Darse Quran by Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, May 2013
The duration in prison was lengthened for Prophet Yusuf (alai). He interpreted dream for a fellow prisoner. Surah Yusuf, 12, verse 42 – ‘uzkurni inda rabbika’. ‘mention me to your king’.
Allah did not approve of this request. Your requests should be submitted only to Allah. Allah will take care of all affairs. There is no need for a prisoner’s recommendation.
Auliya Baayazid Bustami drank milk. He got stomach pain. He told his friends that he got stomach ache from drinking milk. Allah asked him. Is this your Tawakkal? No pain or trouble can come without Allah’s leave. Milk cannot give pain. Pain comes from the wish of God. Medication should be taken with supplication to God. ‘Anta Shaafi’. ‘You are the One who cures’. When you attain Tawakkal (complete trust in God), your life here will be pleasant and you will succeed in hereafter.
Prophet Yusuf realized his mistake. Allah made arrangements to bring him out of prison. Allah brings all affairs to fruition. We should put our efforts in right direction. Sometimes we work for losses. We should celebrate if our efforts don’t bear fruit. Allah has not rejected your supplication.
Parents will sometimes forcefully feed bitter food to infants. It is for their wellbeing. You will go mad if Allah gives everything that you ask for. Parents will not provide everything that a kid cries for.
Ali (rali) says – ‘araftu rabbi bi faskil azaaim’. ‘I learnt more about God each time I failed’. Put efforts but don’t lose hope. Surah Zumar, 39, verse 53 – ‘laa taqnatu min rahmatillahi’. ‘Despair not of the Mercy of God’.
Unbelievers will pray to God when situation is dire. Once the ship reaches shore, they will appoint different deities. A Believer should have trust only in God regardless of the situation.
We will want to recite the Quran more when people appreciate our speech. Our recital of Quran should not be impaired whatever be the reaction of the people. Our actions should be unaffected by good and bad times. Prophets will see splendid good times and intense bad times. It will be comparatively less in the lives of Auliya. Every man will see ups and downs. Saying ‘innalillahi’ in bad times will bring God’s Mercy. They are the rightly guided.
Surah Inshiraah, 94, verse 5 – ‘fa inna ma’al usri yusraa inna ma’al usri yusraa’. There is relief certainly with trouble. ‘Al Usri’ is definite, difficulty will be limited. ‘Yusraa’ is indefinite, relief will be open and vast.
Sheykh will test his students. He will weigh their desire for money. Once they succeed, he will grant them in abundance. Arabs will pose complete trust in someone once he gains their confidence. Any backbiting will not affect after that. This is the quality of Arabs.
‘Na’budu’ is Allah’s share. ‘Nastaeen’ is our share. You pay what is due to Allah. He will give you what you need. Surah Hijr, 15, verse 21 – ‘wa in min shaiyin illa indanaa khazainuhu’. ‘There is not a thing but its treasures are with Us’. Allah has abundant treasures. We should know the way to ask.
Dream can come true in one day. It can take forty years. Mehndi has to grind well to give color and shine. It took forty years for Prophet Yusuf and he went through lot of tribulations in between.
Intelligent people will speak less, eat less and sleep less. Foolish ones will be extravagant in speaking, eating and sleeping. It is not wrong to talk what is needed. Irrelevant, useless talks should be avoided.
Surah Yusuf, 12, verse 45 – ‘waddakara ba’da ummatin’. Here ‘ummat’ refers period of time. He came back after quite some time. Prophet Yusuf did not show any irritation. This time he did not ask for recommendation. He only listened to what he said and remained silent.
Allah’s plan was to bring Prophet Yusuf out of prison with dignity. When man lends himself to Allah, Allah lends Himself to man. Allah decorates whole sky when a single person repents. We waste our time in useless things. This will stop Allah’s Mercy.
Unbelievers were struggling to throw Ibrahim (alai) in fire. Angels were holding him tightly. Liquor and dance was arranged. Angels left that place. Angels will not stay where evil deeds are done.
There is a Hadees in Ibn Maajaa. Seventy thousand angels will come and pray for you if you recite this. Say ‘Auzubillahi sami’al aleem minas shaitan irrajeem’ thrice. Then say ‘Bismillahi rrahmani rraheem’. Then recite verses 22, 23 and 24 in Surah Hashr, 59.
Troubles will come your way. You should come within Allah’s security. Troubles will be warded off. There will be instances when it will appear that death was only an inch away from you. Angels will protect you. I once slipped from a bus. There was no major injury or I was not run over by another vehicle.
There will be trials when your position rises. People ascending the throne will indiscriminately send others to prison. Prophet Yusuf understood the tortures in prison. He understood the life of prisoners before he ascended the throne.
Emperor Akbar had only one son Saleem. He sent Saleem to fight a battle in the border. He was criticized for sending his only son to hardship. He replied that he cannot handle throne if he does not learn battle situation.
Every prophet herded sheep. There was no exception. Sheep will run in different directions. The society that prophets face will be worse than this. Herding is not ignominy. It is a skill development course, a good ground to learn.
I saw an industrialist who will do even humble jobs himself. If we do our jobs ourselves, workers won’t trouble us. They won’t threaten us. They know that factory will run without their help.
Prophet Yusuf saw the life of deprived section in the prison. Nowadays problems of poor people are discussed in five star hotels. Prison life was not an ignominy for Prophet Yusuf. He learnt difficulties. Every prophet mingled with their people and gained experience.
Rain will make fruits tastier. Production will improve and people will prosper. Allah has made rain as ‘Rahmat’. Barakat will stop in an atmosphere of obscenity and indecency. This applies equally to family, nation and world.
Verse 49 – ‘Yugaashunnaasu wa fihi ya’siroon’. It will rain and people will squeeze fruits. It is miracle of the Quran. It says more in less words.
May 12, 2013
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