Muslim Murasu, September 2012
It is a huge blessing to receive Quran discourse in mother tongue. Qualified religious scholars, through huge efforts, are doing this remarkable job. From a research and deep-study standpoint, experiences that they express can be a huge addition to the followers in coming times. It is a foremost duty to arrange Quran discourses in Muhalla. People of the Muhalla and functionaries of religious institutions should coordinate. First step is to spend money, identify right candidate and honor him aptly. Speeches can be published in book form at elegant price and distributed to every house in the Muhalla. Editing should be sharp, irrelevant text should be removed. Commentary should give commensurate importance to the Quranic text. Quranic ideas like forgiving, hard work, God’s Grace, God’s Authority, war activities should be explained in right proportion. Balanced stand of the commentator and direct, candid approach of Quran are important. Some commentators stress more on Jihad, aggressive attitude. Some go to the other extreme and end up producing soft, meek, Tasbeeh (rosary) lovers. Balance is lost in both cases.
Those who have listened to Quran discourses during nights of Holy month for forty years, and gathering again in the mood of entertainment and for the sake of Barakath, cause disrespect to commentator. Those who have listened Quran fully shall work and plan for serious changes in Muhalla, state and region. Dowry, religious clashes within, tension, haste, hatred for bribe and corruption, intellectual sharpness, opposition to restrictions, there is no visible change in any aspect. Listeners merely keep collecting Sawab, God’s Grace. Now we can conclude that the commentator is a chameleon, an escapist. He has no strong hold onto principles and ideology. A commentator ignoring Prophet’s warrior qualities can only produce weak candidates. They will be subservient to wife, sons, grandchildren, government and Mutavalli (caretaker). They will surrender to everyone except God. Cowards cannot understand Holy Quran. They cannot follow it. Quran’s splendor won’t enter their hearts and nerves. First duty of a commentator is to train and produce another commentator. Every member of the community should work to make Quran discourse a success. Speeches should be published urgently in book form. Herd-like community will get new vision. There will be revolution in the Muhalla, state, nation and the entire world.
September 22, 2012
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