Dr. Syed Aleem Ashraf Jaisi speech at The Quran Foundation venue
Published in Muslim Murasu, July 2012
Purpose of Quran is to make human beings better. Science and technology cannot do this. They will teach us to fly better than birds and swim better than fishes. They can give submarines and supersonic planes. But only Quran and Sunnath will teach us to live like humans. Zenith of humanity is not in flying or swimming. Man’s nobility lies in living a life as servant of Allah.
Surah 25, Furqan, verse 63 – ‘wa ibadur rahman illazeena yamshuna alal arli hawnan wa iza katabuhumul jahiluna qalu salama’. This verse refers to special kind of servants. Allah connects them to Himself. ‘ibadur rahman’. People walking with humility are noble. They won’t walk with their chest puffed out. They won’t look arrogant or egotistic. They will lower their gazes and have their heads low. Nowadays people go in motorcycles often. They can follow this verse by leaving pedestrians their way. Horns should not be sounded in silent zones. Dirty water should not be splashed on wayfarers. Even if you sit in airplanes, sit with humility and piety. Humility is noble quality of Allah’s servants. Some people run companies, but they don’t know how to behave with fellowmen. Learn first to stand, sit and walk properly.
Verse continues. If Jahil (ignorant) address them, they will say ‘Salaam’ and stay clear of them. They will avoid trivial fights and discussions. When someone seeks truth, it is appropriate to explain to him. But if you discuss with Jahil, it will only make his heart more rigid. Your time will be wasted. Jahil here refers intolerant people. Usually people who are debating will be learned ones. But the person involving in frivolous debates is a Jahil, fool, in Allah’s view. Even if they start the discussion, you say ‘Salaam’ and avoid them.
Mumin should strive to learn and guide others. But debates are unnecessary. Nafs (ego) will seek debates. They won’t talk to please Allah. Intention will be to defeat opponent. Ego thrives by defeating others. Neither will gain. Shaitan will rejoice. Debates only benefits him. Shaitan will stoke debates. If you pray for show-off, Shaitan will push you towards mosque. But he will stop some people from entering mosque. Shaitan always pushes men towards greater sin. Some people celebrate Milad for self-publicity. Celebrating Milad is not a mandatory duty. But if one celebrates for fame, he is doing a sin. Shaitan sometimes involves us in bad deeds in the name of religion. Some people will do backbiting in the name of speaking truth.
Heart is the bridegroom. Body is only decoration. Allah sees the heart. We are concerning ourselves with unimportant things. More discussions are held about appearances and cosmetic things. Pyjama length has become centre of debate. Allah does not see your appearance. We should be more concerned about our hearts and thoughts.
This verse says, ‘they will walk in humility’. Humility is not only in appearance, but also in heart. Those who seek to learn engineering should look for appropriate training, books and college. We have to prepare ourselves and inculcate qualities that will make us Kalipha, Allah’s vicegerent, in this world. We have to work on five aspects to become Allah’s Kalipha – Aqeeda, Ibadat, Mamulat, Aqlaq and Adab.
Foundation is needed for any building. Life is based on Aqeeda, creed, core principle. Aqeeda of Muslims is different from other religions. This creed is very strong. Sky-high buildings can be constructed on this. We have to believe in Allah, Prophets, Akhirat, Angels and Taqdeer. Each have their requisites.
We should have faith in Allah’s Wahdaniyat (Oneness), Rububiyat (Cherisher), Uluhiyat (Godliness). ‘laisa kamislihi shaiya’. No one is like Allah. Allah does not need residence. Arsh is not required for him. To say Allah stays in some place is against Tawheed. ‘Arrahman alal arshistava’. Rahman is established on Arsh (throne). This Ayath is Mutashabihat. We cannot understand this.
Khadir (Capable), Aleem (Wise), Murid (Wishes), these are His attributes. ‘fa’alu lima yasha’. He fulfills His wishes. We have to accept Allah, His attributes, and this should reflect in our lives. We can’t taste sweetness just by saying sugar. Just reciting Kalima is not beneficial. We cannot become Muslims just by saying ‘amantu billahi’. We have to accept Allah’s Khudrat (power) and Taqdeer (fate). We are trying to solve all our demands by our own efforts. We are buying one house when the first child is born, second house for the second child and so on. We have more faith in insurance policies. One who believes in fate won’t count much on insurance schemes. Taking efforts is good. But believing entirely in our efforts is not good. You have to accept fate.
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