Maulavi Muhammad Ilyas (rah) Malfuzat, compiled by Maulavi Muhammad Manzoor Nuhmani (rah)
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
One day Maulana was very sick and bedridden. He spoke in feeble voice from bed. Field workers of Tableeghi Jamaat had gathered in Hazrat Nizamuddin mosque. Maulana called me and said in my ears. Ilme Deen (religious knowledge) and Zikrullah (Allah’s remembrance), if you don’t show importance to these two aspects, all your tours, hard work and efforts will be in vain. They will only bring new Fitna (chaos) and Zalalat (ignorance). Without knowledge, Islam will become a mere ritual and get reduced to just a name. If knowledge is there, but Zikr is not there, then that cannot be construed as knowledge. This is dangerous. Only Zikr can bring glitter in knowledge. There won’t be Barakat (blessings) in Zikr that is devoid of knowledge. Shaitan will take such Sufis in his side. Don’t forget the importance of knowledge and God’s remembrance in our Silsila (lineage). Pay special attention to this. Otherwise, your Tableeghi movement will become mere roaming. You will be losers. Let Allah save us.
One day I gave Juma speech in Delhi Assembly mosque. Next day I went to Nizamuddin and expressed my apology to Maulana for not coming the previous day. Field workers need not be concerned for it, its OK. Did you give speech? I said yes. He was happy. They will not willingly invite us. They don’t have time from their material affairs. We have to go on our own and preach them. This is their expectation. What did you say there? ‘inna fi qalqis samaawaati wal arli waktilafil laili wannahaari la aayaatin li ulil albab allazina yazkurunallaha qiaman waqu’udan waala junubihim’. (3 : 190,191). Wise men don’t stop with creations. They should realize the Creator behind them. They should always remember Him and spend all their time in His remembrance. I told about the importance of Allah’s remembrance and explained them the importance of missionary work. Maulana listened and then replied. This is a very lofty, vast, deep subject. This won’t fit that gathering. People apt for this message are assembled here. That subject should be dwelt on here. Ayath (verse) for them is different. ‘wallazina ijtanabu taguta anyahbuduha wa anabu ilallahi lahumul bushra fabashir ibadillazina yastamiunal qawla fayattabiuna ahsanahu ulaikallazina hadahumullahu wa ulaikahum ulul albab’. (39 : 17,18). First they should receive guidance. ‘Hadahumullahu’. They belong to a lower status. Let them first rise.
September 25, 2012
September 24, 2012
Baiyath - Zenith Of Faith In God
Muslim Murasu, September 2012
‘Guru-Sishya’ tradition is part of India’s ancient heritage. God, Prophet, Guru command respect. Holy Book approves this notion. Saints take oath from spiritual students through Baiyath, holding their hands. Baiyath is needed to become member of the spiritual family. It is a pledge not to involve in sinful and evil activities. Murid (spiritual student) should join his hands with that of Sheykh (teacher) and take this pledge. Nothing should be considered equal or partner to God. All needs should be addressed only to God. Creations, materials in this world have no capacity to help or harm on their own. Loss and gain are from Allah. Entire day should be spent in the remembrance of God. Zikr (remembrance) should be present in each breath. This is Baiyath. Guru, Sheykh, Ustad, Pirzada, Vappa, Allahvappa, Thaika Vappa, Sarkar, Ameersaab, these words refer to elders in spiritual tradition. We surrender physically and mentally to those experienced in God’s message and learn spirituality. Only an expert in Quran and Hadees can be fit for Sheykh honor. This title won’t suit incomplete pretends and mere advisers. Only those who seek and search will get right Peer Saab. Otherwise, Shaitan will lead.
Tamil translations of Quran and Hadees are available in market. It is not possible to become faithful servant of God by reading this. It is essential to find someone who has immersed his life in Quran and Hadees teachings and succeeded. His words will kindle the heart. Materialistic craving will subside. There will be more concern for pure earnings. Lies will vanish. Wasteful spending will stop. A life conscious of oncoming death will become a reality. A tranquil heart unyielding to panic will be the gift. Ruh, soul, will begin to shine. Excessive affection and attachment towards family will give way. The scene of lying alone in graveyard will guide Murid’s life. Going forward, only goodness for all creatures will radiate from him. Zikr Manjil or Raatib will be conducted on Thursday or Saturday evening to cultivate the heart. Sitting in group and involving in meditation and reciting God’s name loudly will change the hearts. Some minutes in the morning time can be spent in solitude with head hanging down and meditating about God hidden within us. Muraqabah. Murid should compulsorily follow all commands and precepts in Islam. Sheykh will give Murid to girls and ladies by holding a handkerchief. It is impossible to succeed in life without realizing the Supreme Being hidden in everything and operating everything. This is Baiyath concept. Prophet preached this for eleven years, stressed upon it, practiced it and taught it.
