Muslim Murasu, May 2011
An illusion is unleashed that main focus of tourists is entertainment and amusement. Local tours can cost 10000 rupees and cost of foreign tours can range from one lakh rupees to one crore rupees.
Paris, London, Singapore, HongKong, Kolalampur, New York, Bangkok, Dubai, these are important tourist destinations. Fidelity is not in vogue in these places. Tourists are attracted by water sports, lascivious gambling centers and high-rising luxury markets. Even those who are chaste in their homeland lose their poise and abstinence in the lust and glamor of foreign tours.
100 crore travelers keep circling the globe. 23 lakh foreign tourists visit Tamilnadu every year. France tops the list. Information that is delivered through media about India, Tamilnadu, contributes hugely to the operation of tourism industry. But robberies, burglaries, rapes and communal riots dominate news in print and electronic media. Foreign tourists get repulsed by this and avoid India and Tamilnadu. Tourist count is not increasing even though the land is abundant in natural wealth.
Two crore Tamilians have got permanent residence in different countries. More than 30 lakh visit foreign countries for jobs. Each one of them can bring a friend, companion, a new person to Tamilnadu and tour them in the spirit of hosting. This will give manifold increase in foreign exchange and investment. Tourism industry will guarantee employment for 10%.
Arab countries are rich with money owing to their oil wealth. Many Tamilians work for more than 30 years in Arab countries. They each can bring an Arab Sheikh, businessman, to Tamilnadu. Foreigner will get introduced to pluralistic culture and lifestyle in Tamilnadu.
Eroticism and amusement are purveyed world over in the garb of tourism. A paradigm shift is needed in tourism and tourists should be prepared for cultural and trade exchanges. This will guarantee useful spending of money and time.
May 28, 2011
May 27, 2011
Let Us Call Towards God
Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Difference between God-believers and non-believers is clear, obvious and wide-ranging. A person’s character, nature and style seldom change. What is the discussion point when two persons meet. What is the central focus of their telephone or cellphone conversation. This will provide answers.
Once the meeting or conversation is over, one is engulfed with panic and fear. He is convinced that he is spending his life in wasteful ways. He resolves to earn money atleast in future, buy land, house and jewels by all means. He vows not to forsake a single rupee for others. It is better to be cautious, careful and mindful.
It is anyone’s guess. The person who just visited or conversed on telephone is certainly Shaitan.He is a two-legged beast. In future wherever and whenever he is spotted or heard, it is imperative to pray repeatedly ‘Auzu billahi minashaitan irrageem’ – I seek God’s protection from damned Shaitan. Otherwise, confusion will overpower and create frustration and irritation on everyone. He will create enmity. Even the precious little peace that is leftover in heart will be lost.
On the contrary, 10 minute visit or a few minutes talking on phone with some people strengthens belief in God, Rasoolullah (sal), akhirat and good companions of the Prophet.
Now one can easily understand that the person we are face to face with is God’s disciple.
God sometimes gives advice through human beings. Shaitan empowers worldly desires and selfish attitudes through human beings. It is important to have abilities to identify and differentiate. This is an era dominated by price rise, lust for money, extravagance and raging consumerism. Dhaayis who propound peace of heart, contentment and spiritual discipline will not lose balance and equipoise. To call out towards God is the most important task.
20 human beings do rounds all the time to increase passion for this world. It is imperative to find two such human beings who will incite desire for the next world. Major task for Islamic magazines is to goad human beings back to the path shown by God. The length of the article, the number of pages, words or lines, is not important. Once a person finishes the magazine, thoughts about God should increase in him. Material desires should be removed. Writing should create a simple and stoic surrounding and hearts that are free from worries. Thousands of Shaitans are there to incite lust for duniya. Let us become greats who invite people towards God.
Difference between God-believers and non-believers is clear, obvious and wide-ranging. A person’s character, nature and style seldom change. What is the discussion point when two persons meet. What is the central focus of their telephone or cellphone conversation. This will provide answers.
Once the meeting or conversation is over, one is engulfed with panic and fear. He is convinced that he is spending his life in wasteful ways. He resolves to earn money atleast in future, buy land, house and jewels by all means. He vows not to forsake a single rupee for others. It is better to be cautious, careful and mindful.
It is anyone’s guess. The person who just visited or conversed on telephone is certainly Shaitan.He is a two-legged beast. In future wherever and whenever he is spotted or heard, it is imperative to pray repeatedly ‘Auzu billahi minashaitan irrageem’ – I seek God’s protection from damned Shaitan. Otherwise, confusion will overpower and create frustration and irritation on everyone. He will create enmity. Even the precious little peace that is leftover in heart will be lost.
On the contrary, 10 minute visit or a few minutes talking on phone with some people strengthens belief in God, Rasoolullah (sal), akhirat and good companions of the Prophet.
Now one can easily understand that the person we are face to face with is God’s disciple.
God sometimes gives advice through human beings. Shaitan empowers worldly desires and selfish attitudes through human beings. It is important to have abilities to identify and differentiate. This is an era dominated by price rise, lust for money, extravagance and raging consumerism. Dhaayis who propound peace of heart, contentment and spiritual discipline will not lose balance and equipoise. To call out towards God is the most important task.
