Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Humans nowadays live easily upto ninety. Self control, dietary control and lifestyle and habits are the deciding factors. On an average, 25 years are spent in acquiring education and then five years are consumed for employment, marriage and buying house. People wedding afterwards can at the maximum enjoy married life for twenty years. Man becomes host to disease after fifty. Air is thick with carbon dioxide. Hearts will fail to work smoothly. Remaining years will be spent with the help of doctors, medicines and equipments. Troubles are harder for ladies. All are trapped and hassled in family control techniques. Birth control implants, pills, abortion, delaying or denying child, all these are against nature. Excessive loss of blood and uterus displacement have become common. Reproach for marriage pleasures after age of forty, incapacity, physical weakness, obstacles and new diseases have impaired the growth of human society.
Muslims completely ignored Islamic fundamentals. Candidates belonging to either gender should be married once they reach adolescence. Western model of life will not help. Polygamy is the cure. Those having physical and economic strength should go for second and third marriages. There is nothing to feel shy. Otherwise sexual improprieties and illicit relationships will surge. Skin diseases and STDs will bring disgrace. Men should earn and women should run family with contentment. Both going out and earning will affect peace in family. Contentment is the best medicine. It will bring blessings and happiness. Family control and nuclear families are disgraceful western ideas. This will affect faith in God. One will lose God’s protection. Dowry is forbidden. Jewel obsession is pernicious. It will severely impair occupation and income. Remaining seventy years of life need not be ignored for the sake of marriages that hardly last twenty years.
April 25, 2012
Four Types Of Tamilians
Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Tamilians in Tamilnadu are divided among four groups. There is no point in hiding this any further; it will only make things worse. SC Tamilians, BC Tamilians, MBC Tamilians and upper caste Tamilians. Hundred years back, there were only two types of Tamilians in villages in Tamilnadu; SCs and others. Third category, backward classes, started emerging in 1950s. BC noise was at its loudest during 1970s. Demand for most backward classes started gaining strength in another 10 years. Ten percent of Tamilians maintain their upper caste status with their individualistic culture and traditions. They maintain relations and contacts among the remaining ninety percent Tamilians with utmost seriousness. These four divisions of Tamilians can be seen in every government office. Each have their own events, meetings, leaders, TV channels and politics. It has become routine in Tamilnadu. Although title echoes Tamil, Tamizhar, Tamilnadu, only people belonging to particular group will participate. Others will stand at a distance and watch. Each district and Taluk in Tamilnadu will be dominated by a particular class. People belonging to other classes will have to pay their fees and maintain their dignity and commerce. There is nothing to be ashamed. Police, courts, administration and media will pay silent watch.
Twenty lakh Tamilians live refugee life in the capital city of Tamilnadu. Urbanization, globalization, modernization and onslaught of foreign businesses are shattering their lives. There is no leader to speak for them, share their grief or sympathize with them. They will feel broken down if AC is off for a few minutes. They have comfortably forgotten their past. Youngsters, boys and girls, are busy with their cinema dreams. They shun away from political ideas. They don’t spend time reading in-depth articles. Their only mission is employment, amassing money and living luxurious life. Strong reason is needed to bring together all four kinds of Tamilians. Division is deepening every day. Tamil leaders should guide towards a monthly income of fifty thousand rupees. Shouts for Yalpanam is not going to succeed in Tamilnadu. Memories of past thirty years cannot be wiped out. Tamil leaders can forsake their farce pledges and work for the development of Tamil community. Otherwise they will be isolated.
Tamilians in Tamilnadu are divided among four groups. There is no point in hiding this any further; it will only make things worse. SC Tamilians, BC Tamilians, MBC Tamilians and upper caste Tamilians. Hundred years back, there were only two types of Tamilians in villages in Tamilnadu; SCs and others. Third category, backward classes, started emerging in 1950s. BC noise was at its loudest during 1970s. Demand for most backward classes started gaining strength in another 10 years. Ten percent of Tamilians maintain their upper caste status with their individualistic culture and traditions. They maintain relations and contacts among the remaining ninety percent Tamilians with utmost seriousness. These four divisions of Tamilians can be seen in every government office. Each have their own events, meetings, leaders, TV channels and politics. It has become routine in Tamilnadu. Although title echoes Tamil, Tamizhar, Tamilnadu, only people belonging to particular group will participate. Others will stand at a distance and watch. Each district and Taluk in Tamilnadu will be dominated by a particular class. People belonging to other classes will have to pay their fees and maintain their dignity and commerce. There is nothing to be ashamed. Police, courts, administration and media will pay silent watch.
Twenty lakh Tamilians live refugee life in the capital city of Tamilnadu. Urbanization, globalization, modernization and onslaught of foreign businesses are shattering their lives. There is no leader to speak for them, share their grief or sympathize with them. They will feel broken down if AC is off for a few minutes. They have comfortably forgotten their past. Youngsters, boys and girls, are busy with their cinema dreams. They shun away from political ideas. They don’t spend time reading in-depth articles. Their only mission is employment, amassing money and living luxurious life. Strong reason is needed to bring together all four kinds of Tamilians. Division is deepening every day. Tamil leaders should guide towards a monthly income of fifty thousand rupees. Shouts for Yalpanam is not going to succeed in Tamilnadu. Memories of past thirty years cannot be wiped out. Tamil leaders can forsake their farce pledges and work for the development of Tamil community. Otherwise they will be isolated.
April 22, 2012
What If They Turn Away
Maulana Kasim Ansari Bhopali speech at Milad celebrations in New College, Chennai
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
There is no specific season to celebrate Seerath. This is an evergreen subject. Islam is not a ritualistic religion. Islam is based on solid creed and sound principles. It is the religion about oneness of God. Quran and Hadees lay foundation for this. Sole purpose of the visit of Prophet to this earth is to annihilate rites and rituals.
“Now hath come unto you an apostle from amongst you”. Surah 9, Tauba, verse 128-129. ‘lakad ja’akum rasoolun min anfusikum azizun alaihi ma anithum harisun alaikum bil moomineena raufun raheem’. If they turn away, say: God sufficeth me. ‘kul hasbiyallahu’.
People have burdens on their heads and their legs are chained. Prophet’s mission is to release them from their heavy burdens and chains. Surah 7, Ahraf, verse 157 – ‘yalahu anhum israhum val aglallathee kanath alaihim’.
Main speaker of the day has not come today. Ali (rali) has said that he realized God when he failed in his plans. Don’t feel disappointed. Sometimes our desires won’t materialize. You need not lose hope. Shaikh Muhaideen Abdul Kadhir Jilani (rah) says, “Go with what Allah desires; your desires will start coming true”. Surah 2, Baqara, verse 216 – You may dislike a thing which is good for you. ‘asaa anthakrahu shaiya vahuva khairunlakum’. You may love a thing which is bad for you. ‘asaa an thuhibbu shaiya vahuva sharrunlakum’.
Whatever you learn from Quran, you can see the same in the life of Rasoolullah. Quran and Seerath won’t deviate from one another. Prophet has said that the wonders of Quran will never end. Same is true about Seerath. Science has turned the world upside down. It will bring more changes in future. But man always needs Seerath for his success. Commands of Quran and Rasoolullah are same. Surah 53, Najm, verse 3-4. ‘ma yanthiku anil hawa inhuwa illa vahyun yuha. He does not say anything out of his desire. Surah 59, Hashr, verse 7 – ‘ma athakum rasoolu fakuzoohu vama nahakum anhu fanthahu’. Take what Prophet assigns to you and avoid what he withholds from you.
