Maulana Rizwan Pasha Quadri at Masjide Shujath, Tolichowki, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, August 2011
Surah Ala Imran, rukoo 15, this contains five short verses. This was revealed in the backdrop of Uhud battle. It was a time when Muslims were facing a setback. There was rumor that Prophet is slain. Some good companions of Prophet were engulfed with the depressing thought that Prophet is not with us, what is the point of doing battle. Some were toying with the idea of surrendering to AbuSufyan. The situation was chaotic. Each Sahaba was visited with different sorts of thoughts.
In this backdrop, the revelation came – “Muhammad is no more than an Apostle. Many were the Apostles that passed away before him”. The idea to withdraw from fight once Prophet is gone is not right. “We will follow the right path when Prophet is with us. When he is dead, we will forsake our faith”. This is not logical in any way.
This is fourth jusu(section). This is the first time in Quran, the name ‘Muhammad’ has been used. This indicates Allah’s love and respect for our beloved Prophet. Allah has rarely used his name in Quran. Usually He refers Muhammad using signs. He refers by various names like Makki, Madhani and Taha which denote Prophet Muhammad. The name ‘Muhammad’ has come only four times in Quran. This is his original name.
Prophet warns that he who has got three sons, and did not name any of them with Muhammad, is a fool. In the day of Judgement, Allah will say, ‘Muhammad! Rise! Enter heaven!’. Everyone having ‘Muhammad’ in their names will rush towards heaven. Allah will forgive them and allow to proceed. Some communities use ‘Muhammad’ twice in their names. For example, Muhammad Muhammad Hussaini. Many families have the tradition of associating Muhammad in their names.
Another name of our Prophet is Ahamad. Hamd means praise. Muhammad means one who is often and repeatedly praised. Why is this name given to him? Usually human beings praise other things. But Allah praises only Muhammad. He glorifies him. Hence Prophet’s name is Muhammad. You will be surprised to know that no one has been named Muhammad before our Prophet. Some mischief-mongers were riled to call him Muhammad. So they decided to call him as Muzammam, which means one who is condemned. When this news reached the ears of Prophet, he replied, “My Lord has made me Muhammad. They are talking about some Muzamman. Not me”.
Don’t scold anyone having Muhammad as his name. Let respect be given.
Ahamad means one who praises. Muhammad means one who is praised. Allah has given both the names to His Prophet. All the creations praise Allah. But nothing is comparable to the way our Prophet praises Allah. Hence he is called Ahamad. All creations praise Allah. But they are not pure. We consider it a big achievement to learn three or five languages. But it is Allah who created all the languages. The way He praises will be supreme and unparalleled. Hence Prophet is both Ahamad and Muhammad.
Prophet is never separated from his mission. There was never a moment is his life, when he was disconnected from being a Prophet. He was never removed from his mission. He was Prophet from birth to death. He will remain as Prophet during the day of judgement and even after that. Qualities of human beings can change. Sometimes they will be angry, other times they may be sweet. But Prophet is not like this. He always exhibits sublime qualities as a Prophet. It never changes or wanes.
There have been prophets before him and they have passed away. You should not leave Imaan when Prophet passes away. “If he died or were slain, will ye then turn back on your heels?”. You should not leave your contact with God whether Prophet is alive or not.
Some consider that this verse is contradicting the faith of Ahle Sunnath. Let us clarify some points here. No one claims that Prophet did not die. Umar(rali) said angrily, “If anyone says Prophet is dead, I will cut his throat”. Abubakkar (rali) entered. He removed the sheet from Prophet’s face, kissed his face and then announced clearly, “If anyone of you were worshiping Muhammad, understand, Muhammad has passed away. Those of you who worshiped Allah, listen, Allah is alive and lives for ever”. Hearing this, the sword from Umar’s hand slipped down. He later reminisced that when Abubakkar recalled this verse, it was like a lightning falling on him. It seemed like hearing this verse for the first time.
This is the message of this verse. Prophets also will die. But when they go to grave, Lord will give them a new life. It is narrated in one hadees that while Prophet Muhammad was going on his Mehraj journey, he passed through the grave of Moses and saw Moses offering his prayer there. Our belief is not conflicting with the verse. Prophets will die. After that Allah will give them an eternal life. Muhammad also will die. Otherwise he will become God. Only God does not have death. Once you get this clarified, there won’t be doubt again on this issue.
Verse continues as, “If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to God”. When you return to your old faith, to Kufr, Allah will not lose anything. If you accept Islam, it is for your benefit. If you reject it, loss is yours. If the entire world embraces Islam, God is not going to benefit in any way. If entire world rejects, there is nothing God will lose. This applies to Prophet, Quran and Islam as well. Everyone accepting Islam is not going to raise its merit. If everyone recites and understands Quran, Quran has nothing to gain. If entire humanity joins and sings naath and salawath, status of Prophet is not going to change. If they condemn him, his glory won’t be disturbed a bit. Prophet, Quran or Allah are not in need of your praise. You are not helping in any way by reciting Quran or saying salawath. It is a blissful opportunity that Allah gives you. He will help you. We are here today. There is no guarantee about tomorrow. But Quran will survive for eternity. Lacks of people are willingly donating their service and hard work for Quran. And more people will come. Don’t feel proud about your works. Do not indulge in self-praise.
Verse continues, “But God will swiftly reward those who serve him with gratitude”. Our works won’t be wasted. Allah will richly reward for them. Let us involve in spreading this message. Allah will give you status and rewards in this world and the next.
August 21, 2011
August 20, 2011
Use Of Pseudonym
Muslim Murasu, August 2011
It is Muslim tradition to have names of Arabic origin. There are many whose lives come to an end before they understand the meaning of their names. Names are integral to religious identity.
In this globalized world, many foreign businessmen are landing in Chennai and other major Indian cities, establish foothold here and market brands having foreign names. There are many who have names with Sanskrit and north Indian words and still have acquired popular influence among Tamil people. During the period of freedom movement, there were many leaders with Arabic names but fared among the best in patriotism. Hindu name or Tamil worded names are not going to bring all respect and pride. Character is more important. Honesty and hard work will always earn good reputation. Islamic, Arabic names are not an obstacle to popularity. Some Muslims innocently hate their Arabic names. They are shedding their identity. Muslim name becomes important during wedding day and final procession.
No Hindu citizen harbors any hatred towards names in Arabic language. They embrace Muslims with their identity, their ‘Sahib’, ‘bhai’ features. Yet some Muslims bury their faces in shame. Pseudonyms are not needed.