20 human beings do rounds all the time to increase passion for this world. It is imperative to find two such human beings who will incite desire for the next world. Major task for Islamic magazines is to goad human beings back to the path shown by God. The length of the article, the number of pages, words or lines, is not important. Once a person finishes the magazine, thoughts about God should increase in him. Material desires should be removed. Writing should create a simple and stoic surrounding and hearts that are free from worries. Thousands of Shaitans are there to incite lust for duniya. Let us become greats who invite people towards God.
May 24, 2011
Aalim Speech Will Give Fulfillment
Muslim Murasu, May 2011
The stage is set in a locality densely populated by Muslims in Tamilnadu capital Chennai. The event is graced by the presence of a Unani doctor, a landlord, a MP, an Aalim, a writer, a tourist company owner, a translator and a politician. Everyone decorated their speeches heaping praise on Prophet’s sacred life and his words.
Speakers adorning Muslim daises are committed and dedicated not to get entangled in any controversy, or earn anyone’s dissent. Their intention is to spend 20 minutes in whatever imaginable way and escape. Their personality gets effaced. Speakers never touch upon their personal life, occupation, experience and growth. They do not show courage to speak truth. Double speak is obvious.
In the name of book release, hypocrisy is staged liberally. Plan is afoot with a common subject to delve upon and immerse everyone in pleasure. With authentic farce, Islam is preached from the tip of tongue. Three to four hours, priceless 14,000 seconds in life is wasted.
Whatever be the garb and mask under which a Muslim event is organized, fresh news, information or lofty thoughts are not offered. Journalist who patiently waited returns disappointed, feeling betrayed by the heroes on the podium.
Ten Islamic magazines and television broadcasts are continuously beamed. But there is not a single compelling event or speech which all of them will cover eagerly and spontaneously. Groupism, lobby culture, is at its peak. 50,000 rupees is wasted in poster, loudspeaker, video, cool drinks, bit notice and speaker expenditure. All this while collecting audience is getting harder and troublesome. Each program in future will create groups within groups. There can be no doubt that aggression and violence will increase manifold.
First the speakers should cooperate for an event to become a success. Business representative should disclose business nuances and factors to succeed. Book author should emphasize the prominence and importance of creativity. Landlord shall accentuate his speech with his personal contribution in alleviating poverty with adequate backing of empirical data. Tour company owner can illustrate, without business motive, travel details so that interest in tourism will improve. Doctor’s speech can create another doctor in the crowd. Parliament Member can use the opportunity to engage audience with democratic discussions and Delhi experiences. Passion to become MP will rage the audience and patriotism will increase.
And as concluding note, Aalim should focus his entire speech around stressing Imaan and love for God. Audience will take emphatic strides while returning, convinced by the freshly acquired experience of 10 years.
The stage is set in a locality densely populated by Muslims in Tamilnadu capital Chennai. The event is graced by the presence of a Unani doctor, a landlord, a MP, an Aalim, a writer, a tourist company owner, a translator and a politician. Everyone decorated their speeches heaping praise on Prophet’s sacred life and his words.
Speakers adorning Muslim daises are committed and dedicated not to get entangled in any controversy, or earn anyone’s dissent. Their intention is to spend 20 minutes in whatever imaginable way and escape. Their personality gets effaced. Speakers never touch upon their personal life, occupation, experience and growth. They do not show courage to speak truth. Double speak is obvious.
In the name of book release, hypocrisy is staged liberally. Plan is afoot with a common subject to delve upon and immerse everyone in pleasure. With authentic farce, Islam is preached from the tip of tongue. Three to four hours, priceless 14,000 seconds in life is wasted.
Whatever be the garb and mask under which a Muslim event is organized, fresh news, information or lofty thoughts are not offered. Journalist who patiently waited returns disappointed, feeling betrayed by the heroes on the podium.
Ten Islamic magazines and television broadcasts are continuously beamed. But there is not a single compelling event or speech which all of them will cover eagerly and spontaneously. Groupism, lobby culture, is at its peak. 50,000 rupees is wasted in poster, loudspeaker, video, cool drinks, bit notice and speaker expenditure. All this while collecting audience is getting harder and troublesome. Each program in future will create groups within groups. There can be no doubt that aggression and violence will increase manifold.
First the speakers should cooperate for an event to become a success. Business representative should disclose business nuances and factors to succeed. Book author should emphasize the prominence and importance of creativity. Landlord shall accentuate his speech with his personal contribution in alleviating poverty with adequate backing of empirical data. Tour company owner can illustrate, without business motive, travel details so that interest in tourism will improve. Doctor’s speech can create another doctor in the crowd. Parliament Member can use the opportunity to engage audience with democratic discussions and Delhi experiences. Passion to become MP will rage the audience and patriotism will increase.
And as concluding note, Aalim should focus his entire speech around stressing Imaan and love for God. Audience will take emphatic strides while returning, convinced by the freshly acquired experience of 10 years.
May 19, 2011
Farming Gives Barakath
Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Two and half lakh farmers have committed suicide over the past 15 years due to loan problems. Agriculture columnist P. Sainath regrets that we have earned topmost place in entire human history in farmer suicides. Maharashtra, Andhra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Chateesgarh, these five states have found place in suicide list. Even in Punjab that donated green revolution, poor farmers are perishing owing to loan problems. When harvest dwindles in the face of vagaries of the climate, farmer feels dejected and broken.