Read Quran to understand high status given to Prophet. Allah takes vow on the city because Prophet stays in that city. Surah 90, Balad, verse 1-2. ‘va antha hillun bihazal balad’. In another instance, Allah takes vow on the life of His beloved. ‘By thy life, they wander in distraction’. Surah 15, Hijr, verse 72. ‘la amruka innahum lafi sakrathihim yahmahun’. Allah has ordained in another verse not to raise voice above the voice of Prophet. Surah 49, Hujrath, verse 2 – ‘la tharfahu asvathakum’. Prophet will be given ‘makaman mahmoodan’, exalted position, in the next world. Surah 17, Bani Israel, verse 79 – ‘asaa ayyabashaka rabbuka makaman mahmoodan’. It is impossible to count Allah’s favors on us. Each drop of water is a favor. But Allah has openly mentioned only one of His Favors. ‘lakad mannallaha alal moomineena iz ba’asha feehim rasoolan’. Surah 3, Ala Imran, verse 164. Prophet’s position is very special.
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
There is no specific season to celebrate Seerath. This is an evergreen subject. Islam is not a ritualistic religion. Islam is based on solid creed and sound principles. It is the religion about oneness of God. Quran and Hadees lay foundation for this. Sole purpose of the visit of Prophet to this earth is to annihilate rites and rituals.
“Now hath come unto you an apostle from amongst you”. Surah 9, Tauba, verse 128-129. ‘lakad ja’akum rasoolun min anfusikum azizun alaihi ma anithum harisun alaikum bil moomineena raufun raheem’. If they turn away, say: God sufficeth me. ‘kul hasbiyallahu’.
People have burdens on their heads and their legs are chained. Prophet’s mission is to release them from their heavy burdens and chains. Surah 7, Ahraf, verse 157 – ‘yalahu anhum israhum val aglallathee kanath alaihim’.
Main speaker of the day has not come today. Ali (rali) has said that he realized God when he failed in his plans. Don’t feel disappointed. Sometimes our desires won’t materialize. You need not lose hope. Shaikh Muhaideen Abdul Kadhir Jilani (rah) says, “Go with what Allah desires; your desires will start coming true”. Surah 2, Baqara, verse 216 – You may dislike a thing which is good for you. ‘asaa anthakrahu shaiya vahuva khairunlakum’. You may love a thing which is bad for you. ‘asaa an thuhibbu shaiya vahuva sharrunlakum’.
Whatever you learn from Quran, you can see the same in the life of Rasoolullah. Quran and Seerath won’t deviate from one another. Prophet has said that the wonders of Quran will never end. Same is true about Seerath. Science has turned the world upside down. It will bring more changes in future. But man always needs Seerath for his success. Commands of Quran and Rasoolullah are same. Surah 53, Najm, verse 3-4. ‘ma yanthiku anil hawa inhuwa illa vahyun yuha. He does not say anything out of his desire. Surah 59, Hashr, verse 7 – ‘ma athakum rasoolu fakuzoohu vama nahakum anhu fanthahu’. Take what Prophet assigns to you and avoid what he withholds from you.
Read Quran to understand high status given to Prophet. Allah takes vow on the city because Prophet stays in that city. Surah 90, Balad, verse 1-2. ‘va antha hillun bihazal balad’. In another instance, Allah takes vow on the life of His beloved. ‘By thy life, they wander in distraction’. Surah 15, Hijr, verse 72. ‘la amruka innahum lafi sakrathihim yahmahun’. Allah has ordained in another verse not to raise voice above the voice of Prophet. Surah 49, Hujrath, verse 2 – ‘la tharfahu asvathakum’. Prophet will be given ‘makaman mahmoodan’, exalted position, in the next world. Surah 17, Bani Israel, verse 79 – ‘asaa ayyabashaka rabbuka makaman mahmoodan’. It is impossible to count Allah’s favors on us. Each drop of water is a favor. But Allah has openly mentioned only one of His Favors. ‘lakad mannallaha alal moomineena iz ba’asha feehim rasoolan’. Surah 3, Ala Imran, verse 164. Prophet’s position is very special.
April 21, 2012
Blessings Of Meritorious Juma
Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Mid-day prayer, Luhar, usually contains four Rakaaths. On Fridays, considering holiness, it is reduced to two Rakaaths and sermon has been made compulsory.
Weekly discourses, these days, resemble Tamil speeches. They should not remind us of Dravidian political speakers. Arabic knowledge should get first place and priority. Tamil language can come next. Text and ideas from Holy Book deserves sixty percent of time. Other things, history, condemnation, frustration, Muhalla theatrics, incidents, anecdotes, warnings can be relegated to remaining time. Surah name, verse number, context and background and current relevance should be explained with authenticity.
It is good to take one deep observation of the audience sitting on the floor in front. Philanthropists, writers, political masterminds, professors, missionary workers, zameendars, top-notch graduates, merchants, daily wagers, IT professionals, multilingual experts, wise men and owners are sitting with their heads down. They pledge obedience, humility, surrender, love, compromise for next 20 minutes. This peaceful situation is a great gift. Speaker should carefully use it.
Speech should remind us only of Prophet. Examples and illustrations given by Prophet should be repeated. Self-portrayals, condemnations are dangerous. It will bring adverse reactions. Don’t indulge in scolding. Scores of men are working day and night and nurturing the growth of Islamic ideology. Our contribution is only a drop in the ocean. Wisdom attained from deep study of Quran over the past seven days only should be expressed. Inferences should be sharp. Speakers with bit notes shall be eliminated. Those who can’t find time to memorize five verse and a couple of Hadees are not useful to the growing society today. Spiritual quest is increasing, but supply is inadequate. Quality of speeches should be such that they can be published in book forms without any editing. The need for Islamic fundamentals has increased hundred times. Meritorious Juma speeches should be published in book form and handouts. Fifty lakh Muslims will benefit. Forty thousand rupees is not a big expenditure for a Muhalla. Juma speeches should not be gone with the wind. They should be recorded, documented and preserved. This will expose Imaan, leadership, superiority, status, glitter, lineage and level of exemplary quality of the Muhalla. Juma is a splendid gift. Don’t miss it.
Mid-day prayer, Luhar, usually contains four Rakaaths. On Fridays, considering holiness, it is reduced to two Rakaaths and sermon has been made compulsory.
Weekly discourses, these days, resemble Tamil speeches. They should not remind us of Dravidian political speakers. Arabic knowledge should get first place and priority. Tamil language can come next. Text and ideas from Holy Book deserves sixty percent of time. Other things, history, condemnation, frustration, Muhalla theatrics, incidents, anecdotes, warnings can be relegated to remaining time. Surah name, verse number, context and background and current relevance should be explained with authenticity.
It is good to take one deep observation of the audience sitting on the floor in front. Philanthropists, writers, political masterminds, professors, missionary workers, zameendars, top-notch graduates, merchants, daily wagers, IT professionals, multilingual experts, wise men and owners are sitting with their heads down. They pledge obedience, humility, surrender, love, compromise for next 20 minutes. This peaceful situation is a great gift. Speaker should carefully use it.