A citizen can live in India with the name given by his parents. This is not prohibited. One need not feel shy about that. Any human being is expected to have patriotic feelings, linguistic sentiments and religious affinities. Day to day activities will bring respect to the name. Nation will accept everyone having talent and unbiased vision. Religious name will not be a hurdle. Indian citizenry joyfully accept religious identities and features. Those supporting changing names are betraying the adherent religion. Such people cannot reach great heights in their related fields. Concealing name smacks of dishonesty. The silly idea that people belonging to a particular religion are dangerous, threat to humanity, betrayer, such ideas can be liberally brushed aside. Making one’s religion proud is self-discipline. Crowd mentality is of no use. People following majority religion are not greats, nor are people belonging to minority religion inferiors. When a Hindu male and a Hindu female come together, a Hindu is born. When a Muslim male and a Muslim female involve in intercourse, a Muslim child is formed.
Good behavior and humane qualities are the only fundamental requirements for an Indian. Let us avoid pseudonyms. Let us make an impact with religious names.
It is Muslim tradition to have names of Arabic origin. There are many whose lives come to an end before they understand the meaning of their names. Names are integral to religious identity.
In this globalized world, many foreign businessmen are landing in Chennai and other major Indian cities, establish foothold here and market brands having foreign names. There are many who have names with Sanskrit and north Indian words and still have acquired popular influence among Tamil people. During the period of freedom movement, there were many leaders with Arabic names but fared among the best in patriotism. Hindu name or Tamil worded names are not going to bring all respect and pride. Character is more important. Honesty and hard work will always earn good reputation. Islamic, Arabic names are not an obstacle to popularity. Some Muslims innocently hate their Arabic names. They are shedding their identity. Muslim name becomes important during wedding day and final procession.
No Hindu citizen harbors any hatred towards names in Arabic language. They embrace Muslims with their identity, their ‘Sahib’, ‘bhai’ features. Yet some Muslims bury their faces in shame. Pseudonyms are not needed.
A citizen can live in India with the name given by his parents. This is not prohibited. One need not feel shy about that. Any human being is expected to have patriotic feelings, linguistic sentiments and religious affinities. Day to day activities will bring respect to the name. Nation will accept everyone having talent and unbiased vision. Religious name will not be a hurdle. Indian citizenry joyfully accept religious identities and features. Those supporting changing names are betraying the adherent religion. Such people cannot reach great heights in their related fields. Concealing name smacks of dishonesty. The silly idea that people belonging to a particular religion are dangerous, threat to humanity, betrayer, such ideas can be liberally brushed aside. Making one’s religion proud is self-discipline. Crowd mentality is of no use. People following majority religion are not greats, nor are people belonging to minority religion inferiors. When a Hindu male and a Hindu female come together, a Hindu is born. When a Muslim male and a Muslim female involve in intercourse, a Muslim child is formed.
Good behavior and humane qualities are the only fundamental requirements for an Indian. Let us avoid pseudonyms. Let us make an impact with religious names.
Quran Discourse Scarcity
Muslim Murasu, August 2011
Quran discourse arranged during the holy month of Ramzan is an important arrival. Weekly and monthly classes are conducted round the year.
Preachers relying heavily on bit notes held in their hands have been taking Tamilnadu for a ride for the past 30 years. Society cannot give prominence to sudden half-an-hour preachers. Society should take care of the needs and facilities of sublime commentators. Even one lakh rupees per month won’t be an appropriate reward to them.
As a result of Quran discourses falling in the hands of disparate groups, group-based fanatic preachings are being delivered in the name of Quran. Commentators are prioritizing the dogmas of their adherent groups instead of presenting supreme contents of Quran. Consequently, moomin is left to scramble for apt Quran teachings even in the sacred nights of Ramzan. Although 350 mosques decorate the city, finding Quran discourses that are fit enough to be published continuously in newspapers or magazines is appearing difficult.
Spiritual wisdom should flow direct from the heart. First requirement for this is to have halaal income and halaal intake. There is a portion of haraam in donations by philanthropists, and consequently commentator unwittingly intakes wrong, inappropriate and contaminated rizk.
It takes 25 years of uninterrupted education and 10 years of experience for fruitful formation of an engineer or a journalist or a doctor or a lawyer. Same parameters should fit for Quran scholars also. To complete qualification, it is imperative to take refuge under guruji, sheik or mentor and learn the art. Family expense for 35 years will amount to 4 crore rupees. Though austerity is a rule, Quran commentators should be held in supreme honor and respect. We will give you eight thousand rupees per month. If possible take somehow from someone and manage your family. This is cruel attitude.
Students having love and interest in Quran should be identified in early stage and high investment should be made to teach them different languages like Arabic, Urdu, and nurture them with special care. They can be trained atleast for 30 years under a senior veteran scholar.
Quran discourses these days are not inculcating taqwa, fear of God. They cannot be covered in Muslim magazines. Quality is going down. One is left to run after discourses in Urdu language, take refuge there with humility, and learn Quranic ideas. Islamic religious people can analyze about the dearth of discourses engulfing Tamilnadu.
Quran discourse arranged during the holy month of Ramzan is an important arrival. Weekly and monthly classes are conducted round the year.
Preachers relying heavily on bit notes held in their hands have been taking Tamilnadu for a ride for the past 30 years. Society cannot give prominence to sudden half-an-hour preachers. Society should take care of the needs and facilities of sublime commentators. Even one lakh rupees per month won’t be an appropriate reward to them.
As a result of Quran discourses falling in the hands of disparate groups, group-based fanatic preachings are being delivered in the name of Quran. Commentators are prioritizing the dogmas of their adherent groups instead of presenting supreme contents of Quran. Consequently, moomin is left to scramble for apt Quran teachings even in the sacred nights of Ramzan. Although 350 mosques decorate the city, finding Quran discourses that are fit enough to be published continuously in newspapers or magazines is appearing difficult.
Spiritual wisdom should flow direct from the heart. First requirement for this is to have halaal income and halaal intake. There is a portion of haraam in donations by philanthropists, and consequently commentator unwittingly intakes wrong, inappropriate and contaminated rizk.
It takes 25 years of uninterrupted education and 10 years of experience for fruitful formation of an engineer or a journalist or a doctor or a lawyer. Same parameters should fit for Quran scholars also. To complete qualification, it is imperative to take refuge under guruji, sheik or mentor and learn the art. Family expense for 35 years will amount to 4 crore rupees. Though austerity is a rule, Quran commentators should be held in supreme honor and respect. We will give you eight thousand rupees per month. If possible take somehow from someone and manage your family. This is cruel attitude.