‘Guru-Sishya’ tradition is part of India’s ancient heritage. God, Prophet, Guru command respect. Holy Book approves this notion. Saints take oath from spiritual students through Baiyath, holding their hands. Baiyath is needed to become member of the spiritual family. It is a pledge not to involve in sinful and evil activities. Murid (spiritual student) should join his hands with that of Sheykh (teacher) and take this pledge. Nothing should be considered equal or partner to God. All needs should be addressed only to God. Creations, materials in this world have no capacity to help or harm on their own. Loss and gain are from Allah. Entire day should be spent in the remembrance of God. Zikr (remembrance) should be present in each breath. This is Baiyath. Guru, Sheykh, Ustad, Pirzada, Vappa, Allahvappa, Thaika Vappa, Sarkar, Ameersaab, these words refer to elders in spiritual tradition. We surrender physically and mentally to those experienced in God’s message and learn spirituality. Only an expert in Quran and Hadees can be fit for Sheykh honor. This title won’t suit incomplete pretends and mere advisers. Only those who seek and search will get right Peer Saab. Otherwise, Shaitan will lead.
Tamil translations of Quran and Hadees are available in market. It is not possible to become faithful servant of God by reading this. It is essential to find someone who has immersed his life in Quran and Hadees teachings and succeeded. His words will kindle the heart. Materialistic craving will subside. There will be more concern for pure earnings. Lies will vanish. Wasteful spending will stop. A life conscious of oncoming death will become a reality. A tranquil heart unyielding to panic will be the gift. Ruh, soul, will begin to shine. Excessive affection and attachment towards family will give way. The scene of lying alone in graveyard will guide Murid’s life. Going forward, only goodness for all creatures will radiate from him. Zikr Manjil or Raatib will be conducted on Thursday or Saturday evening to cultivate the heart. Sitting in group and involving in meditation and reciting God’s name loudly will change the hearts. Some minutes in the morning time can be spent in solitude with head hanging down and meditating about God hidden within us. Muraqabah. Murid should compulsorily follow all commands and precepts in Islam. Sheykh will give Murid to girls and ladies by holding a handkerchief. It is impossible to succeed in life without realizing the Supreme Being hidden in everything and operating everything. This is Baiyath concept. Prophet preached this for eleven years, stressed upon it, practiced it and taught it.
September 22, 2012
One Month Quran Discourse Experience
Muslim Murasu, September 2012
It is a huge blessing to receive Quran discourse in mother tongue. Qualified religious scholars, through huge efforts, are doing this remarkable job. From a research and deep-study standpoint, experiences that they express can be a huge addition to the followers in coming times. It is a foremost duty to arrange Quran discourses in Muhalla. People of the Muhalla and functionaries of religious institutions should coordinate. First step is to spend money, identify right candidate and honor him aptly. Speeches can be published in book form at elegant price and distributed to every house in the Muhalla. Editing should be sharp, irrelevant text should be removed. Commentary should give commensurate importance to the Quranic text. Quranic ideas like forgiving, hard work, God’s Grace, God’s Authority, war activities should be explained in right proportion. Balanced stand of the commentator and direct, candid approach of Quran are important. Some commentators stress more on Jihad, aggressive attitude. Some go to the other extreme and end up producing soft, meek, Tasbeeh (rosary) lovers. Balance is lost in both cases.
Those who have listened to Quran discourses during nights of Holy month for forty years, and gathering again in the mood of entertainment and for the sake of Barakath, cause disrespect to commentator. Those who have listened Quran fully shall work and plan for serious changes in Muhalla, state and region. Dowry, religious clashes within, tension, haste, hatred for bribe and corruption, intellectual sharpness, opposition to restrictions, there is no visible change in any aspect. Listeners merely keep collecting Sawab, God’s Grace. Now we can conclude that the commentator is a chameleon, an escapist. He has no strong hold onto principles and ideology. A commentator ignoring Prophet’s warrior qualities can only produce weak candidates. They will be subservient to wife, sons, grandchildren, government and Mutavalli (caretaker). They will surrender to everyone except God. Cowards cannot understand Holy Quran. They cannot follow it. Quran’s splendor won’t enter their hearts and nerves. First duty of a commentator is to train and produce another commentator. Every member of the community should work to make Quran discourse a success. Speeches should be published urgently in book form. Herd-like community will get new vision. There will be revolution in the Muhalla, state, nation and the entire world.
