Darse Quran by Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, June 2012
The battle of Tabuk contains Ruhani (spiritual), Irfani (enlightening) and Imaani (faith) lessons for us. Hypocrites are exposed. Surah 9 Tauba, verse 81 – “farihal mukallafun”. Those who stayed behind are rejoicing. Prophet had set off for war. It was long distance, army was less in number and climate was extremely hot. But soldiers of Allah were not dissuaded by these challenges. They did not fear the might of Roman force. Hypocrites who stayed behind in Medina felt happy. They spun arguments that it is abject folly to fight Roman army in this heat. Opponent force had soldiers in excess of one lakh. Muslim army had 30000 warriors.
Hypocrites said lame excuses to Prophet and stayed behind. They did not rebel against Allah. They rebelled against Prophet. They detested Jihad. They found sacrificing life as a loss. They spoke bad about it.
Khalid bin Valid (rali) used to bring victory in all the battles he participated. He was a skilled warrior. He had battle-scars all over his body. He regretted while on his death bed that he should have died in a battle. He felt bad about dying like a hypocrite in a bed. We consider this world as delightful. Ali (rali) was attacked cruelly when he was conducting Namaz. He told that he has succeeded. He was happy that he got the death that he desired. Ibn Muljim was the attacker. Ali (rali) asked for water. He offered water to the offender Ibn Muljim. But Ibn Muljim declined to drink that water. Ali (rali) said, “If you had taken this water from me, I would have given you water from Howzul Kawzer in the next world. You are adamant in your mistake”. Ali (rali) forgave his attacker.
Hypocrites cited heat as the reason for not taking part in the battle. It was season of dates harvest. Allah replied them. “kul naaru jahannama ashaddu harraa”. Fire of hell is fiercer in heat. Your belongings, dear ones and luxuries cannot save you there. It is narrated in a Hadees that the fire we see in this world is what has remained after dipping the fire of hell seventy times in water. Akhirat fire will be terrible. Pain will be unrelenting. People dying from burns will know the pain.
Verse 82 – “fal yalhaku kaleelan valyabku kasheeran”. Let them laugh a little; much they will weep. Joy in this world will last at the maximum for seventy years. Thousands of years of torment awaits them. If the heat and pain in this world is tolerated for good cause, cool and pleasant heaven will be gifted in the next life.
Verse continues – “jazaan bimaa kaanu yaksibun”. This is their recompense. This world is a place for cause and effect. If you throw a ball against the wall, it will come back to you. If you sit next to a stove, soot will stick to your dress. You will get cold if you go out in frigid climate. You will receive fragrance if you are near perfume. Hanging out with scholars will impart you knowledge. Roaming with fools will make you ignorant. Every action has a reaction. You will get rewards for the deeds you send up. You will reap what you sow. Good things cannot be expected in return for bad deeds.
Allah will be merciful to this Ummath. If you pray two Rakaath in the night, you will get reward like you spent the whole night in prayer. If you pray Ishaa with Jamaath and then Fajr with Jamaath, you will be rewarded like spending the whole night in worship. You need to make small efforts. You will reap huge rewards. Don’t sleep for whole night. Don’t rest too much. People around thirty can sleep for seven hours maximum. People in elder years can limit their sleep to five yours. Don’t sleep without limits. You will spoil your health and Deen. Tahajjut is the time to make your demands to God. You are not asked to spend full night in prayer. But at least the last part of the night, 30 minutes before Fajr, spend in prayer. Spend atleast some time in Ibadath.
Verse 83 - “fa in rajaakallahu ila taifathin minhum fastahzanuka lilkurooj”. They will ask your permission to fight with you in future. Prophet replied to hypocrites, “Never shall ye come out with me”. You stayed behind during Tabuk. You stay behind in future too. This is a punishment from Allah. They were removed from Jihad.
Abdullah ibn Ubay was a hypocrite. He had thousand people with him. He fell ill. He requested Prophet to bless him with Prophet’s garment. Umar (rali) advised Prophet against giving his garment. But Prophet gave him garment. Prophet told Umar that this won’t benefit disbeliever. But he won’t be able to mislead anyone hereafter. Followers of Abdullah ibn Ubay understood their folly and accepted Prophet. Abdullay ibn Ubay passed away. His son came to Prophet and asked him to conduct Janaza prayer. Prophet slipped by asking him to find someone else. But he insisted that Prophet should come. Prophet relented and got ready for Janaza prayer. Verse 84 was sent at this occasion. “valaa tusalli alaa ahadin minhum maata Abadan valaa takum alaa kabrihi”. Don’t pray for them, nor stand at their graves. It is not proper to stand at the graves of hypocrites. But Ziyarat, visiting graves in general is accepted in Hadees. One Sahaba was walking in a graveyard with his slippers. Prophet told him to remove his slippers. Kabrastan is not a place for playing cards or chit-chat. We should be standing while burying the body. This is not a place for time-pass or bantering. One day you will be brought here. One should deeply think and pray. Eyes should take lessons and hearts should fear.
Hypocrites were not against Allah. They had deep understanding of Tawheed. But they were against Prophet. Allah took this as a rebellion against Him. People saying ‘la ilaha illallah’ are dying in Kufr. Requirement of Kalima is ‘Muhammadur rasoolullah’. Rejecting Prophet is rejecting Allah.
Verse 85 – “valaa tuhjibka amwaaluhum va awladuhum”. Let not their wealth or sons dazzle thee. Allah is addressing Prophet. Message is for Sahabas. Allah will give them wealth and sons and trap them in that. Allah’s desire is that they should die with their hearts deep in Kufr. We can pray for wealth. But we should not sink in it. Allah will test some people by giving them facilities. If it is Allah’s Will, He will give sons. If it is His Will, He will give daughters. For some people, He won’t give any child. It should not be construed as Allah’s wrath. Many elders in Islam had no children. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi died in the state of Ihtikaaf, while reciting Kahf Surah in Juma Namaz. He did not have offspring. It is Allah’s Will. Many scholars in Hyderabad don’t have children. But one can pray to God. Dua can change fate. Ibrahim (alai), Jakariya (alai) persistently prayed to God. They got children in their older years. One should pray with hope. If prayer is not fulfilled, it should be considered as good. Allah’s verdicts should be accepted. We should not challenge or argue about it. It is upto Allah to give or decline. No one can question Him. But pray with confidence. “Our hands will beg only to You. Our heads will bow only to You”. Sometimes, Allah delays to retain you in His nearness. This will improve the status of the person. If Allah enables you to ask Dua, He has opened the doors of His Grace for you. “Ija kalaithum fazkurullaha”. Remember Him more once you finish your worship. Pray to Him. Don’t run after Namaz. Dua is Ibadath. ‘addua huwal ibada’. Namaz is a formal form of Dua. Allah likes his servants pleading to Him.
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