Speech should remind us only of Prophet. Examples and illustrations given by Prophet should be repeated. Self-portrayals, condemnations are dangerous. It will bring adverse reactions. Don’t indulge in scolding. Scores of men are working day and night and nurturing the growth of Islamic ideology. Our contribution is only a drop in the ocean. Wisdom attained from deep study of Quran over the past seven days only should be expressed. Inferences should be sharp. Speakers with bit notes shall be eliminated. Those who can’t find time to memorize five verse and a couple of Hadees are not useful to the growing society today. Spiritual quest is increasing, but supply is inadequate. Quality of speeches should be such that they can be published in book forms without any editing. The need for Islamic fundamentals has increased hundred times. Meritorious Juma speeches should be published in book form and handouts. Fifty lakh Muslims will benefit. Forty thousand rupees is not a big expenditure for a Muhalla. Juma speeches should not be gone with the wind. They should be recorded, documented and preserved. This will expose Imaan, leadership, superiority, status, glitter, lineage and level of exemplary quality of the Muhalla. Juma is a splendid gift. Don’t miss it.
April 18, 2012
People Are Leaving Religion
Speech by Maulana Khaleel Ahmad, Shaikul Jamia Nizamia, at 'Fitna-e-irtadad aur roktham' event organized at Mugalpura playground, Hyderabad
Irtadad means to leave Islam. Those who do this are committing a serious mistake. The ownership will fall on the neighboring people as well. This is a grave sin and punishment will be severe. All efforts should be made to bring them back to the fold of Islam.
How did this problem crop up in the first place. Our houses have become devoid of Islamic education. We consider it enough to teach Ozhu (ablution), prayer and Quran recitation. Essence is not taught. Our children do not know commands of Islam. They won’t be able to face the upcoming storm.
We want our children to become engineers and doctors. Islam has no objection to seek higher and better positions. First make your children as Muslims. Then you can make arrangements for their degrees and postings. We cannot wallow in ignorance and protect Islam. This is electronic age where knowledge has sweeping influence.
Our children come under various influences when they go out. They see many scenes and are impacted in many different ways. Only two or three TV channels are helpful to us. All other channels are enemies to our religion. There will be adverse impact from repeatedly watching them. We should first pay attention towards this. Book releases and meetings are not the solution. Darkness is in the house. Disease has penetrated deep. Applying ailment on the skin is not going to cure. Shaitan has entered our houses.
Lack of modesty has become one important reason for Irtadad. Our culture was considered medieval. But they are panicking when they see their children straying. People trapped in other cultures are in distress. ‘bepardagi’ (indecency) leads us to sins. But now as a development of this age, it is taking us to Kufr also.
People have become very greedy. Lakhpathi wants to become Crorepathi. They turn their backs to Islam when the go up the ladder and incline towards Kufr.
Missionaries do not go to rich people. They target poor. They take advantage of poverty, implement some welfare schemes and convert them.
To stop this fitna, parents should first prepare themselves. Houses should be set right. The children for whom you toiled day and night are becoming prey for others. Seminars and public events are not endpoints. This is only to instill right spirit. People against Islam are working all 12 months. They do not waste time in seminars and meetings. This is age of nuclear weapons. Old pistols are not sufficient to manage onslaught by modern equipments. Appropriate use should be made of TV, print media, movements, communication devices. Cultural deterioration should be urgently arrested.
Irtadad means to leave Islam. Those who do this are committing a serious mistake. The ownership will fall on the neighboring people as well. This is a grave sin and punishment will be severe. All efforts should be made to bring them back to the fold of Islam.
How did this problem crop up in the first place. Our houses have become devoid of Islamic education. We consider it enough to teach Ozhu (ablution), prayer and Quran recitation. Essence is not taught. Our children do not know commands of Islam. They won’t be able to face the upcoming storm.
We want our children to become engineers and doctors. Islam has no objection to seek higher and better positions. First make your children as Muslims. Then you can make arrangements for their degrees and postings. We cannot wallow in ignorance and protect Islam. This is electronic age where knowledge has sweeping influence.
Our children come under various influences when they go out. They see many scenes and are impacted in many different ways. Only two or three TV channels are helpful to us. All other channels are enemies to our religion. There will be adverse impact from repeatedly watching them. We should first pay attention towards this. Book releases and meetings are not the solution. Darkness is in the house. Disease has penetrated deep. Applying ailment on the skin is not going to cure. Shaitan has entered our houses.
Lack of modesty has become one important reason for Irtadad. Our culture was considered medieval. But they are panicking when they see their children straying. People trapped in other cultures are in distress. ‘bepardagi’ (indecency) leads us to sins. But now as a development of this age, it is taking us to Kufr also.
People have become very greedy. Lakhpathi wants to become Crorepathi. They turn their backs to Islam when the go up the ladder and incline towards Kufr.
Missionaries do not go to rich people. They target poor. They take advantage of poverty, implement some welfare schemes and convert them.
To stop this fitna, parents should first prepare themselves. Houses should be set right. The children for whom you toiled day and night are becoming prey for others. Seminars and public events are not endpoints. This is only to instill right spirit. People against Islam are working all 12 months. They do not waste time in seminars and meetings. This is age of nuclear weapons. Old pistols are not sufficient to manage onslaught by modern equipments. Appropriate use should be made of TV, print media, movements, communication devices. Cultural deterioration should be urgently arrested.
Three Are Responsible For Cultural Deterioration
Speech by Maulana Khaja Shareef, Jamia Nizamia, at 'Fitna-e-irtadad aur roktham' event organized at Mugalpura playground, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
In earlier times, people were attracted by good character of Muslims and they embraced Islam. But now, Muslims are renouncing Islam. This does not happen usually. This is a fitna (problem) of this age. Allah brought Muslims to spread religion. But Muslims are now leaving Islam.
Aalim, family members and people of the neighborhood should share the responsibility. Consider there is a murder in a neighborhood. According to Fiqh rules, if the murderer is not identified within a specified time, then all the inhabitants in that area will be held accountable and made to pay fine. This is called kasana. A murderer with a cruel mentality has stayed among you and you allowed him to commit this grave crime. The crime will belong to entire people of that Muhalla.
Islam spread through good character. Rasoolullah toiled hard for 13 years in Mecca. Then he continued in Medina for six more years. In this 19 years, 4000 or 5000 people had accepted Islam. Hudaibiya agreement was signed in Hijri 6. Ten years of peace was announced. Islam is not religion for war. In these peaceful years, people of Mecca traveling to Sham used to stay in Muslim houses in Medina. They witnessed lifestyle of Muslims. Muslims did not sermonize in this period. But their character was impressive. The way they behaved with parents, good character of wife, showing hospitality to even harshest enemies attracted people of Mecca. Fifty thousand people newly joined Islam in these two years.
Khaira Ummath is needed for everyone. Each creature needs you. “kuntum khaira ummathi ukhrijath linnaas”. Now situation has changed. Muslims are moving away from Islam.
Imam Malik (rah) collected some rare Hadees. Solution to this problem is found in book Muatha. There is no new way for Islah (reformation) of people. People can be reformed only in the way that was used to reform earlier communities. There is no other way. ‘Lai yaslaha’.