Four lakh crore rupees loan at rate of 5 percent interest has been handed out last year for seasonal crops. In the current year, 5 lakh crore rupees loan is ready. 30 crore youngsters are living in Indian villages. They come by as cinema aficionados and vagabonds with unaccomplished education. Prices of food products rise at the rate of 20 percent every year. Irrigation and land maintenance are not up to the mark.
Everyday 120 crore men and women go to bed without night meals. Each hour witnesses death of 1200 children because of malnourishment. 200 crore girls, children, look starved and emaciated.
In India, 7000 people die in poverty everyday. India is the second fastest growing economy in the world. Four international food conferences were held in past years with single-minded objective of eradicating hunger and poverty. Yet starvation deaths remain unchecked.
Ideas are given to increase utilization of technology. Ground situation is not brought out. Agriculture interest was neglected and buried. Lapses and improprieties are rife in the distribution of agricultural loans. Elections in cooperative societies are conducted with the help of police. Only candidates with economic clout and caste influence can win. Farmers who came to urban areas to survive became rich and wealthier. But they did not show interest in the development of village. Liquor revenues from villages are continually increasing year on year. Fresh field study is needed. Agriculture experts, columnists and higher officers are concealing the ground realities. To do farming or herding cows is considered a disgraceful job. To wear pants, go to office, earn monthly salary, acquire English education is considered worthy. Farmer considers occupying bus stand or pedestrian footpaths and doing small business as profiting venture. What is needed is to push the people back into farming jobs. The job that yields food is marvelous, sacred and will please God. This advice should continue and there will be change in the situation for the better.
Two and half lakh farmers have committed suicide over the past 15 years due to loan problems. Agriculture columnist P. Sainath regrets that we have earned topmost place in entire human history in farmer suicides. Maharashtra, Andhra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Chateesgarh, these five states have found place in suicide list. Even in Punjab that donated green revolution, poor farmers are perishing owing to loan problems. When harvest dwindles in the face of vagaries of the climate, farmer feels dejected and broken.
Four lakh crore rupees loan at rate of 5 percent interest has been handed out last year for seasonal crops. In the current year, 5 lakh crore rupees loan is ready. 30 crore youngsters are living in Indian villages. They come by as cinema aficionados and vagabonds with unaccomplished education. Prices of food products rise at the rate of 20 percent every year. Irrigation and land maintenance are not up to the mark.
Everyday 120 crore men and women go to bed without night meals. Each hour witnesses death of 1200 children because of malnourishment. 200 crore girls, children, look starved and emaciated.
In India, 7000 people die in poverty everyday. India is the second fastest growing economy in the world. Four international food conferences were held in past years with single-minded objective of eradicating hunger and poverty. Yet starvation deaths remain unchecked.
Ideas are given to increase utilization of technology. Ground situation is not brought out. Agriculture interest was neglected and buried. Lapses and improprieties are rife in the distribution of agricultural loans. Elections in cooperative societies are conducted with the help of police. Only candidates with economic clout and caste influence can win. Farmers who came to urban areas to survive became rich and wealthier. But they did not show interest in the development of village. Liquor revenues from villages are continually increasing year on year. Fresh field study is needed. Agriculture experts, columnists and higher officers are concealing the ground realities. To do farming or herding cows is considered a disgraceful job. To wear pants, go to office, earn monthly salary, acquire English education is considered worthy. Farmer considers occupying bus stand or pedestrian footpaths and doing small business as profiting venture. What is needed is to push the people back into farming jobs. The job that yields food is marvelous, sacred and will please God. This advice should continue and there will be change in the situation for the better.
May 18, 2011
Religiosity Is Paramount
Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Indian tradition is to have faith in religious life. Tamilnadu government is no exception to this. Perarinar Anna pledged ‘there is only one God’ and compromised with faith. We are against Brahminism but not against Brahmins. We don’t oppose religion, but condemn irrational activities happening in the name of religion. Thousand shallow arguments and fickle compromises.
Populist leaders do not have the necessity to brazenly oppose faithful, religious person. In 1968, temples were removed from regional group management and were rendered under Collector’s administration. Today government’s share in growth of religion and religious centers is ascertained through philanthropist award, arranging poojas, temple meals scheme, religious and spiritual holidays, welfare board for rural temple priests, pension scheme for rural priests, temple library and yoga training class and assistance fund for spiritual Tamil books. From 1927, secretaries and Collectors of IAS rank are keenly upholding and nurturing spiritual and religious sensitivities. Temple management, control, administration and maintenance constitute one of the very important responsibilities of the government. Hindu Aranilayathurai is protecting 38,465 temples with abundant care.
Members of assembly and parliament take oath in the name of God. Government grants holidays for regional festivals and religious ceremonies. Government employees are entitled to four days of extra leaves. (R.H) During special religious occasions, they are granted relief for one and a half hour. Government has enlisted pilgrimage sites also under the list of tourist spots. Godly pictures are decorating desks and monitors of higher officers. Mobile ring tones sing Kirtans, Bhajans and Vedic texts. Religious rituals get high priority in the savings of the employees. Temple is the symbol of the state government. State and central governments respect religious feelings of the people.
