Darse Quran by Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, July 2013
Surah Raad, 13, verse 15 – this is a Sajda verse. It is difficult to prostrate in a gathering. It is enough to say ‘Allahu Akbar’ now. Later Sajda should be done. It is a sin not to prostrate after Sajda verse.
There is no Sajda between Asar and Magrib. But it is mandatory to offer Sajda even during that time if Sajda verse is recited. Prostration is not allowed only during exact time of sunset.
There are fourteen such verses in the Quran. It is good to prostrate immediately after reciting them. Some people think that they will prostrate in one go after finishing full Quran. This is wrong because we don’t know when we will die. According to Shaafi tradition, there are fifteen such verses. Ablution is needed.
Verse 14 – ‘lahu da’watul haq’. Allah is the One who listens to prayers, supplications and calls. Prayers should be submitted only to Him.
Surah Dhuhaa, 93, verse 10 – ‘wa ammas saayila falaa tanhar’. Don’t repulse the petitioner. It is Allah’s command. Allah will not repulse those asking His help.
Some people confine the meaning of ‘Saayil’ to alms seekers. It includes spiritual quest too. Prophet (s.a.w.s) can make anyone as Auliya, Qutb or king. He will not return anyone empty handed. It is wrong to shoo away anyone coming for help.
Allah will fulfill prayers before the praying hands come down. He will give better than that asked for or He will make it easy for us during tough time. Man desires all his prayers to be fulfilled. But unfulfilled prayers will come on Judgment Day as huge rewards. That will save us from ruin.
Surah Baqara, 2, verse 186 – ‘wa izaa sa’alaka ibadi anni fainni qareeb’. God is close to His servants. ‘ujeebu da’watad daaye izaa da’aani’. Allah answers the prayers. It is not needed to shout and pray. We speak to distant people over telephone. We are not listening to God’s answers.
Surah Qaaf, 50, verse 16 – ‘wa nahnu aqrabu ilaihi min hablil wareed’. Allah is nearer to us than our jugular vein. Surah Hadeed, 57, verse 4 – ‘wahuwa ma’akum ainamaa kuntum’. He is with you in all places.
Everyone does not get same level of belief in this verse. Zenith of faith is to trust God’s presence. Ihsaan means to realize that God is seeing us. Surah Rahman, 55, verse 60 – ‘hal jazaaul ihsaan illal ihsaan’. Ihsaan is the reward for Ihsaan.
Unmeritorious people can’t speak with Prime Minister. There will be dedicated line, hot line. Ajmeer Khwaja says that man speaks with Allah while doing Salaat. A connection of Noor is established from his head to the sky. Those who have tasted the sweetness of Sajda will not fall for anything else.
Success is not promised to every Naamazi (worshipper). Surah Moominoon, 23, verse 2 – ‘hum fi salaatihim khaashioon’. Those who humble themselves in prayers will succeed. Guarantee is not given for all worshippers. Surah Maaoon, 107, verses 4,5 – ‘fa wailun lil musalleen allazeena hum an salaatihim saahoon’. Warning is given to those who are neglectful in their prayers. Prayer is mandatory even during a battle.
The houses where Prophet lived were simple and austere. Floor and ceiling were very humble. A Surah in Quran ‘Hujuraat (rooms)’ has been named in their honor. Our life and lives of Sahabas are completely different. A Sahaba constructed his house tall. Prophet stopped saying Salaam to him. He came to know of Prophet’s displeasure and brought down his house. This is real Sunnat.
If we meditate about our life, we will realize that God has given us more than we asked for. Condition for acceptance of Dua is Halaal food and honesty. If we go to men for help, we will lose respect, but we will not receive help. They will think bad of us and look down upon us. Pleading to Allah will improve our status and honor.
Surah Raad, verse 14 – ‘wallazeena yad'oona min doonihi laa yastajeeboona lahum shaiyin’. If you submit your prayers to anyone other than Allah, no one will listen them. ‘illaa kabaasiti kaffaihi ilal maai liyabluga faahu wamaa huwa bibaalighihi’. It is like stretching hands and expecting water to reach their mouths. Prayer of unbelievers will lead them to wandering.
Now we are struggling for water. Surah Nooh, 71, verse 10 – ‘fa qultustagfiroo rabbakum innahu kaana gaffaaraa’. God will forgive you if you ask His forgiveness. ‘yursilis samaa’a alaikum midraaraa wa yumdidkum biamwaalin wabaneena wayaj’al lakum jannatin wa yaj’al lakum anhaaraa’. He will send you rain, help you with wealth and children and make for you gardens and rivers.
God’s commands were transgressed in the period of Nooh (alai). Rain stopped, women became barren, rivers dried up. Society started hating Nooh (alai). Prophet Nooh said, “I am blessing for you. You should repent for your sins”.
Surah Zaariyaat, 51, verse 18 – ‘wabil as'haari hum yastagfiroon’. They will pray for forgiveness in the hours of early dawn. Say ‘astagfirullah’ hundred times before Fajr prayer. Sleep less in nights.
Surah Sajda, 32, verse 16 – ‘tatajaafaa junoobuhum anil madaaji'i’. They will not sleep in comfortable position in bed. Abstain at least a little from the world. That will raise you. Work in day and worship in night.
Surah Muzzammil, 73, verse 8 – ‘wazkurisma rabbika watabattal ilaihi tabteelaa’. ‘Keep in remembrance the Name of your Lord and devote yourself completely to Him’.
Surah Alam Nashrah, 94, verse 7 – ‘faizaa faragta fansab’. Labor hard when you are free. Involve yourself in worship and God’s praise. Do your works in day and connect with God in night.
Surah Raad, verse 15 – ‘walillahi yasjudu man fissamaawaati walardi’. Every creation in sky and earth prostrate before Allah. Every creature praises Allah in its tongue. Trees are in Qiyaam position, animals are in Rukoo, some in Sajda and some in Qaayidaa. Only man has the privilege to worship in all positions. Shadows of trees prostrate in the mornings and evenings.
Verse 16 – ‘qul man rabbussamaawaati wal ardi qulillahu’. Allah is the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
‘qul hal yastawel a’maa wal abseer’. Can the blind be equal to one who sees. It is the comparison of the Creator and the created.
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