Practical model; amali tadbeer. Quran describes many societies that have gone astray and communities that were reformed. If all that can be put in one line, we need role models. If there are role models, people will overcome obstacles and come close. We don’t have models in our houses. There is not even a conducive atmosphere. You have to become role models in your houses. I hear that in some families in Hyderabad, parents and children sit together and watch vulgar films. We have to prepare for Janasa if this is true. Parents should discipline their children if they do wrong. Inna lillahi.
Parents have become reason for Irtadad. Shaitan has vowed to stray us. Surah 7, Al Ahraf, verse 16. I will sit on your straight path. ‘la akvudanna lahum sirathal mustakeem’. They love and spread indecency. Surah 24, Noor, verse 19 – allazeena yuhiboona an tasheehal fahishath.
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
In earlier times, people were attracted by good character of Muslims and they embraced Islam. But now, Muslims are renouncing Islam. This does not happen usually. This is a fitna (problem) of this age. Allah brought Muslims to spread religion. But Muslims are now leaving Islam.
Aalim, family members and people of the neighborhood should share the responsibility. Consider there is a murder in a neighborhood. According to Fiqh rules, if the murderer is not identified within a specified time, then all the inhabitants in that area will be held accountable and made to pay fine. This is called kasana. A murderer with a cruel mentality has stayed among you and you allowed him to commit this grave crime. The crime will belong to entire people of that Muhalla.
Islam spread through good character. Rasoolullah toiled hard for 13 years in Mecca. Then he continued in Medina for six more years. In this 19 years, 4000 or 5000 people had accepted Islam. Hudaibiya agreement was signed in Hijri 6. Ten years of peace was announced. Islam is not religion for war. In these peaceful years, people of Mecca traveling to Sham used to stay in Muslim houses in Medina. They witnessed lifestyle of Muslims. Muslims did not sermonize in this period. But their character was impressive. The way they behaved with parents, good character of wife, showing hospitality to even harshest enemies attracted people of Mecca. Fifty thousand people newly joined Islam in these two years.
Khaira Ummath is needed for everyone. Each creature needs you. “kuntum khaira ummathi ukhrijath linnaas”. Now situation has changed. Muslims are moving away from Islam.
Imam Malik (rah) collected some rare Hadees. Solution to this problem is found in book Muatha. There is no new way for Islah (reformation) of people. People can be reformed only in the way that was used to reform earlier communities. There is no other way. ‘Lai yaslaha’.
Practical model; amali tadbeer. Quran describes many societies that have gone astray and communities that were reformed. If all that can be put in one line, we need role models. If there are role models, people will overcome obstacles and come close. We don’t have models in our houses. There is not even a conducive atmosphere. You have to become role models in your houses. I hear that in some families in Hyderabad, parents and children sit together and watch vulgar films. We have to prepare for Janasa if this is true. Parents should discipline their children if they do wrong. Inna lillahi.
Parents have become reason for Irtadad. Shaitan has vowed to stray us. Surah 7, Al Ahraf, verse 16. I will sit on your straight path. ‘la akvudanna lahum sirathal mustakeem’. They love and spread indecency. Surah 24, Noor, verse 19 – allazeena yuhiboona an tasheehal fahishath.
April 15, 2012
Give Guru's Share
Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Guru, master, ustad or sheikh is where one can learn the art of life. The need for this training will be felt every second in life. Saints can impart this training in a brief face to face meeting with him. Remaining life will be a continuation of this learning process. One can continue to receive benefits even from distance. But the prerequisite is that guru and student should travel on the same straight path. Intention should be same. Target, objective, plan and direction should be one. Sacred Text will give its attestation to the holiness of guru. Allah, Rasool, Ameer, this order of authority cannot be broken. One leads to another.
Human mentality is spending lakhs of rupees to learn engineering, medicine, communication, commerce and IT. But they are reluctant to formally learn Taqwa. One can receive wisdom from appreciating experts of Sacred Book. Hearts will be cultured to take and face vicissitudes of life, losses and gains, with same spirit. Restlessness, yearning, distress, rage and panic will be controlled. Money can do many things, but cannot give life. A complete guru can do wonders, miracles that money can’t. The religious campuses that we see today will turn out to be consequences of discourses, preaching, prayers and suggestions of a saint. Guidance makes good hearts.
A religious person should first understand the importance of guru, sheikh or ustad. Ameersaab has been given authority. He stays in close contact with God and spends his time in worship. He is fountain of wisdom. His prayers will be answered. He lives disciplined, noble life. Administration of earth has been given in his charge. He displays no selfishness. Sheikhs are working in every Muhalla, district, state and direction. It is compulsory duty, farl ein, to honor them. Rule is simple. Hearing their speeches will decrease material desires and turn our attention towards afterlife. Confusions and doubts in our hearts will be removed. He will preach goodness. He has the capacity to check trappings of Shaitan.
People who have benefited from Sheikh’s preaching should not be satisfied with ten rupees or fifty rupees donation. Good guidance is priceless. Donations shall be liberal. It will bring Barakath. Muslim society is lagging in honoring and keeping Shaikhs in high esteem. Those whose life has changed by discourses should sacrifice some time. One third of income and half or a quarter of the wealth shall be donated. Donating to guru is essential for the growth of religion. Money and wealth can be donated to receive wisdom of Quran. Sacred book shall not be given for free.
Guru, master, ustad or sheikh is where one can learn the art of life. The need for this training will be felt every second in life. Saints can impart this training in a brief face to face meeting with him. Remaining life will be a continuation of this learning process. One can continue to receive benefits even from distance. But the prerequisite is that guru and student should travel on the same straight path. Intention should be same. Target, objective, plan and direction should be one. Sacred Text will give its attestation to the holiness of guru. Allah, Rasool, Ameer, this order of authority cannot be broken. One leads to another.
Human mentality is spending lakhs of rupees to learn engineering, medicine, communication, commerce and IT. But they are reluctant to formally learn Taqwa. One can receive wisdom from appreciating experts of Sacred Book. Hearts will be cultured to take and face vicissitudes of life, losses and gains, with same spirit. Restlessness, yearning, distress, rage and panic will be controlled. Money can do many things, but cannot give life. A complete guru can do wonders, miracles that money can’t. The religious campuses that we see today will turn out to be consequences of discourses, preaching, prayers and suggestions of a saint. Guidance makes good hearts.
A religious person should first understand the importance of guru, sheikh or ustad. Ameersaab has been given authority. He stays in close contact with God and spends his time in worship. He is fountain of wisdom. His prayers will be answered. He lives disciplined, noble life. Administration of earth has been given in his charge. He displays no selfishness. Sheikhs are working in every Muhalla, district, state and direction. It is compulsory duty, farl ein, to honor them. Rule is simple. Hearing their speeches will decrease material desires and turn our attention towards afterlife. Confusions and doubts in our hearts will be removed. He will preach goodness. He has the capacity to check trappings of Shaitan.
People who have benefited from Sheikh’s preaching should not be satisfied with ten rupees or fifty rupees donation. Good guidance is priceless. Donations shall be liberal. It will bring Barakath. Muslim society is lagging in honoring and keeping Shaikhs in high esteem. Those whose life has changed by discourses should sacrifice some time. One third of income and half or a quarter of the wealth shall be donated. Donating to guru is essential for the growth of religion. Money and wealth can be donated to receive wisdom of Quran. Sacred book shall not be given for free.
