had already been given a whole life.
Auliyas (seers) give an example. A young lad runs away from his house. He returns after a while. A person returning with repentance to God is a more joyous occasion.
We can either live in the love of God or live a life that is antagonistic to His will. Surah 67, Mulk, verse 2 – Life and death is to test who are good in conduct.
Tauba is a recurring theme in Quran. This is because men frequently slip into sins. Tauba is to turn back and return to God and get relieved from evil deeds.
It was a custom in those days among Arabs to inherit wives of father while dividing his property. Moomin should not forcefully take any woman. Another prevalent vice was that when they don’t like their wives, they would not divorce them. Instead they would torture them. Verse 19, “Do not detain them”. Divorce them honorably. “Be fair and just to your wives”. A good person is one who is good to his wife. She sacrifices her home and all her relations and enters a new house. They should not be forced to do domestic chores. If they do it willingly, it is their kindness.
It is normal to have squabbles with dear ones. We won’t fight with someone whom we see rarely. But small differences should not go till divorce.
People are addicted to television. They have got a fictitious impression about husbands and wives. Actors do not have any work other than grooming and showcasing their bodies. But families cannot be run merely on looks and appearances. There can be minor deficiencies. But it is best if they are God-fearing. See their hearts.
Allah carefully arranges partners. He settles good partners for good ones and bad partners for bad ones. “Athayibathu li thayibeena va thayibuna li thayibath al kabeeshathu lil kabisheena wal kabisheena lil kabishath”. A vile person won’t get a noble life-partner.
It is Hindu custom to ask the bride to walk and show while fixing alliance. This is in complete contravention to Islamic principles. The family members of the groom will casually say while leaving that they will give their answer in five days. Anyone can imagine the torturous pain that befalls bride’s house.
Prophet advised to see bride before marriage. Prophet explained that this would increase love. It is not wrong to see the bride. Verse 19 adds that you may dislike something, but that may be good for you.
You cannot take back anything even if you had given loads of treasure. Newly wed husbands impetuously give home, facilities, and jewels to wives. Nothing can be taken back once given. Verse 20 warns not to take anything back forcefully or in a wrong way. You have been intimate with your wife in private and she gifted herself to you. The wealth, jewel and properties are insignificant before her sacrifice. Do not force her to give anything back when you run into a rough patch.

January 09, 2012

Shocking Truth In Australia

Weekly speech at Tableeghi Markaz, Masjide Amina, Tolichowki, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, January 2012