What is the need for concealment after all these? Government should grant fund for religious preachings. Today it is absolutely necessary to have a separate minister and ministry for the religious preachings. Hindu, Muslim, Christian preachings will help in upholding discipline, honesty and good qualities. Government should allocate ten percent of its revenues for religious preachings.
Hindi TV channel Astha telecasts spiritual preachings round the clock. A similar Tamil TV channel is needed for religious preachings. Religious classes and Vedic explanations will better human beings.
Indian tradition is to have faith in religious life. Tamilnadu government is no exception to this. Perarinar Anna pledged ‘there is only one God’ and compromised with faith. We are against Brahminism but not against Brahmins. We don’t oppose religion, but condemn irrational activities happening in the name of religion. Thousand shallow arguments and fickle compromises.
Populist leaders do not have the necessity to brazenly oppose faithful, religious person. In 1968, temples were removed from regional group management and were rendered under Collector’s administration. Today government’s share in growth of religion and religious centers is ascertained through philanthropist award, arranging poojas, temple meals scheme, religious and spiritual holidays, welfare board for rural temple priests, pension scheme for rural priests, temple library and yoga training class and assistance fund for spiritual Tamil books. From 1927, secretaries and Collectors of IAS rank are keenly upholding and nurturing spiritual and religious sensitivities. Temple management, control, administration and maintenance constitute one of the very important responsibilities of the government. Hindu Aranilayathurai is protecting 38,465 temples with abundant care.
Members of assembly and parliament take oath in the name of God. Government grants holidays for regional festivals and religious ceremonies. Government employees are entitled to four days of extra leaves. (R.H) During special religious occasions, they are granted relief for one and a half hour. Government has enlisted pilgrimage sites also under the list of tourist spots. Godly pictures are decorating desks and monitors of higher officers. Mobile ring tones sing Kirtans, Bhajans and Vedic texts. Religious rituals get high priority in the savings of the employees. Temple is the symbol of the state government. State and central governments respect religious feelings of the people.
What is the need for concealment after all these? Government should grant fund for religious preachings. Today it is absolutely necessary to have a separate minister and ministry for the religious preachings. Hindu, Muslim, Christian preachings will help in upholding discipline, honesty and good qualities. Government should allocate ten percent of its revenues for religious preachings.
Hindi TV channel Astha telecasts spiritual preachings round the clock. A similar Tamil TV channel is needed for religious preachings. Religious classes and Vedic explanations will better human beings.
May 17, 2011
The Lost World Leadership
Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in karma and rebirth. They do not harbor intense commercial inclinations or unbridled profit orientation. Americans believe in market economy. In 1970s a study was instituted to analyze Japan’s rise that concerned the western countries. Economic development, commercial dominance and technology were in focus. Till 1750, Europe was a group of poor countries. Asia commanded two third of global production and India commanded one fourth of global production. Europe was shocked by the study results. Till 14th century India was the leading producer in the world. In 15th century, China pipped India and took the first position. In 1600 India regained the top position. Till 1820 India was ahead of all European countries including England. India’s growth was stupendous. In 1820 India’s share of world GDP was 18%. It came down to just 2.5% in 1900. Indian civilization crashed within a century.
We have to be taught about ourselves. India was looted till 1940 and afterward India was looted by socialist system. Globalized unbridled economic loot started from 1990. Two thirds of the wealth looted from India was after globalization of 1990. Tax rate was 97.5%. People started to take the money outside. Till now Indian money continues to go to foreign shores. Corruption, bribery, crime and hoarding reached a peak. 300 billion dollar, 15 lakh crore rupees, went abroad. Efforts to bring them back failed. Black money found safe havens in western countries. Western country do not practice saving. Innocent young girls are giving birth to babies. Many do not know their father. 51% of the families are single-parent families. Parent does not feel any responsibility; immoral and illegal abortions. Between 1976 and 2009, America imported goods to the extent of 8.5 trillion dollar more than its exports. That increased its debt. America is borrowing at a rate of 12000 crores everyday. Asia offered its funds. Of the world’s total savings, Asia accounts for 75%. America completely hogs this. America survives on the savings from Asian countries. Its economy is in very poor condition.
Today the nation is in need of a spiritually strong leadership. Clean leadership will attract clean people.
S.Gurumurth’s speech in two-day seminar titled ‘Transparency and Accountability in Governance – International experience’ contains lot of historical facts. Event organizer Vivekananda International Foundation, and Astha television that telecast this program deserve due appreciation.
It is frustrating to see nation’s wealth and economy being looted without any limits by western countries. Magazines, TV channels, institutions and lifestyles that infuse western thoughts and ideas should be rejected. Those who work and serve in India after completing their education should be honored. Bureaucrats, ministers and politicians shall cancel foreign visits at least for six months. Those seeking relationship with India are most welcome to come to Delhi and enjoy intimacy. Video conferencing will be beneficial. This is the first step to curb foreign yearnings and servility.
It is a cruel mentality to divide and differentiate Indians based on their religion. First and foremost, intellectuals should learn and practice to believe fellow citizens. India and Indian people are not two different things. This is the way to rise again.
