August 26, 2012

Car And Bungalow Won't Give Peace

Darse Quran by Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, August 2012

The main focus of today’s Quran discourse is faith in Akhirat. All evils in the society emerge due to the lack of understanding of the Hereafter. This world will perish. We have to vacate this place one day. This is not just a story or philosophy. We are burying our parents, forefathers and relatives with our own hands. We see people come and go. Earth is a guest house. It is prison for Believers. We will be raised after death. There were doubts on Akhirat when Quran was sent. Such suspicions are raised even today. Christians and Jews are spreading enjoy-now-and-here mentality. Eat as you like, drink as you like and live as you like. There is no world after this. This is the argument of materialistic people. We were totally non-existent. Allah gave us bone, flesh and life. Non-believers questioned Prophet about how can we be brought back to life after we disintegrate to bones and decompose. Surah Yasin, 36, verse 79 – ‘qul yuhyi hallazi ansha’aha awwala marra va huva bikulli kalkin aleem’. ‘He who created them for the first time will give them life again’. Allah answered their doubt. This is a rational explanation. Everything is possible for Allah. He gives explanation so as to make us understand.
Man has come to earth to leave it one day. Day is sure to come after night. There will be relief after distress. Surah 94, Inshirah, verses 5-6. ‘fa innama’al usri yusra inna ma’al usri yusra’. Relief will be granted for distress. Reprieve will be given if we remain patient. Everyone has problems. One should not take every problem upon himself. Don’t take God’s job. Desserts are distributed if male child is born and mere sugar is served if the child is girl. Girls have brought blessings in many families. Girls are Barakath. Prophet’s family spread through Fatima (rali).
Surah Bakara, 2, verse 216 – ‘va asaa an takrahu shaiya vahuva khairunlakum va asaa an tuhibbu shaiya vahuva sharrunlakum’. You may detest something that is good for you and you may desire something but that may be bad for you. Men should go out and earn and women should stay in house. Life will go haywire if you reverse this. Don’t be sad if a girl is born. Bird should not remain in its nest. It will die out of hunger. Go out and work. You use the means and Allah will provide sustenance. Allah will shower his blessings. Use the wings and Allah will feed you. Allah will feed some people even if they don’t go out. But that is a different status. One has to climb up Ruhani ladder for that. One has to work hard, put all efforts and sacrifice everything. He has to become Fana, annihilate himself. Rule for commoners is to use means and materials.
Work hard but leave the result to God. Don’t take the result upon yourself. That will bring many problems. Some people are working day and night, but their problems are not solved. Have Tawakkal, trust, in Allah. Volvo bus drivers are very skilled. But recently 30 people died in an accident. Passengers had trust in bus and driver. Now they are scared to see a Volvo bus. Problems won’t come if you have your trust in God. A believer will board  the bus with the prayer, ‘Ya Allah! You subjected this vehicle for our use. We don’t have power’. This will get God’s protection. Praise Allah. If you praise technology and driver, you may get into trouble.
Put your efforts. But be happy even if results are not fruitful. I tried hard to become a fitter or a typist. But now I have risen to a position of director of an institution. I got a Peer, guru, like that. He made me to ascend to a good position. Now I am giving Quran discourse. This is not my skill. This is Allah’s grace.
Everyone will go through tough phase in life. Surah Baqara, 2, verse 155 – ‘vala nabluvannakum bishaiyin minal kauf wal jui wanaksin minal amwal wal anfusi wassamarati vabashiri sabirin’. Allah will test you with fear and hunger and loss in wealth, life and production. Some people have all luxuries. But they don’t have peace. Surah Raad, 13, verse 28 – ‘alaa bi zikrillahi tatmainul qulub’. Allah’s remembrance gives peace to heart. Peace of mind is not in car and bungalows. All evils will enter in the society if faith on Akhirat is removed. Moomin will shun sins because of fear of God. Surah Rahman, 55, verse 46 – ‘valiman kaafa maqaama rabbihi jannataan’. People having God’s fear will get two heavens; not just one. Fear of God is Mehraj of intellect. People who don’t have Faith are worse than animals.
Non-believers asked Prophet about when Qiyamat will come. Prophet told that it won’t come as and when they wish, but when it comes, it cannot be delayed even a bit. Allah has appointed time for everything. Earlier communities have perished mocking God’s punishment. General, complete disaster won’t come for Rasoolullah’s Ummat. But local penalties will come. Prophet is human form of Allah’s Grace.
Surah 10, Yunus, verse 42 – ‘va minhum maiyastamioona ilaik’. They pretend like listening. They don’t come to learn, but to find fault. ‘afa anta tusmiu summa’. Can you make deaf people listen. ‘valau kanu la yahkilun’. They don’t have proper mind. ‘vamin hum mainyanluru ilaik’. There are those who see among them. People like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahb saw Prophet. AbuJahl told that Prophet’s face is not good. But Abubakr (rali) rejoiced seeing Prophet’s face. Rasoolullah said – I am a mirror; they see their own faces. There is a Hadith, ’a believer is mirror for another believer’. Seeing Prophet’s face was Ibadath. Seeing Kaba is Ibadath, seeing Ali (rali) face is Ibadat.
‘afa anta tahdil umya valav kanu la yubsirun’. You cannot guide blind people. They continuously plotted against Prophet. They became like blind and deaf. Their hearts were sealed. Nothing good can enter their hearts nor come out of them. This verse is about Non-believers of that day. Those of today will be forgiven if they repent. Utba, Shoiba, Abujahl, Abulahb did not have Faith even after seeing miracles.
Verse continues. ‘innallaha la yajlimunnasa shaiya’. Allah does not harm men in any way. ‘vala kinnannasa anfusahum yajlimun’. People harm themselves. Intelligent people don’t need miracles. Every drop of water and every leaf in the world are wonders of God. They will learn faith from nature. But they won’t know about Amal, deeds. Prophet and Book are sent for this, to explain everything to them.
The whole life in this world will appear like just an hour when compared to the day of Qiyamat. Verse 45 – ‘va yauma yahshuruhum ka anlam yalbashu illa sa’athan minannahari’. When they are assembled, it will appear like they tarried only an hour. Men of earlier communities have lived like 500 years. We go to graves in the end , but we will be raised early. Living long may lead to committing many sins. We should pray for a life of serving Deen. We have many special days like Shabe Baraat, Lailatul Qadr, Juma, Ramzan, Eid-ein to ask for forgiveness. We will have Quran, discourses, Rasoolullah, infants for our Sifaat, recommendation. Even a fetus that got disintegrated after four months will ask for forgiveness for its parents. Non-believers won’t have anyone to help them. They will only have grief. Verse 45 – ‘ yata aarufuna bainahm’. Non-believers will recognize each other. ‘kad kasirallazina kazzabu bi likaillah’. Those who lied about meeting their God have lost. Allah is Raheem for Believers. Prophet is Raheem for Believers. Rahmat is for everyone. All the Mercy that is in this world is just one percent of God’s Raheemiyat. God will bestow His full Mercy on believers on the day of judgment. This will only be for those who believed in meeting God.
Rajab is the month of sowing. Shabaan is month of growth. Ramzan is when fruits will come. If you do good deeds in these three months, entire year will go peaceful. Shabaan is Rasoolullah’s month. We should recite more Durood in this month. Rajab is Allah’s month. Ramzan is month for believers. You will get huge rewards if you do good deeds in these months. Punishment will be severe if you do sins in these months.

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