We have two aspects about us. Allah has made us human beings. We are the best and special among all the creations. Allah invokes four oaths to proclaim the perfection of human beings. Surah 95, Tin, verses 1-4. Fig, olive, mount Sinai and secure land.
There are stronger and mightier creations than human beings. What sets us apart? What is the special merit we have that others don’t? Deen, Shariat, religion makes us special. Animals do not know any concept of halaal and haraam.
Religion is a blessing on us.
Surah 5, Al Maidah, verse 3. Religion is completed and blessing is completed. This is God’s religion. This is the honor showered on human race. “Al yawma akmalthu lakum deenakum va athmamthu alaikum nihmathi”.
The relation between man and religion is same as that between body and life. A body without life is of no use and is fit only to be buried.
Prophet has told that the whole human society is like a human body.
There will be pain all over the body if any part is hurt or injured. This will continue until there is life in the body. The same way, there will be association and coordination in the society as long as there is Deen in the society.
When any section in the society, be it women or youth or employees, lose religion in their lives, it will adversely impact the entire society. If hand or leg is paralysed, it will completely affect activities and movement. It will become useless to society and the person himself. They will have to endure immense loss and pain.
Allah won’t ask animals about where they drank water when they were thirsty. But human beings have to give account of all their deeds.
Deen means to permit some things and to forbid some things. Men have their necessities. But there are limits on what to eat, what to drink, what to see. They have been provided guidelines on what to do and what to stay away from, where to go and which places are to be avoided.
Animals do not have relations. They only know their mothers. They do not relate to fathers or uncles.
We had to stay in Australian city Perth for two days to do Tableeghi work. Australia is a country where immigrants outnumber natives. Muslims form a larger proportion among immigrants. People from Afghan have built mosques. They were religious people. But now their offspring have gone astray.
It was not easy for us to find Muslim names. We decided to contact schools. There were five schools there each with strength around 5000. We looked into the registries. Most of the students were registered using names of mothers. Names of fathers were not given.
Allah exalted position of human beings by gifting them Deen. But when they forsake Deen they will become worse than animals.
Surah 7, Al Araaf, verse 179 – they have hearts they do not understand with, they have eyes they do not see with, they have ears they do not hear with. Such people are like cattle, they are even more misguided. “ulayika kal anam balhum alallu”.
Human society is languishing with troubles. This is the situation all over the world. They are yearning for guidance. They are looking for the truth. They are desperately searching for someone to guide them.
Muslim society came to guide humanity. But now they themselves have lost the way.
Second important aspect about us is to follow Prophet Muhammad. Quran does not praise Ummath (community) of any other Prophet. Quran has registered its praise for Prophet’s Ummath. Surah 3, Ala Imran, verse 110 – “Kunthum khaira ummathi ukrijath linnaas thahmaruna bil mahruf va thanhauna anil munkar”.
You are the best community. This is a huge mercy on us. When a person introduces himself as engineer or merchant or doctor, he is downgrading his position. He is humiliating himself.
Our only identity is that we belong to our Prophet’s Ummath. We have been gifted and exalted with a noble mission. That is Deen ki mehnath, work for religion. Allah did not give this job to any other Ummath.
Prophet’s Ummath have been greeted with many glad tidings. “Inmates of heaven will be assembled in 120 rows. 80 of those rows will be filled with my Ummath”. In another hadees, Prophets says that my Ummath came last but they will be the first to enter heaven.
What is the reason for this honor? It is the mission and concern that we have. Prophet says that he, who has no concern for my Ummath, does not belong to my Ummath.
In earlier times, Prophets did the work of bring discipline and honesty in the lives of their people. Each prophet was persecuted by the society when they undertook their mission. Prophets did not always come to convert others. Children of Prophet Yakoob are called Bani Israel. They were Muslims, but Muslims who had completely gone astray. Many prophets had to come to change them. It is difficult to change straggled Muslim than to convert a new Muslim. It is difficult to repair defunct objects than to create new objects. Prophets mostly came to mould the character of their own people and they were persecuted severely by their own lot.
Now we have been given the privilege of sharing the work that was once done by prophets. Allah has not brought change in human nature. They have natural attraction towards evil. Human beings are created from mud. They share their attributes with mud. If you labor on soil, you can get harvest, petrol, gold, water and energy. But if you ignore the soil, it is all enough to make it barren and futile. There won’t be any use.
If you toil on human beings, you can bring limitless goodness and benefits out of them. But if you fail to work on them, evil will surface and dominate. A beast will kill one goat and satisfy its hunger. But a man won’t be contented even after killing thousand men. His rage won’t come under control.
The coming of prophets has stopped. But the mission should continue. Surah 12, Yusuf, verse 108 – This is my way. I call you towards God; I and those who follow me. We have clear knowledge. “aduvvu ilallahi ala baseerathin ana va manithaba ani”. All those who have proclaimed Kalima are fit and eligible for this mission. Prophet’s concern is our concern. His mission is our mission.
Prophet involved Ummath on this job from the very first beginning. He exhorted every individual to come forward for this. Faith was preached in Meccah life. Abubakkar (rali) brought Faith and on the first day he brought five new comers to Prophet. “This is my earning for the day”. All of them are Ashre Mubashira, those who were promised heaven.

January 04, 2012

Fifty Thousand Rupees Per Month

Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Inflation has not come under control with the change in the government. Monthly income of fifty thousand rupees can help manage inflation.
Protest, agitation, marches, strikes, meetings, gatherings, condemnation, point to weakness. Political parties do not have any useful suggestion to offer. Politician enjoying the comfort of AC car, bungalow, air journeys, foreign contacts, dominance of offspring and security setup seek every avenue to divert the issues. Babri Masjid demolition, Cauvery water problem, shouts for Yalpanam, Pakistan threat, flash bombings, onion price rise, Bofors scam, coffin scandal, Swiss bank accounts, black money drama, these are some of handy headlines. Magic phrases are used to mislead people. Politicians secure their families with colossal money and go to people only to leave them confused. Sabotaging relationship with adjacent states and fostering trouble with neighboring countries are part of the scheme. The elan with which politicians condemn America while maintaining frequent visits to the same country cannot be given a fitting sketch.
Muslims in Tamilnadu are battered and bruised by this spiraling price rises. They should not fall prey to diversionary tactics. Politicians raise slogans to amass more and more wealth.
Koodankulam, Mullai Periyar, Walmart, the list continues. Retail business revenue is 20 lakh crore rupees. Even if one-fourth tax were paid, it would have been 5 lakh crores. Poverty can be completely eradicated in India.
Muslims should not pay heed to protests and agitations. Anti-government stand is perilous. New and successive governments repeating the same follies with dexterity is what we have been seeing and got used to in the past 65 years. Police, court and prison operate under the aegis of government. Officers pledge unswerving allegiance to government. Muslims can avoid damage by supporting government. There is no point in opposing government. Only malafide cases can be the prize. Primary objective today is 50000 per month. Let us find ways to improve family income. We can support only the organizations, movements and leadership that take us in this direction. Let us stay away from diversionary dramas.