Students having love and interest in Quran should be identified in early stage and high investment should be made to teach them different languages like Arabic, Urdu, and nurture them with special care. They can be trained atleast for 30 years under a senior veteran scholar.
Quran discourses these days are not inculcating taqwa, fear of God. They cannot be covered in Muslim magazines. Quality is going down. One is left to run after discourses in Urdu language, take refuge there with humility, and learn Quranic ideas. Islamic religious people can analyze about the dearth of discourses engulfing Tamilnadu.
August 17, 2011
One Problem, Two Solutions
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan speech
Published in Muslim Murasu, August 2o11
People used to have good memory power in those days when printing press was not there. Thousands of sahabas who had memorized full Quran were able to gather.
After we got hold of cellphone, we are unable to remember phone numbers. Earlier we used to remember many telephone numbers. When we use a faculty in our brain, its ability will improve.
Sabith Ansari(ral) had a very good memory power. People were asked to bring all objects like bones, leaves and leather where Quran had been inscribed. Everything was cross-checked. It was checked with what they had in their memory. One hadees tells that two verses were missing. It means that they were not written or inscribed on any object. But those verses were intact in memory of many sahabas. It should not be understood that those two verses were completely lost. Thus full Quran was verified with this ‘double check system’.
Then Quran was written on a book and preserved. Later during the period of Usman(ral), copies were taken and sent to places like Sham and Egypt.
In those days, nukta (Arabic vowels) were not written. Even if we get those books, we won’t be able to read them. People who know Arabic, Urdu, can read without nukta. But non-Arabs recited Quran in different ways. Maliki yaumideen. Now ‘Ma’ is written with meem and alif. Earlier they wrote only meem, laam and kaaf. So maalik can be read in different ways as mulk, milk, malik, malak and maalik. A word can be pronounced differently when nukta is not written.
Some Arab tribes read ‘kul auzhu birabbinaas’ as ‘kul auzhu birabinaath’. That is, they read ‘seen’ as ‘the’. Rabbinnaath, malikinnaath. In the same way, ‘kaaf’ was pronounced as ‘seen’. Because of these differences, many copies of Quran were burnt.
It is impossible to understand Quran without hadees.
Consider surah 94, verses 5 and 6. Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief. Why is it repeated twice. Holy Prophet explains that every problem comes with two opportunities. Troubles are natural; they will visit us. But Allah will give solution twice its proportion. One should not be dejected by troubles. One should keep hope and courage.
Surah 4, Ayath 128. Assulhu khair. Peaceful settlement is the best settlement. Ayisha(ral) tells that whenever our Prophet is confronted with two options, he always elected the easier one. One can be confronted with peaceful solution and a violent solution. Compromise is best and easy. This hadees can guide you whenever you are faced with confusion, struggle and turmoil.
One is deen(guidance) and another is applied deen. One is spirituality and another is practical spirituality. Practical Islam can be availed in the light of hadees. One cannot follow Islam without help of hadees.
Some people argue that there are weak, baseless hadees in hadees books, so we will follow Quran directly. Follow sahih hadees. Let us get wisdom from Quran with the help of hadees.
Published in Muslim Murasu, August 2o11
People used to have good memory power in those days when printing press was not there. Thousands of sahabas who had memorized full Quran were able to gather.
After we got hold of cellphone, we are unable to remember phone numbers. Earlier we used to remember many telephone numbers. When we use a faculty in our brain, its ability will improve.
Sabith Ansari(ral) had a very good memory power. People were asked to bring all objects like bones, leaves and leather where Quran had been inscribed. Everything was cross-checked. It was checked with what they had in their memory. One hadees tells that two verses were missing. It means that they were not written or inscribed on any object. But those verses were intact in memory of many sahabas. It should not be understood that those two verses were completely lost. Thus full Quran was verified with this ‘double check system’.
Then Quran was written on a book and preserved. Later during the period of Usman(ral), copies were taken and sent to places like Sham and Egypt.
In those days, nukta (Arabic vowels) were not written. Even if we get those books, we won’t be able to read them. People who know Arabic, Urdu, can read without nukta. But non-Arabs recited Quran in different ways. Maliki yaumideen. Now ‘Ma’ is written with meem and alif. Earlier they wrote only meem, laam and kaaf. So maalik can be read in different ways as mulk, milk, malik, malak and maalik. A word can be pronounced differently when nukta is not written.
Some Arab tribes read ‘kul auzhu birabbinaas’ as ‘kul auzhu birabinaath’. That is, they read ‘seen’ as ‘the’. Rabbinnaath, malikinnaath. In the same way, ‘kaaf’ was pronounced as ‘seen’. Because of these differences, many copies of Quran were burnt.
It is impossible to understand Quran without hadees.
Consider surah 94, verses 5 and 6. Verily, with every difficulty, there is relief. Verily with every difficulty there is relief. Why is it repeated twice. Holy Prophet explains that every problem comes with two opportunities. Troubles are natural; they will visit us. But Allah will give solution twice its proportion. One should not be dejected by troubles. One should keep hope and courage.
Surah 4, Ayath 128. Assulhu khair. Peaceful settlement is the best settlement. Ayisha(ral) tells that whenever our Prophet is confronted with two options, he always elected the easier one. One can be confronted with peaceful solution and a violent solution. Compromise is best and easy. This hadees can guide you whenever you are faced with confusion, struggle and turmoil.
One is deen(guidance) and another is applied deen. One is spirituality and another is practical spirituality. Practical Islam can be availed in the light of hadees. One cannot follow Islam without help of hadees.
Some people argue that there are weak, baseless hadees in hadees books, so we will follow Quran directly. Follow sahih hadees. Let us get wisdom from Quran with the help of hadees.
Quran Class on ETV Channel
Quran class by Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim on ETV Urdu channel.
Published in Muslim Murasu, August 2011.
Each one of us has been bestowed with an incredibly powerful brain. All of us have equally spectacular mental capacity. There are 10 trillion cells in a brain. Each cell has some 20000 connections. We use only 5 to 25% of the potential of our brain. Even after fully grown only a small proportion of brain capacity is used. Unused potential is tremendous; we are making only limited use.
While reading Quran we should try and understand it. Allah has made it easy.
Allah says in one hadees qudsi, “ I have divided prayer into two halves between Me and My servant”. When the devotee recites Fatiha surah, Allah replies by saying, “My servant has praised Me, he has extolled Me, he has submitted to My authority”.