April 14, 2012
Parents Come Immediately After Allah
Darse Quran by Maulana Syed Rizwan Pasha Quadri
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Surah Nisa, verse 36. Worship Allah. Do not attribute anything equal to Him. “He has powers like Allah. Allah certainly has to pay heed to his words”. Such assertions have no place in Islam. No one is equal to Allah. There is no match to His attributes and qualities. He is alone. He has no partner. Allah commands to worship Him alone. Immediately after this, Allah commands kindness towards parents.
After Allah, it is your parents most deserving of your services. They are the most important in this world next to Allah. Some question about importance of Prophet. Accepting Allah is accepting Prophet and vice-verse.
Prophet has told that your mothers are heaven for you. You make her happy, you attain heaven. Your fathers are your heaven. You make him happy, you will get heaven. All your worships and rituals are wasted if your parents are unhappy. Allah has no need for your prayers. Parents need your love. No person can fully compensate for the sacrifices of parents.
A companion came to Prophet and said that he carried his mother over his shoulders and did Haj from Medina to Mecca. He inquired whether he has compensated for her sacrifice. Prophet replied that he has not compensated for a small part of the pain that his mother endured during his birth.
Quran says, ‘ani shukurni valilvalidayn’. Be thankful to God and be thankful to parents. Those who are ungrateful to parents are ungrateful to God. Sometimes parents do annoy us. Short temper naturally comes with old age. They may have physical illness or they might have lost their life mate. This may cause depression and they may express anger. But do not say a word of inconvenience to them. This is God’s command. Allah will honor those who honor their parents.
In the period of Imam Thirmidi (rah), his companions set out to Basra for education. He could not join them because his mother was old and alone. Books were not available in those days. There won’t be copies of books. His friends returned after learning. Imam Thirmidi asked them to say some Hadees that they learned. When they start to tell any Hadees, Imam will tell them the remaining Hadees with complete details. His friends were surprised about how he knew this much when he had not traveled with them. Imam Thirmidi answered that Allah showed mercy on him and sent Khizr (alai) everyday to teach him. Khizr (alai) is from the time of Moosa (alai). Allah will give good rewards to those who are respectful to parents.
‘vakullahuma kawlan kareema’. Quran command is to use pleasant words to parents. Whatever be your tension, don’t speak harsh words to them if you want to protect your Imaan. Lower your shoulders to them. Don’t show arrogance. Surah 17, Bani Israel, verses 23-24.
Parents are huge blessing to children. If your parents are no more, be good to their relatives. If this makes your parents happy, all your sins will be forgiven. Show love for mother and respect to father. This is the opinion of Quran commentators. If both of them ask for water at the same time, first give to mother and then to father.
Prophet explained with a hypothetical example. My parents are alive. Ikamath has been said for prayer. I am standing for prayer. Now if my mother calls me, ‘Ya Muhammad’, then I will leave prayer and rush to answer her call. Prayer can be delayed but I cannot ignore my mother’s call.
A companion of Prophet sought his permission to migrate from Mecca to Medina. Prophet replied, “You have aged mother. Take good care of her. You will receive same grace that you will receive if you see me in person”.
Father’s Dua for his children will be accepted. Dua by Messengers for their society will be accepted. Same way, father’s Dua for his children will be answered.
Verse 36 continues with importance of relatives. Set aside sometime in your life for your relatives. Nowadays people are not visiting their relatives even on festivals. Rightful earning and good relation with relatives are very essential. ‘zil kurba’- close relatives. Next, be benevolent to orphans, care for poor people and show kindness to your neighbors. Sometimes exchange curries with your neighbors on left, sometime exchange gifts with your neighbors on right. Elite section is becoming more and more careless about their neighbors. You may be educated, but commands of Quran won't change. Guards are employed for security. No one is going their neighbor houses. Muslim should be friendly in his neighborhood, no matter what their religion is. One should be protection to another.
Neighbor of Imam Abu Hanifa (rah) was a drunkard. He will shout all night. Once he was taken in police custody. Imam went to station and bailed him out. He seated that person in the camel and he himself sat behind him. The neighbor felt remorse and renounced drinking.
You should not move your balcony in the premises of your neighbor. Don’t park cars in front of their houses. Don’t trouble them in any way. Don’t push your walls into their area. Forty houses constitute neighbors; forty to the right, forty to the left, forty in front and forty back. This is Prophet’s suggestion. You have to visit them if they are ill. Some are raising eyebrows. Is this possible these days? You know how many houses politicians visit for ballots. You have to care for your neighbors for your Akhirat.
Orphans are young kids and their desires will be little. If you cannot take entire ownership for them, you can certainly fulfill their small wishes. You can spend 2000 rupees for them. Atleast spend 50 rupees.
Don’t abuse or curse poor people. Don’t give them lectures. Verse 36 says, be good to companions. Some interpret this to mean wives. Be good to your friends. Behave well with wayfarers. Lodges and hotels are not needed. Don’t start interrogating. Give money to travelers and remove their distress. Don’t be skeptical. Relatives may sometimes come to our house. Don’t show unpleasant attitude. Be kind to your servants and assistants. Maids should not be ill-treated. Servants are not inferiors. They are also children of Adam (alai). Wages should be given before their sweat evaporates. Don’t get curses from your servants and assistants. Receive their Dua. Allah has given you good position. Don’t be arrogant to your assistants, whether they are Hindu or Muslim. Allah does not like arrogant, boastful people. Allah does not care about your position, status or wealth.
Leader should be a serving person. Society will naturally elevate those who serve them as leaders.
Parents – validayn
Relatives – zil kurba
Orphans – yathama
Poor – masaakeen
Neighbors – zarijil kurba
Companions – sahibi bil janbi
Wayfarers – vabnas sabeel
Servants – maa malakath aymaanukum
Do good – ihsaana
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Surah Nisa, verse 36. Worship Allah. Do not attribute anything equal to Him. “He has powers like Allah. Allah certainly has to pay heed to his words”. Such assertions have no place in Islam. No one is equal to Allah. There is no match to His attributes and qualities. He is alone. He has no partner. Allah commands to worship Him alone. Immediately after this, Allah commands kindness towards parents.
After Allah, it is your parents most deserving of your services. They are the most important in this world next to Allah. Some question about importance of Prophet. Accepting Allah is accepting Prophet and vice-verse.
Prophet has told that your mothers are heaven for you. You make her happy, you attain heaven. Your fathers are your heaven. You make him happy, you will get heaven. All your worships and rituals are wasted if your parents are unhappy. Allah has no need for your prayers. Parents need your love. No person can fully compensate for the sacrifices of parents.
A companion came to Prophet and said that he carried his mother over his shoulders and did Haj from Medina to Mecca. He inquired whether he has compensated for her sacrifice. Prophet replied that he has not compensated for a small part of the pain that his mother endured during his birth.
Quran says, ‘ani shukurni valilvalidayn’. Be thankful to God and be thankful to parents. Those who are ungrateful to parents are ungrateful to God. Sometimes parents do annoy us. Short temper naturally comes with old age. They may have physical illness or they might have lost their life mate. This may cause depression and they may express anger. But do not say a word of inconvenience to them. This is God’s command. Allah will honor those who honor their parents.