Both Hindus and Buddhists believe in karma and rebirth. They do not harbor intense commercial inclinations or unbridled profit orientation. Americans believe in market economy. In 1970s a study was instituted to analyze Japan’s rise that concerned the western countries. Economic development, commercial dominance and technology were in focus. Till 1750, Europe was a group of poor countries. Asia commanded two third of global production and India commanded one fourth of global production. Europe was shocked by the study results. Till 14th century India was the leading producer in the world. In 15th century, China pipped India and took the first position. In 1600 India regained the top position. Till 1820 India was ahead of all European countries including England. India’s growth was stupendous. In 1820 India’s share of world GDP was 18%. It came down to just 2.5% in 1900. Indian civilization crashed within a century.
We have to be taught about ourselves. India was looted till 1940 and afterward India was looted by socialist system. Globalized unbridled economic loot started from 1990. Two thirds of the wealth looted from India was after globalization of 1990. Tax rate was 97.5%. People started to take the money outside. Till now Indian money continues to go to foreign shores. Corruption, bribery, crime and hoarding reached a peak. 300 billion dollar, 15 lakh crore rupees, went abroad. Efforts to bring them back failed. Black money found safe havens in western countries. Western country do not practice saving. Innocent young girls are giving birth to babies. Many do not know their father. 51% of the families are single-parent families. Parent does not feel any responsibility; immoral and illegal abortions. Between 1976 and 2009, America imported goods to the extent of 8.5 trillion dollar more than its exports. That increased its debt. America is borrowing at a rate of 12000 crores everyday. Asia offered its funds. Of the world’s total savings, Asia accounts for 75%. America completely hogs this. America survives on the savings from Asian countries. Its economy is in very poor condition.
Today the nation is in need of a spiritually strong leadership. Clean leadership will attract clean people.
S.Gurumurth’s speech in two-day seminar titled ‘Transparency and Accountability in Governance – International experience’ contains lot of historical facts. Event organizer Vivekananda International Foundation, and Astha television that telecast this program deserve due appreciation.
It is frustrating to see nation’s wealth and economy being looted without any limits by western countries. Magazines, TV channels, institutions and lifestyles that infuse western thoughts and ideas should be rejected. Those who work and serve in India after completing their education should be honored. Bureaucrats, ministers and politicians shall cancel foreign visits at least for six months. Those seeking relationship with India are most welcome to come to Delhi and enjoy intimacy. Video conferencing will be beneficial. This is the first step to curb foreign yearnings and servility.
It is a cruel mentality to divide and differentiate Indians based on their religion. First and foremost, intellectuals should learn and practice to believe fellow citizens. India and Indian people are not two different things. This is the way to rise again.
May 15, 2011
Farsightedness Of The New Government
Muslim Murasu, May 2011
First thing that the government does after its formation is to transfer high-ranking IAS officers. This is violent flagrant transgression. It is ridiculous for a politician to capriciously transfer a bureaucrat who has served for around a quarter of a century. This mentality is devastating for state machinery. This will jeopardize self-respect of the officer. It is fitting to dismiss an officer who has wronged, or is untrustworthy, incompetent or disobedient. The documents illustrating the officer illegally misappropriating money, wealth, misusing power can be uploaded in government websites and department websites. Public will stand informed and well-meaning intention of the government will stand illuminated. But transferring to another department will have adverse impact on the efficiency of a thousand employees there. This is not a period of despotic rule.
Chief minister should not forget the scene when they went street by street, lane by lane, bowing to each and every voter, appeasing them, in a distressed and sorrowful manner under the hot sun. People are now adequately informed and educated. To transfer a service minded, honest officer at the behest of district secretary will expose inability of the government.
Higher officers are operating with contrasting features of serfdom and efficiency. Priority should be accorded only to efficiency and rectitude.
In the appointment of new ministers, it is enough to allocate 10% to old sharks. People given to drinking and sexual misbehavior should be kept away from ministerial berths. On the lines of outsourcing, candidates from outside also can be scoured and appointed. New families can be given an opportunity to enter politics.
Politicians, administrating officer, there is no need to have these two different sections. Engineer from electricity board or an electrical graduate should be appointed for electricity department. A post-graduate in public health infrastructure can be appointed for the drinking water supply department. Retired vice-chancellor or research scholar can be given the administration of education portfolio. This will bring the cold war between politician and bureaucrat to an end. Government will work fruitfully and transparently on par with international standards.
All the departments fared well for four months in the absence of ministers. Minister is not going to cast any magic after occupying the office. There is no need for the build-up of siren vehicle, spacious office and gun toting commandos.
Video conferencing can be leveraged to communicate on a daily basis. Foundation stone laying ceremonies should be absolutely abolished. This only helps unnecessary expenditures and corruption. Unbridled special powers will help neither the politician nor the officer. Stress should be laid to turn to serving the public.
First thing that the government does after its formation is to transfer high-ranking IAS officers. This is violent flagrant transgression. It is ridiculous for a politician to capriciously transfer a bureaucrat who has served for around a quarter of a century. This mentality is devastating for state machinery. This will jeopardize self-respect of the officer. It is fitting to dismiss an officer who has wronged, or is untrustworthy, incompetent or disobedient. The documents illustrating the officer illegally misappropriating money, wealth, misusing power can be uploaded in government websites and department websites. Public will stand informed and well-meaning intention of the government will stand illuminated. But transferring to another department will have adverse impact on the efficiency of a thousand employees there. This is not a period of despotic rule.