We should check our attitude. We will die in few years. God observes when a person is praying. While reciting Quran, we should understand, realize and express gratitude from the depths of our hearts. He is giving free and continuous supply of oxygen.
Lip service is not good in prayer. One need not feel anything while saying two plus two is four. But while reading a poem, heart gets attached to it. Quran is God’s word. It should be felt in our heart.
Hamd means both praise and gratitude. God gave life to man. He provided peace and food. Every second crores of cells are reacting. Wipers in the eyes are functioning. We should be grateful. He is the One who made eyes, ears, heart work properly. He forcefully perpetuates His blessings. We are soaked in His mercy every moment from head to toe. So remember God and celebrate His praise. The name of Shaitan should bring irritation with it. God’s name should inspire happiness, peace and satisfaction.
The Day of Judgement is not like graduation day or birthday. It is the day when punishment and rewards will be given. It is different from salary day or wedding day. Yaumideen. Aalims usually cite this day to inspire fear. There is scope to have hope about rewards. It is the day when God can send us into the lush gardens of the heaven with His mercy.
Huwa, hum, antha, anthum, ana, nahnu, these parts of the words come nearly 1250 times in Quran. Hu, hum, ka, kum, e, na, these come nearly 10000 times. Rabbuhu means his rab, rabbuhum means their rab, rabbuka means your(singular) rab, rabbukum means your(plural) rab, rabbi means my rab, rabbuna means our rab.
Quran is easy. Let us understand and recite it.
Published in Muslim Murasu, August 2011.
Each one of us has been bestowed with an incredibly powerful brain. All of us have equally spectacular mental capacity. There are 10 trillion cells in a brain. Each cell has some 20000 connections. We use only 5 to 25% of the potential of our brain. Even after fully grown only a small proportion of brain capacity is used. Unused potential is tremendous; we are making only limited use.
While reading Quran we should try and understand it. Allah has made it easy.
Allah says in one hadees qudsi, “ I have divided prayer into two halves between Me and My servant”. When the devotee recites Fatiha surah, Allah replies by saying, “My servant has praised Me, he has extolled Me, he has submitted to My authority”.
We should check our attitude. We will die in few years. God observes when a person is praying. While reciting Quran, we should understand, realize and express gratitude from the depths of our hearts. He is giving free and continuous supply of oxygen.
Lip service is not good in prayer. One need not feel anything while saying two plus two is four. But while reading a poem, heart gets attached to it. Quran is God’s word. It should be felt in our heart.
Hamd means both praise and gratitude. God gave life to man. He provided peace and food. Every second crores of cells are reacting. Wipers in the eyes are functioning. We should be grateful. He is the One who made eyes, ears, heart work properly. He forcefully perpetuates His blessings. We are soaked in His mercy every moment from head to toe. So remember God and celebrate His praise. The name of Shaitan should bring irritation with it. God’s name should inspire happiness, peace and satisfaction.
The Day of Judgement is not like graduation day or birthday. It is the day when punishment and rewards will be given. It is different from salary day or wedding day. Yaumideen. Aalims usually cite this day to inspire fear. There is scope to have hope about rewards. It is the day when God can send us into the lush gardens of the heaven with His mercy.
Huwa, hum, antha, anthum, ana, nahnu, these parts of the words come nearly 1250 times in Quran. Hu, hum, ka, kum, e, na, these come nearly 10000 times. Rabbuhu means his rab, rabbuhum means their rab, rabbuka means your(singular) rab, rabbukum means your(plural) rab, rabbi means my rab, rabbuna means our rab.
Quran is easy. Let us understand and recite it.
August 14, 2011
Participate In Public Debates
Muslim Murasu, August 2011
Honorable Salman Khursheed speech at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed college, Chennai.
He delivered this speech as Minister for Minority Affairs.
15% of government expenditure must come to Muslims. We have to ensure it is actually coming to Muslims. But the truth is if this country gets the ideal system of governance, justice, education and social welfare, then Muslims have to ask for nothing because they as equal citizens will get what is their share. And they will not have to say we were left behind. The harsh truth is Sachar committee finally established that Muslims have been left behind. There are many reasons. And scholars will question the reasons including Abu Saleh Sharif who was member secretary of Sachar committee, the most informed person about litigant effect of Sachar committee. Partition forced Muslim elites to leave and go to Pakistan leaving behind a truncated and a traumatized community. Some people will talk of deliberate or unconscious discrimination. But frankly Muslims are the worst sufferers of partition. And those Muslims who decided to stay in India are the worst sufferers.
As far as we are concerned we were against partition. It is like us who were in UP, Bengal who were directly involved. There was no impact of partition on South India. Seminaries wanted India to remain one. Intellectuals wanted partition. Pakistan was pursued in Aligarh. Pakistan was thought of among the intellectuals and the rich. Poor people and maulvis said no to partition. Lot of people in India don't know this. Lot of us also don't know this. You have to be self conscious of what happened in 1947. We were the advocates of unity in this country. We were the people who fought for the freedom of this country. We were the people who deserve to be the equal partners. And we are equal partners. And if somewhere this equal partnership has gone wrong then we need to correct it. Equal rights should be pursued. Certainly it is not only the ministry of minority affairs that is responsible for the well being of minorities in this country. Ministry of minority affairs is responsible to see that all the other ministries are doing their bit for the minorities of this country. Nobody should think that HRD has no responsibility to minority or commerce or law or home has no responsibility towards minority. We are only watchdogs for the rest of the government to ensure that 15% of government's funds are coming to the minority. Now which is the best way to do this is something which we need to look into further.
As we prepare for the 12 th plan I request you to reflect on this and perhaps come to Delhi so that we can fine tune the experience of 3 years of the 11th plan in which we have implemented according to us the Sachar committee report. But Sachar committee report is not Quran. It can be wrong. For us there is only one book that cannot be wrong. Every other book can be wrong including Sachar committee report. We should examine Sachar committee report with a critical eye and what in this report will give benefit to Muslims by bringing Muslims and Hindus closer together and what in Sachar report will isolate Muslims in ghettos and give them something but retain them in ghetto.
We want and we can compete with everybody else in this country in every field. We do know when it comes to making rockets we can compete with everybody because we know that Dr APJ was the best mind we had in this country in making rocket. We recognized him by making the President of India. If we take cricket we know we can compete with the best. We don't need reservation. If we go to media we know that we can be the best. When we go to movies we know we don’t need any reservation. We can beat the rest.