In the period of Imam Thirmidi (rah), his companions set out to Basra for education. He could not join them because his mother was old and alone. Books were not available in those days. There won’t be copies of books. His friends returned after learning. Imam Thirmidi asked them to say some Hadees that they learned. When they start to tell any Hadees, Imam will tell them the remaining Hadees with complete details. His friends were surprised about how he knew this much when he had not traveled with them. Imam Thirmidi answered that Allah showed mercy on him and sent Khizr (alai) everyday to teach him. Khizr (alai) is from the time of Moosa (alai). Allah will give good rewards to those who are respectful to parents.
‘vakullahuma kawlan kareema’. Quran command is to use pleasant words to parents. Whatever be your tension, don’t speak harsh words to them if you want to protect your Imaan. Lower your shoulders to them. Don’t show arrogance. Surah 17, Bani Israel, verses 23-24.
Parents are huge blessing to children. If your parents are no more, be good to their relatives. If this makes your parents happy, all your sins will be forgiven. Show love for mother and respect to father. This is the opinion of Quran commentators. If both of them ask for water at the same time, first give to mother and then to father.
Prophet explained with a hypothetical example. My parents are alive. Ikamath has been said for prayer. I am standing for prayer. Now if my mother calls me, ‘Ya Muhammad’, then I will leave prayer and rush to answer her call. Prayer can be delayed but I cannot ignore my mother’s call.
A companion of Prophet sought his permission to migrate from Mecca to Medina. Prophet replied, “You have aged mother. Take good care of her. You will receive same grace that you will receive if you see me in person”.
Father’s Dua for his children will be accepted. Dua by Messengers for their society will be accepted. Same way, father’s Dua for his children will be answered.
Verse 36 continues with importance of relatives. Set aside sometime in your life for your relatives. Nowadays people are not visiting their relatives even on festivals. Rightful earning and good relation with relatives are very essential. ‘zil kurba’- close relatives. Next, be benevolent to orphans, care for poor people and show kindness to your neighbors. Sometimes exchange curries with your neighbors on left, sometime exchange gifts with your neighbors on right. Elite section is becoming more and more careless about their neighbors. You may be educated, but commands of Quran won't change. Guards are employed for security. No one is going their neighbor houses. Muslim should be friendly in his neighborhood, no matter what their religion is. One should be protection to another.
Neighbor of Imam Abu Hanifa (rah) was a drunkard. He will shout all night. Once he was taken in police custody. Imam went to station and bailed him out. He seated that person in the camel and he himself sat behind him. The neighbor felt remorse and renounced drinking.
You should not move your balcony in the premises of your neighbor. Don’t park cars in front of their houses. Don’t trouble them in any way. Don’t push your walls into their area. Forty houses constitute neighbors; forty to the right, forty to the left, forty in front and forty back. This is Prophet’s suggestion. You have to visit them if they are ill. Some are raising eyebrows. Is this possible these days? You know how many houses politicians visit for ballots. You have to care for your neighbors for your Akhirat.
Orphans are young kids and their desires will be little. If you cannot take entire ownership for them, you can certainly fulfill their small wishes. You can spend 2000 rupees for them. Atleast spend 50 rupees.
Don’t abuse or curse poor people. Don’t give them lectures. Verse 36 says, be good to companions. Some interpret this to mean wives. Be good to your friends. Behave well with wayfarers. Lodges and hotels are not needed. Don’t start interrogating. Give money to travelers and remove their distress. Don’t be skeptical. Relatives may sometimes come to our house. Don’t show unpleasant attitude. Be kind to your servants and assistants. Maids should not be ill-treated. Servants are not inferiors. They are also children of Adam (alai). Wages should be given before their sweat evaporates. Don’t get curses from your servants and assistants. Receive their Dua. Allah has given you good position. Don’t be arrogant to your assistants, whether they are Hindu or Muslim. Allah does not like arrogant, boastful people. Allah does not care about your position, status or wealth.
Leader should be a serving person. Society will naturally elevate those who serve them as leaders.
Parents – validayn
Relatives – zil kurba
Orphans – yathama
Poor – masaakeen
Neighbors – zarijil kurba
Companions – sahibi bil janbi
Wayfarers – vabnas sabeel
Servants – maa malakath aymaanukum
Do good – ihsaana
April 12, 2012
Don't Eat Heavily
Darse Quran by Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
A person met me after Juma Namaz and sought my suggestion over a matter. There is a vacant land near a mosque. It belongs to a Hindu. He is willing to give it for free. Is it appropriate. Surah 9, Tauba, verse 17 – “no when they witness against their own souls to infidelity – ma kaana lil mushrikeena inyahmaroona masajidallah”. If that person insists to give it for free, he could rather receive the money from Muslims and donate it to poor people.
People of Meccah had 40 years to recognize Prophet. Even before Nubuwath, plants and trees used to say Salaam to Prophet. He did not become Prophet all of a sudden. It was only a matter of declaration. Allah gave ample opportunity to inhabitants of Meccah to know and acknowledge Prophet. Only few accepted. They were exiled to Medinah where they established political rule.
Idolators in Meccah claimed, “We are caretakers of Kaba. We give water to pilgrims. We keep Kaba neat and clean”. They had no faith in God. They did not believe in Prophet or Akhirat. Maintaining Kaba is of no use to them. Allah did not ask their service. The responsibility and privilege of maintaining Kaba belongs to Muslims.
It is the job of Muslims to glorify mosques. There are many mosques in Hyderabad that have been built from Mehr amount. Many have individually donated amounts like 5 lakhs and ten lakhs. Once a mosque is built, it will remain a mosque till Qiyamath (last day). All the mosques will merge with Kaba on that day. If a person even removes a waste or dirt from mosque, a tree will be planted in heaven for him. Heaven is a barren place. Onus is on you to decorate it with your good deeds.
The question was about Kaba. But the decree sent by God applies to every mosque. Money from unbelievers should not be used for mosques. Jakath (alms) money is also prohibited for mosques. Jakath belongs to poor people. It should not be used for mosques. A person receiving alms should pray to God to change his lot. His position will improve. Upper hand is better than the lower hand. You should pray to God to make your hand as donating hand. Dua (supplication) is essential. Allah is angry with those who don’t ask Dua. Surah 25, Furqan, verse 77 – ‘maa yahfau bikum rabbi lavlaa duaukum’. Allah does not care if you don’t ask Him. Allah likes His servants to plead and surrender. Prophets reached exalted position after traveling through difficult situations. They had to cry and plead to God even though they had exalted status. Allah’s Blessing will not go towards proud and arrogant people. No benefit can come until heart melts and humbles itself. Namaz is first step to humility. Dua should follow it. First ‘iyyaka nahbudu’, later ‘iyyaka nastaeen’.
You won’t get up early in the morning for prayer if you eat heavy dinner before going to bed. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a poor. Sleeping less is a sign of noble men. Wise men talk less, eat less and sleep less. ‘akeemu salatha’ – Establish prayers. This means to regularly pray five times a day. In addition, you should stay in the state of Namaz throughout the day. You should be filled with the belief that God is constantly watching you.