It is a huge blessing to receive Quran discourse in mother tongue. Qualified religious scholars, through huge efforts, are doing this remarkable job. From a research and deep-study standpoint, experiences that they express can be a huge addition to the followers in coming times. It is a foremost duty to arrange Quran discourses in Muhalla. People of the Muhalla and functionaries of religious institutions should coordinate. First step is to spend money, identify right candidate and honor him aptly. Speeches can be published in book form at elegant price and distributed to every house in the Muhalla. Editing should be sharp, irrelevant text should be removed. Commentary should give commensurate importance to the Quranic text. Quranic ideas like forgiving, hard work, God’s Grace, God’s Authority, war activities should be explained in right proportion. Balanced stand of the commentator and direct, candid approach of Quran are important. Some commentators stress more on Jihad, aggressive attitude. Some go to the other extreme and end up producing soft, meek, Tasbeeh (rosary) lovers. Balance is lost in both cases.
Those who have listened to Quran discourses during nights of Holy month for forty years, and gathering again in the mood of entertainment and for the sake of Barakath, cause disrespect to commentator. Those who have listened Quran fully shall work and plan for serious changes in Muhalla, state and region. Dowry, religious clashes within, tension, haste, hatred for bribe and corruption, intellectual sharpness, opposition to restrictions, there is no visible change in any aspect. Listeners merely keep collecting Sawab, God’s Grace. Now we can conclude that the commentator is a chameleon, an escapist. He has no strong hold onto principles and ideology. A commentator ignoring Prophet’s warrior qualities can only produce weak candidates. They will be subservient to wife, sons, grandchildren, government and Mutavalli (caretaker). They will surrender to everyone except God. Cowards cannot understand Holy Quran. They cannot follow it. Quran’s splendor won’t enter their hearts and nerves. First duty of a commentator is to train and produce another commentator. Every member of the community should work to make Quran discourse a success. Speeches should be published urgently in book form. Herd-like community will get new vision. There will be revolution in the Muhalla, state, nation and the entire world.
September 20, 2012
Unnecessary Anti-government Stand
Maulana Wahiduddin Khan speech
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
Sahabas belonged to seventh century. Muhaddiseen, who collected Prophet’s Hadees, belonged to eighth century. These two groups have historical importance in Islam.
Surah Tauba, 9, verse 100, ‘minal muhajireena val ansari wallazina tabawuhum’. Allah is pleased with Muhajirs, Ansars and those who followed them. ‘wallazina tabawuhum bi ihsan’, refers to Muhaddiseen. Prophet’s position is authentic. After Prophet, two groups can be considered role models, not at individual level, but as a group – Sahabas and Tabiyeen. Individuals as role models will keep coming till the last day. Sahabas, Prophet’s companions, focused on Quran. They were called Mukri. It was a time before printing press. They memorized Quran and recited to others. Quran was compiled during Prophet’s time. Mission of Sahabas was to preach it. Hard work of Muhaddiseen gave us compilation of Hadees, words, actions and history of Prophet.
Period of Sahabas was Daur-e-Dawath (period of missionary work). Muhaddiseen period was Daur-e-Huqumath (governance, administration). Sahabas provide us a role model to function in the period of Dawath. Muhaddiseen provide guidance to function under administrative rule.
There is a prayer in last verse of Surah Baqara. ‘rabbana wala tahmil alaina isran kamaa hamaltahu alallajina min kablina’. ‘Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like thou didst lay on those before us’. Earlier Ummats (communities) functioned under a period of heavy restrictions, a period devoid of religious freedom. Surah Buruj, 85, verse 8 – ‘wamaa nakamu minhum illa anyuminu billah’. They were punished just because they had faith in God. State’s religion was the only permitted religion in those days. Other faiths will be crushed. Missionary work was very treacherous in such situation. Prayer of Sahabas was to end this anti-religion era and to foster pro-religion era. Surah Alaq, 96, verse 9 – ‘ara aitallazi yanha abdan iza salla’. Did you see one who forbids prayer. Accepting Tawheed (creed of one God) was difficult at that time. Accepting other religion was considered treason and conspiring against the state. Sahabas prayed for this torturous period to end. Allah accepted their prayer. Changes started appearing. No change in history can come suddenly. Democracy evolved over a long period of time. Freedom of religion and thought did not arrive in a single day. It took a long time. Allah’s Help comes in the form of means and favorable circumstances. Changes started at that time. Now we breathe air of freedom. We have full liberty.