Chief minister should not forget the scene when they went street by street, lane by lane, bowing to each and every voter, appeasing them, in a distressed and sorrowful manner under the hot sun. People are now adequately informed and educated. To transfer a service minded, honest officer at the behest of district secretary will expose inability of the government.
Higher officers are operating with contrasting features of serfdom and efficiency. Priority should be accorded only to efficiency and rectitude.
In the appointment of new ministers, it is enough to allocate 10% to old sharks. People given to drinking and sexual misbehavior should be kept away from ministerial berths. On the lines of outsourcing, candidates from outside also can be scoured and appointed. New families can be given an opportunity to enter politics.
Politicians, administrating officer, there is no need to have these two different sections. Engineer from electricity board or an electrical graduate should be appointed for electricity department. A post-graduate in public health infrastructure can be appointed for the drinking water supply department. Retired vice-chancellor or research scholar can be given the administration of education portfolio. This will bring the cold war between politician and bureaucrat to an end. Government will work fruitfully and transparently on par with international standards.
All the departments fared well for four months in the absence of ministers. Minister is not going to cast any magic after occupying the office. There is no need for the build-up of siren vehicle, spacious office and gun toting commandos.
Video conferencing can be leveraged to communicate on a daily basis. Foundation stone laying ceremonies should be absolutely abolished. This only helps unnecessary expenditures and corruption. Unbridled special powers will help neither the politician nor the officer. Stress should be laid to turn to serving the public.
May 13, 2011
Increasing Demand For Spirituality
Interview with Syed Muhammad Faridudeen Gilani,
published on Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Tarikath does not exist in the absence of Shariah. Shariah is the base for Tarikath. One cannot become a spiritual person without religiously following rules and procedures laid down in the religion.
40 years back pristine spirituality emanated during the period of Syed Noorishah Kibla (rah). In present situation, spiritual teachings will go wasted when people do not appreciate its importance. Youngsters demand lot of proofs. They are not ready to accept spiritual leaders who are not masters in knowledge. In 75% of the spiritual centers, proper spiritual education is not imparted. Qanqah, centers where spiritual gurus impart personal training, has gone down in numbers. One can get deep knowledge and understanding from elders. But youngsters are after rules, procedures and proofs. This will not help in spiritual awakening or improve realizing God’s presence. Youngsters do not opt to follow gurus who are undisciplined or lacking knowledge.
Sufism is related to the heart. Tarikath purifies innards, heart and soul. We accept the curriculum of Madrasa Jamia Nizamia. It is impossible to impart spirituality to one who does not appreciate it.
Today’s generation respects the importance of knowledge. They do not accept those who display lacunae in their character. Young generation is confused by the preachings of Ahl-e-Hadees.
There is development in our silsila. Spiritual leaders are doing their works in Hyderabad, Chennai and other regions. Spirituality continues to spread. It is true that the brilliance that was exhibited during the period of Noorishah is not there now. Followers today cannot reach the heights of their leaders of previous generation. My father continues to deliver pristine spiritual discourses.
Imam Malik (rah) once said thus: A person is good and complete in Shariah, religious rules, but is not showing interest in Tasawuf, then this person is a sinner, a Faasik. Tarikath starts from the point where Shariah ends. Some sufis display lapses in Shariah, while some other sufis declare sweeping diktat as ‘do not bury one who did not do Namaz’. Tarikath is like soul. Spirituality cannot be separated from Shariah. Ulemas show interest only in masa’il. They do not cultivate inner heart and its currents. Spiritual teacher knows the art of maneuvering Nafs, heart.
People from magazines and media should publish complete texts of spiritual speeches. They should zero in on certain spiritual topics and publish articles and creations on those topics. Who gets to know his self, gets to know God. God does not see a person’s surfacial features. He sees his heart and its desires. If heart is not in the Namaz then it won’t be accepted. But religious scholars will say that it will be accepted if rules are properly followed. Shaikhs, spiritual leaders, will show importance to qalb. Muhaideen (rah) spent 15 to 20 years in acquiring religious education. He spent many years in jungle. To answer to the spiritual quest of the people, he came out among them and served them. The prayer ‘Iyyaka Nahbudhu va iyyaka nathayeen’ adds in the same vein ‘ihdi nassirathal musthakeem’. We pray to God for guidance, but the verse does not end there, it extends. Four groups of people who have gone in good path are Nabi, sidheek, shuhada and saliheen. We should stay firmly tethered to them. It will give us good guidance and benefit our lives. Once when Prophet was returning along with his companions from one major battle, he advised them that this is only Jihad-e-Azgar, a small battle. But Jihad-e-Akbar, big battle, is the one that is done against Nafs, one’s self. Real battle will come once in a while, but the battle with heart will come often and ever lasting.