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
A person met me after Juma Namaz and sought my suggestion over a matter. There is a vacant land near a mosque. It belongs to a Hindu. He is willing to give it for free. Is it appropriate. Surah 9, Tauba, verse 17 – “no when they witness against their own souls to infidelity – ma kaana lil mushrikeena inyahmaroona masajidallah”. If that person insists to give it for free, he could rather receive the money from Muslims and donate it to poor people.
People of Meccah had 40 years to recognize Prophet. Even before Nubuwath, plants and trees used to say Salaam to Prophet. He did not become Prophet all of a sudden. It was only a matter of declaration. Allah gave ample opportunity to inhabitants of Meccah to know and acknowledge Prophet. Only few accepted. They were exiled to Medinah where they established political rule.
Idolators in Meccah claimed, “We are caretakers of Kaba. We give water to pilgrims. We keep Kaba neat and clean”. They had no faith in God. They did not believe in Prophet or Akhirat. Maintaining Kaba is of no use to them. Allah did not ask their service. The responsibility and privilege of maintaining Kaba belongs to Muslims.
It is the job of Muslims to glorify mosques. There are many mosques in Hyderabad that have been built from Mehr amount. Many have individually donated amounts like 5 lakhs and ten lakhs. Once a mosque is built, it will remain a mosque till Qiyamath (last day). All the mosques will merge with Kaba on that day. If a person even removes a waste or dirt from mosque, a tree will be planted in heaven for him. Heaven is a barren place. Onus is on you to decorate it with your good deeds.
The question was about Kaba. But the decree sent by God applies to every mosque. Money from unbelievers should not be used for mosques. Jakath (alms) money is also prohibited for mosques. Jakath belongs to poor people. It should not be used for mosques. A person receiving alms should pray to God to change his lot. His position will improve. Upper hand is better than the lower hand. You should pray to God to make your hand as donating hand. Dua (supplication) is essential. Allah is angry with those who don’t ask Dua. Surah 25, Furqan, verse 77 – ‘maa yahfau bikum rabbi lavlaa duaukum’. Allah does not care if you don’t ask Him. Allah likes His servants to plead and surrender. Prophets reached exalted position after traveling through difficult situations. They had to cry and plead to God even though they had exalted status. Allah’s Blessing will not go towards proud and arrogant people. No benefit can come until heart melts and humbles itself. Namaz is first step to humility. Dua should follow it. First ‘iyyaka nahbudu’, later ‘iyyaka nastaeen’.
You won’t get up early in the morning for prayer if you eat heavy dinner before going to bed. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a poor. Sleeping less is a sign of noble men. Wise men talk less, eat less and sleep less. ‘akeemu salatha’ – Establish prayers. This means to regularly pray five times a day. In addition, you should stay in the state of Namaz throughout the day. You should be filled with the belief that God is constantly watching you.
April 09, 2012
Dawath Lessons
Weekly speech at Tableeghi Markaz, Masjide Amina, Tolichowki, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Maulana Yusuf (rah) asserts that Tableegh mission is very special, precious and priceless. Sulaiman(alai) prays to God: “habli mulkan la yanbaki li ahadin mimbahdi”. Surah 38, Saad, verse 35. “Grant me a kingdom that no one after me will have”. Allah did not take any time to grant his wish. Men, Jinns, birds, animals, winds and oceans were brought under his control and given to his rule. Involving in Dawath (missionary) work is greater than the kingdom of Sulaiman (alai).
Moosa (alai) is another revered Prophet. “I have an impediment in my tongue. Give me my brother Haroon to assist me.” Surah 20, Taha, verse 30: “haroona akhi”. Moosa did not ask anything staggering. He realized his weakness and prayed for his brother to assist him. Allah started listing the favors that He bestowed on Moosa (alai) from day one; verses 37 to 40. I have already favored you a lot. This will be in addition to that. One person being donated for Dawath work is not to be taken lightly. Maulana Yusuf weighed these two incidents and concluded that Dawath setup is greater than the kingdom of Sulaiman (alai).
Some argue that they are sinners and so they cannot come for missionary works. Do Dawath to remove your sins. Every person should understand the necessity of Dawath. Some do limited missionary works while some others take great part in this. But no one should spend life without taking any part in this. This is the purpose of life.
Allah has granted full Ummath (society) to our Prophet for Dawath work. Moosa (alai) asked for one person and Allah listed all favors blessed on him. But all men and women in Prophet’s ummath have been assigned for this work. Nubuwwath has not been given to any woman. Maryam (alai) received wahi. But she was not Messenger. But even women in Prophet’s ummath have been entrusted with Dawath work. Enjoining goodness and forbidding evil has become duty for every man and woman in this ummath. Allah has showered mercy on full ummath.
Prophet has said, “I was Prophet when Adam was between water and sand”. Rank was given in the beginning. But the actual work started when he was 40. Prophet was deeply concerned about the community. Liquor, murder, prostitution had become norm of the day. Prophet was in worship and meditation in the cave of Hira. The direction of Hira is towards Kaba. When interspersing buildings were not there, one could see Kaba from Hira. Prophet used to stay 10 or 15 days in a stretch. A person came. When his legs are on earth, his head will be in sky. His two hands can completely cover east and west. His voice will be resounding. He is archangel Jibreel who used to bring wahi for each Messenger of Allah. He said, “Iqra”. Prophet replied with calm and composure, “ma ana bikari”. Jibreel(alai) hugged Prophet tightly. Prophet felt like his life is being squeezed out. Receiving wahi is a difficult task. One has to rise from his position and receive wahi. Prophet’s weight will increase while receiving wahi. Once he was laying his head on the lap of Ayisah (rali) when wahi came to him. She felt like her lap is going to break. It is no easy task to receive Allah’s words. Prophet went through severe pain to receive God’s words and he suffered even more to convey them to people. His life was full of struggle and labor.
Prophet was unperturbed after seeing Jibreel, but once he received God’s commands, he started shivering. This is like taking oath to office. Kathija (rali) had some knowledge of wahi and nubuwwath. Waraqa bin Awfal was an established religious scholar of that time. The merit of Kathija(rali) is that she accepted Imaan before she was given a call to accept.
We will not disturb when our dear ones are lying on bed. Prophet is very dear to God. But religion is so dear to God that he commanded His beloved Prophet to rise. “Ya ayyuhal mudashir”; first seven verses of Surah 74. Call to faith was first given to inmates of home and then to friends. Abubakr (rali) accepted faith without least bit of hesitation. Banu Hashim numbered 39 and they were Prophet’s clan. Then call was given to people of Ummul Qura, that is, inhabitants of Meccah. Then call was given to entire humanity. “Ya ayyuhannaas inni rasoolullahi ilaikum jameea”.
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Maulana Yusuf (rah) asserts that Tableegh mission is very special, precious and priceless. Sulaiman(alai) prays to God: “habli mulkan la yanbaki li ahadin mimbahdi”. Surah 38, Saad, verse 35. “Grant me a kingdom that no one after me will have”. Allah did not take any time to grant his wish. Men, Jinns, birds, animals, winds and oceans were brought under his control and given to his rule. Involving in Dawath (missionary) work is greater than the kingdom of Sulaiman (alai).