There are many fields where we can be better than everybody else. We are better than everybody else. There are many fields in which we need support. We need urgent support in banking, civil services. It seems to me very strange that standing here in this college and standing in southern part of the country, you are still worrying about education. When we speak in UP, it is you I will give as example of success. You have done it yourself. The great souls have led you. Justice Basheer Ahmed Syeed has led you to build these institutions. There are 10 good quality educational institutions functioning in his name. Azim Premji is doing wonders in Bangalore. You can help people in UP, Bihar, Assam. You have done achievements in Tamilnadu in education sector. I ask you to come and give guidance in our district, even in my own constituency.
We have some models to examine. I have a model in mind. My model in mind is not to have a ministry for minority affairs, but a ministry for equal opportunity. When we say ministry of minority affairs, many think that they have nothing to do with this ministry. My colleagues feel that they have nothing to do with my ministry. And Mulsims think that ministry of minorioty affairs is ministry of Muslim affairs, which is not true. We have other minorities in this country. Some of them are not suffering the same kind. Some have suffered many of the things that we suffer in much worse manner. There are sikhs. Parsis have a very peculiar problem. They have the problem of population. They ask me for money to increase their population. Planning commission says how can we give money for increasing the population when we set all the money for reducing the growth of population. It is a different kind of problem that we have to examine. When we talk of equal opportunity this is much easier. When we talk only of minority character it becomes difficult. When you were asking for minority character for Jamia and Aligarh, fortunately we were able to provide and ensure minority character for Jamia. When i went to Aligarh and said now the world has changed. Don’t ask for minority character. We were fighting for autonomy. But today all the universities have autonomy. You have to fight for something else. Fight for democratic institution called Aligarh Muslim University and the constituency of that institution will obviously be constituencies that are associated and related to the Muslim community of our country. Muslims can then decide for themselves what kind of institution they want to run. Minority character is just one aspect of the democratic right to run your own institution. Government should not interfere. Students get against the VC and come to Delhi and meet ministers and say please get the VC removed. You are a minority institution, you must not come to a government minister and say remove our VC. This is a problem that a community must resolve itself by consensus. If you want to bring people together and want facilitator we will help you. If a minister interferes today because you want it, tomorrow he will interfere because he wants it.
What we need in this country is a major rethink of institutions, but that major rethink of institutions must obviously focus and concentrate on our own institutions.
The country is screaming about rights of Binayak Sen. Let us hear what the Muslims have to say. Why does a Muslim personal law board or why does a milli council or a Muslim organization speak only about Aligarh and Jamia, speak only about riots in Gujarat. Why don't they speak about what is happening amongst naxalites, or what is happening in Tamilnadu, or what happened to Binayak Sen or Sharmila in Manipur or why dont they talk about rest of India because rest of india belongs to them just as much this college belongs to them, just as much muslim mohalla belongs to them, just as much mosque belongs to them. Mosque is for religion. For political debates and discussions it is this college. I dont mean political party discussions i mean politics in the highest sense. Politics is the ultimate in the emergence of the intellectual. We are described by amartya sen as the argumentative indians. Let us not choose topics about Muslims alone. Let us speak about human rights, education. When lokpal bill is debated why are not Muslim intellectuals at the forefront of the discussion. What has been focussed in terms of existing programmes and how it can be further focussed for betterment of Muslim.
We have to make these deliverable promises and quantifiable delivery. Quantify delivery every year, every 3 years, every five years. In priority sector loans we have reached 13% on a target of 15%. In public sector and government jobs, on a target of 15%, we have reached only 9%. We have given 44 lakh scholarships to minorities for pre-metric and another 5 lakh for post-metric, 750 for PhD, this year that will become 1400. This year i hope 44 lakh scholarships will become 60 lakh scholarships. We are looking only 2 year old program. We are looking at how we can universalize it. Every child applying for scholarship must get it. No turning back saying the quota given is reached. That is the aspiration, commitment i have. I hope to reach that position in next 3 years, provided the child meets the criteria about parent earnings and marks obtained. Some of the formulas we have applied have not been so successful as we hoped they would be. We have to fine tune.
You are, the men and women here, are the examples we hold out to rest of the country because if the rest of India could simply come up to your level, Indian Muslims are going to rise by atleast 20 to 30%. I urge people here, you have so much in Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, please migrate and come to the north and set up good institutions in north as well. Let there be a day when a minister for minority affairs come from Tamilnadu, come to speak in a college like this up in th north, and we can then say north south divide has been bridged by none other than the Muslims of India; the way they gave freedom to the country. This is the broad spectrum I had to give you. I will
certainly look specifically into suggestions that have been made . We will factor them in 12th plan, which will be ready in another 8 months time. We will see from experiences what we have been able to achieve and where we have to go.
Honorable Salman Khursheed speech at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed college, Chennai.
He delivered this speech as Minister for Minority Affairs.
15% of government expenditure must come to Muslims. We have to ensure it is actually coming to Muslims. But the truth is if this country gets the ideal system of governance, justice, education and social welfare, then Muslims have to ask for nothing because they as equal citizens will get what is their share. And they will not have to say we were left behind. The harsh truth is Sachar committee finally established that Muslims have been left behind. There are many reasons. And scholars will question the reasons including Abu Saleh Sharif who was member secretary of Sachar committee, the most informed person about litigant effect of Sachar committee. Partition forced Muslim elites to leave and go to Pakistan leaving behind a truncated and a traumatized community. Some people will talk of deliberate or unconscious discrimination. But frankly Muslims are the worst sufferers of partition. And those Muslims who decided to stay in India are the worst sufferers.
As far as we are concerned we were against partition. It is like us who were in UP, Bengal who were directly involved. There was no impact of partition on South India. Seminaries wanted India to remain one. Intellectuals wanted partition. Pakistan was pursued in Aligarh. Pakistan was thought of among the intellectuals and the rich. Poor people and maulvis said no to partition. Lot of people in India don't know this. Lot of us also don't know this. You have to be self conscious of what happened in 1947. We were the advocates of unity in this country. We were the people who fought for the freedom of this country. We were the people who deserve to be the equal partners. And we are equal partners. And if somewhere this equal partnership has gone wrong then we need to correct it. Equal rights should be pursued. Certainly it is not only the ministry of minority affairs that is responsible for the well being of minorities in this country. Ministry of minority affairs is responsible to see that all the other ministries are doing their bit for the minorities of this country. Nobody should think that HRD has no responsibility to minority or commerce or law or home has no responsibility towards minority. We are only watchdogs for the rest of the government to ensure that 15% of government's funds are coming to the minority. Now which is the best way to do this is something which we need to look into further.