After Noorishah, Noorullalshah Noori Arifullah Gilani, Kamalullahshah Noori Muneerudeen Gilani and Asrarullahshah Noori Nasarudeen Gilani are together doing the spiritual works. Noori Maskan is the spiritual center. Jamia Ilahiyat-e-Nooria operates under it. Curriculum is for 8 years, at the end of which ‘Noori’ title will be given. Each Thursday Zikr is arranged. Daily spiritual discourse happens between Asar and Maghrib. Speeches are held every night during Ramzan. 11 days Milad Zuhoor-e-Noor, 11 day program for Faizan-e-Ghousul Azam, Noorishah Urs on 11th day of Rabius Saani, these are the spiritual events we conduct every year. Arrangements are made for the stay and food of the followers who come to take spiritual benefits. We are doing everything that can be done to inculcate remembering God.
published on Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Tarikath does not exist in the absence of Shariah. Shariah is the base for Tarikath. One cannot become a spiritual person without religiously following rules and procedures laid down in the religion.
40 years back pristine spirituality emanated during the period of Syed Noorishah Kibla (rah). In present situation, spiritual teachings will go wasted when people do not appreciate its importance. Youngsters demand lot of proofs. They are not ready to accept spiritual leaders who are not masters in knowledge. In 75% of the spiritual centers, proper spiritual education is not imparted. Qanqah, centers where spiritual gurus impart personal training, has gone down in numbers. One can get deep knowledge and understanding from elders. But youngsters are after rules, procedures and proofs. This will not help in spiritual awakening or improve realizing God’s presence. Youngsters do not opt to follow gurus who are undisciplined or lacking knowledge.
Sufism is related to the heart. Tarikath purifies innards, heart and soul. We accept the curriculum of Madrasa Jamia Nizamia. It is impossible to impart spirituality to one who does not appreciate it.
Today’s generation respects the importance of knowledge. They do not accept those who display lacunae in their character. Young generation is confused by the preachings of Ahl-e-Hadees.
There is development in our silsila. Spiritual leaders are doing their works in Hyderabad, Chennai and other regions. Spirituality continues to spread. It is true that the brilliance that was exhibited during the period of Noorishah is not there now. Followers today cannot reach the heights of their leaders of previous generation. My father continues to deliver pristine spiritual discourses.
Imam Malik (rah) once said thus: A person is good and complete in Shariah, religious rules, but is not showing interest in Tasawuf, then this person is a sinner, a Faasik. Tarikath starts from the point where Shariah ends. Some sufis display lapses in Shariah, while some other sufis declare sweeping diktat as ‘do not bury one who did not do Namaz’. Tarikath is like soul. Spirituality cannot be separated from Shariah. Ulemas show interest only in masa’il. They do not cultivate inner heart and its currents. Spiritual teacher knows the art of maneuvering Nafs, heart.
People from magazines and media should publish complete texts of spiritual speeches. They should zero in on certain spiritual topics and publish articles and creations on those topics. Who gets to know his self, gets to know God. God does not see a person’s surfacial features. He sees his heart and its desires. If heart is not in the Namaz then it won’t be accepted. But religious scholars will say that it will be accepted if rules are properly followed. Shaikhs, spiritual leaders, will show importance to qalb. Muhaideen (rah) spent 15 to 20 years in acquiring religious education. He spent many years in jungle. To answer to the spiritual quest of the people, he came out among them and served them. The prayer ‘Iyyaka Nahbudhu va iyyaka nathayeen’ adds in the same vein ‘ihdi nassirathal musthakeem’. We pray to God for guidance, but the verse does not end there, it extends. Four groups of people who have gone in good path are Nabi, sidheek, shuhada and saliheen. We should stay firmly tethered to them. It will give us good guidance and benefit our lives. Once when Prophet was returning along with his companions from one major battle, he advised them that this is only Jihad-e-Azgar, a small battle. But Jihad-e-Akbar, big battle, is the one that is done against Nafs, one’s self. Real battle will come once in a while, but the battle with heart will come often and ever lasting.
After Noorishah, Noorullalshah Noori Arifullah Gilani, Kamalullahshah Noori Muneerudeen Gilani and Asrarullahshah Noori Nasarudeen Gilani are together doing the spiritual works. Noori Maskan is the spiritual center. Jamia Ilahiyat-e-Nooria operates under it. Curriculum is for 8 years, at the end of which ‘Noori’ title will be given. Each Thursday Zikr is arranged. Daily spiritual discourse happens between Asar and Maghrib. Speeches are held every night during Ramzan. 11 days Milad Zuhoor-e-Noor, 11 day program for Faizan-e-Ghousul Azam, Noorishah Urs on 11th day of Rabius Saani, these are the spiritual events we conduct every year. Arrangements are made for the stay and food of the followers who come to take spiritual benefits. We are doing everything that can be done to inculcate remembering God.
May 09, 2011
O People Of The Book
Dars-e-Quran, AlaImran rukoo 7 by Maulana Rizwan Pasha Qadiri
at Masjid-e-Shujath, Towlichowki, Hyderabad.
Published in Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Three major Books had been sent down before the blissful coming of the Holy Quran. Tawrath and Injeel (Bible) are available albeit not in their original shape. Saboor has completely vanished. Tawrath is available as Bayaan, speech and dialogue form. ‘Injeel’ was amended repeatedly during different periods. The phrase ‘people of the book’ here refers to Christians and Jews. Few consider Hindus also as people of the book.