Moosa (alai) is another revered Prophet. “I have an impediment in my tongue. Give me my brother Haroon to assist me.” Surah 20, Taha, verse 30: “haroona akhi”. Moosa did not ask anything staggering. He realized his weakness and prayed for his brother to assist him. Allah started listing the favors that He bestowed on Moosa (alai) from day one; verses 37 to 40. I have already favored you a lot. This will be in addition to that. One person being donated for Dawath work is not to be taken lightly. Maulana Yusuf weighed these two incidents and concluded that Dawath setup is greater than the kingdom of Sulaiman (alai).
Some argue that they are sinners and so they cannot come for missionary works. Do Dawath to remove your sins. Every person should understand the necessity of Dawath. Some do limited missionary works while some others take great part in this. But no one should spend life without taking any part in this. This is the purpose of life.
Allah has granted full Ummath (society) to our Prophet for Dawath work. Moosa (alai) asked for one person and Allah listed all favors blessed on him. But all men and women in Prophet’s ummath have been assigned for this work. Nubuwwath has not been given to any woman. Maryam (alai) received wahi. But she was not Messenger. But even women in Prophet’s ummath have been entrusted with Dawath work. Enjoining goodness and forbidding evil has become duty for every man and woman in this ummath. Allah has showered mercy on full ummath.
Prophet has said, “I was Prophet when Adam was between water and sand”. Rank was given in the beginning. But the actual work started when he was 40. Prophet was deeply concerned about the community. Liquor, murder, prostitution had become norm of the day. Prophet was in worship and meditation in the cave of Hira. The direction of Hira is towards Kaba. When interspersing buildings were not there, one could see Kaba from Hira. Prophet used to stay 10 or 15 days in a stretch. A person came. When his legs are on earth, his head will be in sky. His two hands can completely cover east and west. His voice will be resounding. He is archangel Jibreel who used to bring wahi for each Messenger of Allah. He said, “Iqra”. Prophet replied with calm and composure, “ma ana bikari”. Jibreel(alai) hugged Prophet tightly. Prophet felt like his life is being squeezed out. Receiving wahi is a difficult task. One has to rise from his position and receive wahi. Prophet’s weight will increase while receiving wahi. Once he was laying his head on the lap of Ayisah (rali) when wahi came to him. She felt like her lap is going to break. It is no easy task to receive Allah’s words. Prophet went through severe pain to receive God’s words and he suffered even more to convey them to people. His life was full of struggle and labor.
Prophet was unperturbed after seeing Jibreel, but once he received God’s commands, he started shivering. This is like taking oath to office. Kathija (rali) had some knowledge of wahi and nubuwwath. Waraqa bin Awfal was an established religious scholar of that time. The merit of Kathija(rali) is that she accepted Imaan before she was given a call to accept.
We will not disturb when our dear ones are lying on bed. Prophet is very dear to God. But religion is so dear to God that he commanded His beloved Prophet to rise. “Ya ayyuhal mudashir”; first seven verses of Surah 74. Call to faith was first given to inmates of home and then to friends. Abubakr (rali) accepted faith without least bit of hesitation. Banu Hashim numbered 39 and they were Prophet’s clan. Then call was given to people of Ummul Qura, that is, inhabitants of Meccah. Then call was given to entire humanity. “Ya ayyuhannaas inni rasoolullahi ilaikum jameea”.
April 05, 2012
Farsightedness Of The State Government
Muslim Murasu, April 2012
Tamil Muslims laid foundation sixty years back for the commercial developments in Hongkong, Malaysia, Singapore and Burma. There is no land on earth that Muslims from Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli have not visited. A disposition towards trade, global travels, privatization and modernization are hardwired into the blood of Tamil Muslims. Tamilians can rightly feel proud of transforming Arab deserts into world-class cities over the past 40 years. Privitization introduced by Honorable Prime Minister Narasimha Rao is now being vigorously pursued in Tamilnadu. 15 lakh crore rupees plan unveiled by Tamilnadu Chief Minister deserves welcome. The role, domination and involvement of government is receding day by day. Government will henceforth function as facilitator. A government reeling under a loan of one and half lakh crore rupees cannot be strong. Foreign investments and multinational behemoths will hereafter decide directions and lead the way.
Tamil Muslims have trade astuteness. Privitization is desirable. They can generously and liberally participate in the growth planned for the next 11 years. Long gone are the days when India mortgaged its gold reserves in offshore banks. Economy, commerce, exports, imports, media and IT have thrown global doors wide open. Tamilians can not anymore march independently. Entry and mercy of foreign capitalists cannot be avoided. It is in the best interests of Tamil Muslims to grasp the coming times. There is no principle difference between ruling and opposition parties in Tamilnadu. Whoever rules, globalization is the rule. Political parties are in bitter competition to attract foreign investments. Tamil Muslim traders should identify themselves as small, medium-level or large contractors and establish good relation with the government. Associations bringing together various enterprises shall be established urgently. Muslims are well acquainted to hundreds of years of global merchandise experiences. Today, an opportunity greets them in their own land. Intellectuals, activists, religious scholars, media experts and leaders should constructively goad them to take advantage. Seminars and workshops shall be organized at district and region levels to show proper guidance and clarity. They can join hands to the far sightedness of the state government. Otherwise, community will be crippled for hundred years; haplessness will rule the roost and there will be no way for prosperity.
Tamil Muslims laid foundation sixty years back for the commercial developments in Hongkong, Malaysia, Singapore and Burma. There is no land on earth that Muslims from Ramanathapuram and Tirunelveli have not visited. A disposition towards trade, global travels, privatization and modernization are hardwired into the blood of Tamil Muslims. Tamilians can rightly feel proud of transforming Arab deserts into world-class cities over the past 40 years. Privitization introduced by Honorable Prime Minister Narasimha Rao is now being vigorously pursued in Tamilnadu. 15 lakh crore rupees plan unveiled by Tamilnadu Chief Minister deserves welcome. The role, domination and involvement of government is receding day by day. Government will henceforth function as facilitator. A government reeling under a loan of one and half lakh crore rupees cannot be strong. Foreign investments and multinational behemoths will hereafter decide directions and lead the way.
Tamil Muslims have trade astuteness. Privitization is desirable. They can generously and liberally participate in the growth planned for the next 11 years. Long gone are the days when India mortgaged its gold reserves in offshore banks. Economy, commerce, exports, imports, media and IT have thrown global doors wide open. Tamilians can not anymore march independently. Entry and mercy of foreign capitalists cannot be avoided. It is in the best interests of Tamil Muslims to grasp the coming times. There is no principle difference between ruling and opposition parties in Tamilnadu. Whoever rules, globalization is the rule. Political parties are in bitter competition to attract foreign investments. Tamil Muslim traders should identify themselves as small, medium-level or large contractors and establish good relation with the government. Associations bringing together various enterprises shall be established urgently. Muslims are well acquainted to hundreds of years of global merchandise experiences. Today, an opportunity greets them in their own land. Intellectuals, activists, religious scholars, media experts and leaders should constructively goad them to take advantage. Seminars and workshops shall be organized at district and region levels to show proper guidance and clarity. They can join hands to the far sightedness of the state government. Otherwise, community will be crippled for hundred years; haplessness will rule the roost and there will be no way for prosperity.
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