As we prepare for the 12 th plan I request you to reflect on this and perhaps come to Delhi so that we can fine tune the experience of 3 years of the 11th plan in which we have implemented according to us the Sachar committee report. But Sachar committee report is not Quran. It can be wrong. For us there is only one book that cannot be wrong. Every other book can be wrong including Sachar committee report. We should examine Sachar committee report with a critical eye and what in this report will give benefit to Muslims by bringing Muslims and Hindus closer together and what in Sachar report will isolate Muslims in ghettos and give them something but retain them in ghetto.
We want and we can compete with everybody else in this country in every field. We do know when it comes to making rockets we can compete with everybody because we know that Dr APJ was the best mind we had in this country in making rocket. We recognized him by making the President of India. If we take cricket we know we can compete with the best. We don't need reservation. If we go to media we know that we can be the best. When we go to movies we know we don’t need any reservation. We can beat the rest.
There are many fields where we can be better than everybody else. We are better than everybody else. There are many fields in which we need support. We need urgent support in banking, civil services. It seems to me very strange that standing here in this college and standing in southern part of the country, you are still worrying about education. When we speak in UP, it is you I will give as example of success. You have done it yourself. The great souls have led you. Justice Basheer Ahmed Syeed has led you to build these institutions. There are 10 good quality educational institutions functioning in his name. Azim Premji is doing wonders in Bangalore. You can help people in UP, Bihar, Assam. You have done achievements in Tamilnadu in education sector. I ask you to come and give guidance in our district, even in my own constituency.
We have some models to examine. I have a model in mind. My model in mind is not to have a ministry for minority affairs, but a ministry for equal opportunity. When we say ministry of minority affairs, many think that they have nothing to do with this ministry. My colleagues feel that they have nothing to do with my ministry. And Mulsims think that ministry of minorioty affairs is ministry of Muslim affairs, which is not true. We have other minorities in this country. Some of them are not suffering the same kind. Some have suffered many of the things that we suffer in much worse manner. There are sikhs. Parsis have a very peculiar problem. They have the problem of population. They ask me for money to increase their population. Planning commission says how can we give money for increasing the population when we set all the money for reducing the growth of population. It is a different kind of problem that we have to examine. When we talk of equal opportunity this is much easier. When we talk only of minority character it becomes difficult. When you were asking for minority character for Jamia and Aligarh, fortunately we were able to provide and ensure minority character for Jamia. When i went to Aligarh and said now the world has changed. Don’t ask for minority character. We were fighting for autonomy. But today all the universities have autonomy. You have to fight for something else. Fight for democratic institution called Aligarh Muslim University and the constituency of that institution will obviously be constituencies that are associated and related to the Muslim community of our country. Muslims can then decide for themselves what kind of institution they want to run. Minority character is just one aspect of the democratic right to run your own institution. Government should not interfere. Students get against the VC and come to Delhi and meet ministers and say please get the VC removed. You are a minority institution, you must not come to a government minister and say remove our VC. This is a problem that a community must resolve itself by consensus. If you want to bring people together and want facilitator we will help you. If a minister interferes today because you want it, tomorrow he will interfere because he wants it.
What we need in this country is a major rethink of institutions, but that major rethink of institutions must obviously focus and concentrate on our own institutions.
The country is screaming about rights of Binayak Sen. Let us hear what the Muslims have to say. Why does a Muslim personal law board or why does a milli council or a Muslim organization speak only about Aligarh and Jamia, speak only about riots in Gujarat. Why don't they speak about what is happening amongst naxalites, or what is happening in Tamilnadu, or what happened to Binayak Sen or Sharmila in Manipur or why dont they talk about rest of India because rest of india belongs to them just as much this college belongs to them, just as much muslim mohalla belongs to them, just as much mosque belongs to them. Mosque is for religion. For political debates and discussions it is this college. I dont mean political party discussions i mean politics in the highest sense. Politics is the ultimate in the emergence of the intellectual. We are described by amartya sen as the argumentative indians. Let us not choose topics about Muslims alone. Let us speak about human rights, education. When lokpal bill is debated why are not Muslim intellectuals at the forefront of the discussion. What has been focussed in terms of existing programmes and how it can be further focussed for betterment of Muslim.
We have to make these deliverable promises and quantifiable delivery. Quantify delivery every year, every 3 years, every five years. In priority sector loans we have reached 13% on a target of 15%. In public sector and government jobs, on a target of 15%, we have reached only 9%. We have given 44 lakh scholarships to minorities for pre-metric and another 5 lakh for post-metric, 750 for PhD, this year that will become 1400. This year i hope 44 lakh scholarships will become 60 lakh scholarships. We are looking only 2 year old program. We are looking at how we can universalize it. Every child applying for scholarship must get it. No turning back saying the quota given is reached. That is the aspiration, commitment i have. I hope to reach that position in next 3 years, provided the child meets the criteria about parent earnings and marks obtained. Some of the formulas we have applied have not been so successful as we hoped they would be. We have to fine tune.
You are, the men and women here, are the examples we hold out to rest of the country because if the rest of India could simply come up to your level, Indian Muslims are going to rise by atleast 20 to 30%. I urge people here, you have so much in Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh, please migrate and come to the north and set up good institutions in north as well. Let there be a day when a minister for minority affairs come from Tamilnadu, come to speak in a college like this up in th north, and we can then say north south divide has been bridged by none other than the Muslims of India; the way they gave freedom to the country. This is the broad spectrum I had to give you. I will
certainly look specifically into suggestions that have been made . We will factor them in 12th plan, which will be ready in another 8 months time. We will see from experiences what we have been able to achieve and where we have to go.
August 11, 2011
Training Brings Value
Muslim Murasu, August 2011
Economist Dr. Amir Ullah Khan speech at lamakaan, Hyderabad
This will be a free-wheeling discussion instead of a lecture. I am 44. If you interfere me appropriately, I will understand your expectations. State of Indian economy is the topic. When asked about the most pressing problem that India is facing, you listed corruption, education, leadership etc. During my childhood days population was considered the biggest challenge. Population was a problem 20 years back, but no more. 120 crore population looks OK. Population growth has come under control. Average family size in 1991 was 7.1. Today it is 3.3, and it will be 2.3 in near future. Two births and two deaths will balance out. Population will become stagnant. Population will become 135 crore by the end of this decade and become stable there.
This is a young population. Growth has proved to be the best contraception. While many family planning schemes failed, growth has finally reined in the population growth. Indian Prime Minister declared in Parliament in 2006 that population is our greatest strength and asset.