Hindus hold Bagavath Gita and four Vedas. Sikhs have a book for them; they fan it in their temples. But Allah refers two communities particularly. Both the communities lived in Madinah. Jews were in good number as inhabitants there and a good number of Christians fared as frequent visitors.
Tawheed – the creed that professes worship of one God is common for all. The holy book of Buddhists also carried the message of Tawheed. The concept, the idea, of one God is there. Though called by different names, Tawheed is the core content. Swami Vivekananda deliberated stridently about Tawheed. The movement against idol worship is not led only by Islam or Muslims. People belonging to other religions also have guided towards Tawheed. Parameshwar, Paramatma, God, they laid stress on one God using different names.
A super force, energy, administers the entire universe. People belonging to all the faiths admit the power of God. Khudrat operates in the functioning of human beings. It is the one that teaches the hatchlings of fishes to swim. Where does this all lead to? Someone is governing the universe. Allah exhibits His power in the functioning of each and every thing. The word ‘nature’ is used to denote this.
Let us first ignore the differences between you and us. Let us not worship anyone except the God.
This is the message given by Buddhism and Jainism as well. In the earlier days, Sikhs were preached about Tawheed. Later worshiping of Gurunanak started. Jains compromised with Hindus in worshiping Mahavir. Buddhism that spread over many countries in the globe got ensnared in idol worship. They started seeing Buddha also as God. Hindus accepted Buddha as their God. Chandrababu Naidu installed a mammoth Buddha statue in the middle of Husain Sagar lake in Hyderabad. Placid harmony spread between Hindus and Buddhists.
Islam has been successful in guarding its fundamentals. Hindus forgot their basics. There was an attempt to subvert Muslims through Dargahs. Muslims opened the doors of Dargah for Hindus, but they themselves did not enter temples. Islam has not come to be changed, but has come to change others. Anyone can come to Dargah or Qanqah, have food and take shelter.
Muslims living in some villages have not received Taaleem. They celebrate both Hindu and Muslim festivals. Hindus accept Muslim festivals. Some Muslim families do prayers and offerings to idols, feudal Lords and angels. They take part in celebrations for Diwali, Dussera and Holi.
Most Muslims have not got lost in Hinduism. Muslims have distinct culture and lifestyle. There will be no compromise when it comes to the subject of God. A Muslim will accept and worship only one God.
at Masjid-e-Shujath, Towlichowki, Hyderabad.
Published in Muslim Murasu, May 2011
Three major Books had been sent down before the blissful coming of the Holy Quran. Tawrath and Injeel (Bible) are available albeit not in their original shape. Saboor has completely vanished. Tawrath is available as Bayaan, speech and dialogue form. ‘Injeel’ was amended repeatedly during different periods. The phrase ‘people of the book’ here refers to Christians and Jews. Few consider Hindus also as people of the book.
Hindus hold Bagavath Gita and four Vedas. Sikhs have a book for them; they fan it in their temples. But Allah refers two communities particularly. Both the communities lived in Madinah. Jews were in good number as inhabitants there and a good number of Christians fared as frequent visitors.
Tawheed – the creed that professes worship of one God is common for all. The holy book of Buddhists also carried the message of Tawheed. The concept, the idea, of one God is there. Though called by different names, Tawheed is the core content. Swami Vivekananda deliberated stridently about Tawheed. The movement against idol worship is not led only by Islam or Muslims. People belonging to other religions also have guided towards Tawheed. Parameshwar, Paramatma, God, they laid stress on one God using different names.
A super force, energy, administers the entire universe. People belonging to all the faiths admit the power of God. Khudrat operates in the functioning of human beings. It is the one that teaches the hatchlings of fishes to swim. Where does this all lead to? Someone is governing the universe. Allah exhibits His power in the functioning of each and every thing. The word ‘nature’ is used to denote this.
Let us first ignore the differences between you and us. Let us not worship anyone except the God.
This is the message given by Buddhism and Jainism as well. In the earlier days, Sikhs were preached about Tawheed. Later worshiping of Gurunanak started. Jains compromised with Hindus in worshiping Mahavir. Buddhism that spread over many countries in the globe got ensnared in idol worship. They started seeing Buddha also as God. Hindus accepted Buddha as their God. Chandrababu Naidu installed a mammoth Buddha statue in the middle of Husain Sagar lake in Hyderabad. Placid harmony spread between Hindus and Buddhists.
Islam has been successful in guarding its fundamentals. Hindus forgot their basics. There was an attempt to subvert Muslims through Dargahs. Muslims opened the doors of Dargah for Hindus, but they themselves did not enter temples. Islam has not come to be changed, but has come to change others. Anyone can come to Dargah or Qanqah, have food and take shelter.
Muslims living in some villages have not received Taaleem. They celebrate both Hindu and Muslim festivals. Hindus accept Muslim festivals. Some Muslim families do prayers and offerings to idols, feudal Lords and angels. They take part in celebrations for Diwali, Dussera and Holi.
Most Muslims have not got lost in Hinduism. Muslims have distinct culture and lifestyle. There will be no compromise when it comes to the subject of God. A Muslim will accept and worship only one God.
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