Dr. Syed Aleem Ashraf Jaisi speech on Mehraj
Published in Muslim Murasu, August 2012
‘Isra’ literally means walking. Allah’s Majesty is illustrated. Allah uses this word to refer the journey of Prophet from Masjide Haram to Masjide Aksa. Second part of this journey is towards sky.
‘Asra bi abdihi lailan minal masjidil haraami ilal masjidil aksa’ – Surah 17, Bani Israel, verse 1. He took his servant on walking from Masjide Haram to Masjide Aksa in a part of a night.
Surah Najm gives details on Mehraj. No one can deny this journey. This journey includes both body and soul. This did not happen while sleeping or in a dream. This happened in Prophet’s full awareness. When Prophet told about this journey, some weak Muslims renounced Islam. There was a huge debate in Mecca. A journey of soul wouldn’t have caused such a stir.
Subhanallaji – Allah is Pure. He has no limitations. He is capable of everything. Abd, servant, denotes body and soul comprehensively. Night is referred. Night and day does not apply for soul. They apply only for physical body.
‘Abdihi’ – His servant. We are Allah’s servants. Allah calls Prophet as His servant. Allah completely approves and accepts Prophet. Abdihi illustrates this. Rasoolullah’s Abdiyat is loftier than his Risalat. Allah has not used words Rasool or Nabi in this verse. He uses the word ‘Abd’. Risalat means descending downwards from God towards creations. ‘I sent’ will be used in such context. ‘Arsala Rasool’ – He sent his Messenger. Abdiyat refers journey upwards towards God. The word ‘Abdiyat’, for Prophet, explains his exalted status.
Masjide Aksa was a distant mosque. Arabs in those days used to travel till Yaman or Shaam. That was the end of the world that they knew. It was very far. ‘allaji barakna hawlahu’ – This mosque and its surroundings are blessed. It is a verdant, fertile land. Another interpretation is that graves of many Prophets lie around this mosque. Many Prophets have worked in this land.
Many Arabs did not believe Mehraj when it was revealed. Materialistic Muslims today do not believe Mehraj. Their sight is set on creations. They do not turn towards Creator. They know Physics. But there are many unknown laws. Time shrinks for an object traveling at high velocity. This is Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. A rocket traveling at a velocity nearly that of light would have spent a few hours, but meanwhile, many centuries would have passed on earth. Physics laws are different for angels and Jinns. Our laws won’t apply on them. ‘Burak’ is used for the vehicle in Mehraj. This refers light. Mehraj is possible even if we think rationally. Light travels at a much higher speed.
First lesson of Mehraj is that Believers will always have their faith and trust in God. Such servants of God will have relief after distress. Mehraj happened when Prophet was going through a situation of toughest trials and struggles. Kathija (ral) and Abu Talib had passed away. Nonbelievers in Mecca were happy that there is no one left to protect Prophet. Situation in Mecca was treacherous. Rasoolullah looked for some respite in Taif. But experience there was much bitter. Prophet once reminisced that Taif day was the toughest day of his life. This is the message. Don’t get bogged down by tribulations in life. All creations in earth and sky are with you. Some people in Mecca and Taif may rebel against you. But don’t despair. Moomin will always hold Allah’s Will with high respect. Second message is that Mehraj happened a little ahead of Hijrat. Only strong, resolute Muslims can take up Hijrat. That was a tough journey. Prophet had to sift weak Muslims. Mehraj helped in this purification. Prophet’s nephew suggested to him not to tell about Mehraj in public. People won’t believe it. She was a Moomin, believer. But still she gave this suggestion. Prophet listened to her suggestion, but went ahead and told about Mehraj openly. Nonbelievers took this opportunity to mock him and ask questions. Jibrael (alai) laid Masjide Aksa in front of Prophet’s eyes so that he can answer all the questions like number of doors and lights. Some people were impressed by this that they later accepted Islam. Qureishis knew Baithul Mukaddas. There was a need for proof. Otherwise, Prophet could have directly gone to sky, and witnessed heaven, hell and Arsh (God’s throne). Another reason to go to Baithul Mukaddas was to declare that Islam has arrived. This is final religion. It was an open declaration that all other religions have come to end. Baithul Mukaddas was center for Jews and Christians. Hereafter, Islam will be the religion for Baithul Aksa and Baithul Haram.
Salaat (prayer) is the only precept that was gifted in sky. All other duties were ordained on earth. Salaat is Mehraj for Believers. Imaan of those who don’t pray regularly is questionable. Salaat is sacred gift from Mehraj. We have to respect the gift, the One who gave the gift and the one who brought the gift to us. We should try to pray with Jamaat. Salaat has peace for eyes. Moosa (alai) helped and reduced the number of mandatory prayers from 50 to 5. This is Saheeh Hadees. People who have died can help. Moosa (alai) has helped our full Ummat. Jibrael (alai) offered milk and wine. Prophet took milk. “You have chosen nature”. Islam is a natural religion. It does not enforce anything that is not in consonance with nature.
Mehraj is a declaration. World is entering a new era. Sun, moon and stars won’t remain objects of worship anymore. Man will use them scientifically. Man will leave earth and set his foot on sky. Sky will come within the reach. This is Mehraj declaration.
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