Let me take you back 60 years. Between 1950 and 1980, GDP growth was constant at 3.5% and this was called Hindu rate of growth. But population growth was 2.5% and because of this growth did not reach people. A poor country will have to grow much faster. Japan can afford to have GDP growth of 1%, France can have just 1.5%. It is sufficient for them. But 7.5% growth is inadequate for India. Because our base is poor. GDP, which is calculated based on some ten thousand factors, miraculously did not change in fifties, sixties and seventies. As they say, this can happen only in India.
In 1981, population growth dropped to 1.9% and GDP growth shot up to 5%. In 1990, it further went up to 6.5% while population growth dropped further to 1.7%. Today GDP growth is 7.5% and population growth is 1.6%. This is double whammy.
Sikhs were portrayed as terrorists in the eighties.Punjab, which was the most industrialized state in India, was on fire. One cannot walk in Ludhiana after 4 in the evening. Even New Delhi was not a good place to live. Patiala was nearly dead. Ironically Punjab problem came to an end with the death of Indira Gandhi; a very cruel coincidence. Rajiv Gandhi became young Prime Mister with new ideas. Growth was good. But financial discipline was terrible. When Punjab problem was ended, Srilanka, Tamil issue and Kashmir unrest started. A small motley group ruled India during 1989-91. Many won’t even remember those party names. It was confused, unstable politics. They were confused between Mandal commission and economic reforms. Then Narasimha Rao became Prime Minister with wafer-thin majority after buying some small parties in Jharkhand. But he bravely implemented drastic reforms that previous majority governments shied away from. There was sea change in foreign investment and internal banking system. The same period 1992-93 that saw economic reforms, also witnessed Babri masjid demolition and Bombay riots. Then came Devgowda, Gujral, 13 days Vajpayee and 6 years Vajpayee. We did nuclear test emphatically, for which the world has not yet forgiven us. Those were the two years when GDP growth went down.
In past 30 years, government has changed seven times. GDP remained unimpaired by these shifts. It continually grew. Growth remained intact despite famines, earthquakes, war situation, floods, government instability.
When Japan grows, growth is reflected in everything and in every dimension. This happened in India only during Mughal period. There was all-round growth, in arts, economy, army, security and culture. Today’s growth is not similar. Politics is not promising.
Today we are witnessing female foeticide. This has increased in urbanised areas. South Delhi is the worst accused of all 618 districts. Female foeticide is less in tribal districts, but more in urbanised areas.
Average Indian age is 24. This is a young nation. 65% population is less than 35. Japan, England and America went past this same stage in the past. Young population is important not because they will produce more, but they will consume more. So a young country won’t hesitate to spend. I finished B.E in 1987. Two companies BHEL and ECIL used to come for campus recruitments. Monthly salary was 1200 rupees. Only five students will be recruited. I joined BHEL. I proudly told my friends that I will buy a scooter before 1995. Scooter costed 9000 rupees. My friends told me not to be arrogant. But today I see youngsters buying cars and flats. I feel happy. Young population brings benefit to the nation.
But this is a fragile population. Recently I read small a news about inauguration of National Academy of Construction here near Charminar. This is stupendous development. This will yield good quality plumbers, carpenters and electricians. Training and certification can increase wage by 300%. Skilled workforce is scarce in India. Uncertified, untrained labourers are not reliable. Certification is a sure shot way for poverty alleviation. Youth population that is untrained holds no promise for future. There won’t be growth.
In 2000, 50% did not go to school. Of the 50% enrolled in schools, 74% were absentees. Because teachers were regularly absent. In 2010, 97% children have been enrolled in schools. This is a huge development. Work from developed countries was outsourced to India. Now some small countries depend on India’s help. Salary hike has been 14% continually for the past 9 years. This is the highest in the world. It took 18 years to double the salary in 1960s. Now it takes just six years. Hereafter quality should take precedence in lieu of labor arbitrage. Of the 60 crore working employees in India, only 22 lakh work in IT industry. But IT contributes to 9% of services sector. Even though workforce is less, its contribution to exports and services is huge. IT contributes to 26% in exports growth.
Quality has to be improved in education. An average sixth standard student struggles to read second standard textbooks.
Tuberculosis medicine costs just 6 dollars, 300 rupees. Yet one crore people die because of this disease. Only 3.5% of GDP is allotted for healthcare. When we go out just 5 k.m out of the city, stark malnutrition cases are visible aplenty. Protein deficiency is acute. Inflation has been continually rising in the past two years. Of all the vegetables consumed, 72% is of potatoes and onions. Onion has become center of politics. Inflation results in malnutrition.
An engineering graduate can work anywhere in India. But a farmer cannot sell his produce anywhere in India. There is liquor prohibition in Gujarat. This only benefits cops. When I was undergoing training there, liquor used to be sold in police stations.
Grain production in India is 220 million tonnes. 190 MT is sufficient for all Indians to eat joyfully. But 50 million tonne is wasted in storage and logistics. This results in scarcity of 30 MT. A person brings his produce from village to the market. When he started in his village, rates were different. Market rates are different. He ends up dumping his produce in the wayside out of sheer frustration and returns home. A farm produce changes 14 hands before it reaches final consumer. Some Indian barons are creating obstacles for the entry of investments like Walmart in retail industry. In 1961, farming gave employment to 79% and it contributed to 60% of GDP. Now 60% workforce in farming contribute to only 14% of GDP. India is fourth largest economic force in the world. We will overtake Japan quite soon. Yet we are home to 30 crore poor people. Growth is there, but distribution is missing. Is growth important or inclusive growth important? If we target inclusive growth, there will neither be inclusion nor will there be growth. This is my opinion. America is the most unequal nation in the world. Indian economy is 1.7 trillion dollar. Black economy will be half of this. Highest foreign investment to India comes from Mauritius. Indian money is re-entering India. Only 1.5% people pay income tax. 94% belong to unorganised sector. Income tax collection has increased 65% y-o-y continually for the past 14 years. Customs and Excise collection also has increased. But direct tax increase is good. Northern states are witnessing growth.
Economist Dr. Amir Ullah Khan speech at lamakaan, Hyderabad
This will be a free-wheeling discussion instead of a lecture. I am 44. If you interfere me appropriately, I will understand your expectations. State of Indian economy is the topic. When asked about the most pressing problem that India is facing, you listed corruption, education, leadership etc. During my childhood days population was considered the biggest challenge. Population was a problem 20 years back, but no more. 120 crore population looks OK. Population growth has come under control. Average family size in 1991 was 7.1. Today it is 3.3, and it will be 2.3 in near future. Two births and two deaths will balance out. Population will become stagnant. Population will become 135 crore by the end of this decade and become stable there.
This is a young population. Growth has proved to be the best contraception. While many family planning schemes failed, growth has finally reined in the population growth. Indian Prime Minister declared in Parliament in 2006 that population is our greatest strength and asset.
Let me take you back 60 years. Between 1950 and 1980, GDP growth was constant at 3.5% and this was called Hindu rate of growth. But population growth was 2.5% and because of this growth did not reach people. A poor country will have to grow much faster. Japan can afford to have GDP growth of 1%, France can have just 1.5%. It is sufficient for them. But 7.5% growth is inadequate for India. Because our base is poor. GDP, which is calculated based on some ten thousand factors, miraculously did not change in fifties, sixties and seventies. As they say, this can happen only in India.
In 1981, population growth dropped to 1.9% and GDP growth shot up to 5%. In 1990, it further went up to 6.5% while population growth dropped further to 1.7%. Today GDP growth is 7.5% and population growth is 1.6%. This is double whammy.
Sikhs were portrayed as terrorists in the eighties.Punjab, which was the most industrialized state in India, was on fire. One cannot walk in Ludhiana after 4 in the evening. Even New Delhi was not a good place to live. Patiala was nearly dead. Ironically Punjab problem came to an end with the death of Indira Gandhi; a very cruel coincidence. Rajiv Gandhi became young Prime Mister with new ideas. Growth was good. But financial discipline was terrible. When Punjab problem was ended, Srilanka, Tamil issue and Kashmir unrest started. A small motley group ruled India during 1989-91. Many won’t even remember those party names. It was confused, unstable politics. They were confused between Mandal commission and economic reforms. Then Narasimha Rao became Prime Minister with wafer-thin majority after buying some small parties in Jharkhand. But he bravely implemented drastic reforms that previous majority governments shied away from. There was sea change in foreign investment and internal banking system. The same period 1992-93 that saw economic reforms, also witnessed Babri masjid demolition and Bombay riots. Then came Devgowda, Gujral, 13 days Vajpayee and 6 years Vajpayee. We did nuclear test emphatically, for which the world has not yet forgiven us. Those were the two years when GDP growth went down.
In past 30 years, government has changed seven times. GDP remained unimpaired by these shifts. It continually grew. Growth remained intact despite famines, earthquakes, war situation, floods, government instability.
When Japan grows, growth is reflected in everything and in every dimension. This happened in India only during Mughal period. There was all-round growth, in arts, economy, army, security and culture. Today’s growth is not similar. Politics is not promising.
Today we are witnessing female foeticide. This has increased in urbanised areas. South Delhi is the worst accused of all 618 districts. Female foeticide is less in tribal districts, but more in urbanised areas.
Average Indian age is 24. This is a young nation. 65% population is less than 35. Japan, England and America went past this same stage in the past. Young population is important not because they will produce more, but they will consume more. So a young country won’t hesitate to spend. I finished B.E in 1987. Two companies BHEL and ECIL used to come for campus recruitments. Monthly salary was 1200 rupees. Only five students will be recruited. I joined BHEL. I proudly told my friends that I will buy a scooter before 1995. Scooter costed 9000 rupees. My friends told me not to be arrogant. But today I see youngsters buying cars and flats. I feel happy. Young population brings benefit to the nation.
But this is a fragile population. Recently I read small a news about inauguration of National Academy of Construction here near Charminar. This is stupendous development. This will yield good quality plumbers, carpenters and electricians. Training and certification can increase wage by 300%. Skilled workforce is scarce in India. Uncertified, untrained labourers are not reliable. Certification is a sure shot way for poverty alleviation. Youth population that is untrained holds no promise for future. There won’t be growth.
In 2000, 50% did not go to school. Of the 50% enrolled in schools, 74% were absentees. Because teachers were regularly absent. In 2010, 97% children have been enrolled in schools. This is a huge development. Work from developed countries was outsourced to India. Now some small countries depend on India’s help. Salary hike has been 14% continually for the past 9 years. This is the highest in the world. It took 18 years to double the salary in 1960s. Now it takes just six years. Hereafter quality should take precedence in lieu of labor arbitrage. Of the 60 crore working employees in India, only 22 lakh work in IT industry. But IT contributes to 9% of services sector. Even though workforce is less, its contribution to exports and services is huge. IT contributes to 26% in exports growth.
Quality has to be improved in education. An average sixth standard student struggles to read second standard textbooks.
Tuberculosis medicine costs just 6 dollars, 300 rupees. Yet one crore people die because of this disease. Only 3.5% of GDP is allotted for healthcare. When we go out just 5 k.m out of the city, stark malnutrition cases are visible aplenty. Protein deficiency is acute. Inflation has been continually rising in the past two years. Of all the vegetables consumed, 72% is of potatoes and onions. Onion has become center of politics. Inflation results in malnutrition.
An engineering graduate can work anywhere in India. But a farmer cannot sell his produce anywhere in India. There is liquor prohibition in Gujarat. This only benefits cops. When I was undergoing training there, liquor used to be sold in police stations.
Grain production in India is 220 million tonnes. 190 MT is sufficient for all Indians to eat joyfully. But 50 million tonne is wasted in storage and logistics. This results in scarcity of 30 MT. A person brings his produce from village to the market. When he started in his village, rates were different. Market rates are different. He ends up dumping his produce in the wayside out of sheer frustration and returns home. A farm produce changes 14 hands before it reaches final consumer. Some Indian barons are creating obstacles for the entry of investments like Walmart in retail industry. In 1961, farming gave employment to 79% and it contributed to 60% of GDP. Now 60% workforce in farming contribute to only 14% of GDP. India is fourth largest economic force in the world. We will overtake Japan quite soon. Yet we are home to 30 crore poor people. Growth is there, but distribution is missing. Is growth important or inclusive growth important? If we target inclusive growth, there will neither be inclusion nor will there be growth. This is my opinion. America is the most unequal nation in the world. Indian economy is 1.7 trillion dollar. Black economy will be half of this. Highest foreign investment to India comes from Mauritius. Indian money is re-entering India. Only 1.5% people pay income tax. 94% belong to unorganised sector. Income tax collection has increased 65% y-o-y continually for the past 14 years. Customs and Excise collection also has increased. But direct tax increase is good. Northern states are witnessing growth.
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