There is no need for a Dayee (missionary worker) to take anti-government stand in today’s conducive atmosphere. Many books have been published in many languages about Muhaddiseen. Their achievement is not just compiling Hadees. They are role models. Situation in Muslim countries today is same as Abbasiya period of that day. Thousands of Muslims are being killed in Muslim nations. The weakness that we see today, atrocities, excesses, misuse of power prevailed in that period also. But Muhaddiseen did not take confrontational approach. They took Prophet’s wise advice. “Period of rulers will come after me. They will be decadent. They will build lavish palaces. They will crush who oppose them. Don’t clash with them”. “Even if they whip you, even if they loot your property, take your herd and go into forests”. Avoid political interference and do missionary works in whatever way possible. Work in non-political spheres. Muhaddiseen collected and compiled Hadees. They followed the guidance in Hadees. Today as well there is necessity for a literary mission.
Bukhari and Muslim are two very important Hadees books. You can ask for private audience with ruler and express your angst, reservation, opinion and opposition privately. Avoid protests and agitations. They won’t help. If Muhaddiseen had fought with the rulers, we would not have received Hadees compilations. Hadees collection was the need of the hour of that period. They did this remarkable work without meddling with politics. We have got Hadees books only because they stayed away from political opposition and aggression against state. Today is an age of democracy, secularism, communication, science and technology. We have to present Islam in a way others will understand. We have to create literature that caters to the needs of the present generation. There is lack of literary work in the entire Muslim world. Islamic scholars are busy with political opposition.
Those who constantly oppose government have no achievable targets in their minds. Perfect, ideal situation is impossible. Avail existing opportunities and move forward.
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
Sahabas belonged to seventh century. Muhaddiseen, who collected Prophet’s Hadees, belonged to eighth century. These two groups have historical importance in Islam.
Surah Tauba, 9, verse 100, ‘minal muhajireena val ansari wallazina tabawuhum’. Allah is pleased with Muhajirs, Ansars and those who followed them. ‘wallazina tabawuhum bi ihsan’, refers to Muhaddiseen. Prophet’s position is authentic. After Prophet, two groups can be considered role models, not at individual level, but as a group – Sahabas and Tabiyeen. Individuals as role models will keep coming till the last day. Sahabas, Prophet’s companions, focused on Quran. They were called Mukri. It was a time before printing press. They memorized Quran and recited to others. Quran was compiled during Prophet’s time. Mission of Sahabas was to preach it. Hard work of Muhaddiseen gave us compilation of Hadees, words, actions and history of Prophet.
Period of Sahabas was Daur-e-Dawath (period of missionary work). Muhaddiseen period was Daur-e-Huqumath (governance, administration). Sahabas provide us a role model to function in the period of Dawath. Muhaddiseen provide guidance to function under administrative rule.
There is a prayer in last verse of Surah Baqara. ‘rabbana wala tahmil alaina isran kamaa hamaltahu alallajina min kablina’. ‘Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like thou didst lay on those before us’. Earlier Ummats (communities) functioned under a period of heavy restrictions, a period devoid of religious freedom. Surah Buruj, 85, verse 8 – ‘wamaa nakamu minhum illa anyuminu billah’. They were punished just because they had faith in God. State’s religion was the only permitted religion in those days. Other faiths will be crushed. Missionary work was very treacherous in such situation. Prayer of Sahabas was to end this anti-religion era and to foster pro-religion era. Surah Alaq, 96, verse 9 – ‘ara aitallazi yanha abdan iza salla’. Did you see one who forbids prayer. Accepting Tawheed (creed of one God) was difficult at that time. Accepting other religion was considered treason and conspiring against the state. Sahabas prayed for this torturous period to end. Allah accepted their prayer. Changes started appearing. No change in history can come suddenly. Democracy evolved over a long period of time. Freedom of religion and thought did not arrive in a single day. It took a long time. Allah’s Help comes in the form of means and favorable circumstances. Changes started at that time. Now we breathe air of freedom. We have full liberty.
There is no need for a Dayee (missionary worker) to take anti-government stand in today’s conducive atmosphere. Many books have been published in many languages about Muhaddiseen. Their achievement is not just compiling Hadees. They are role models. Situation in Muslim countries today is same as Abbasiya period of that day. Thousands of Muslims are being killed in Muslim nations. The weakness that we see today, atrocities, excesses, misuse of power prevailed in that period also. But Muhaddiseen did not take confrontational approach. They took Prophet’s wise advice. “Period of rulers will come after me. They will be decadent. They will build lavish palaces. They will crush who oppose them. Don’t clash with them”. “Even if they whip you, even if they loot your property, take your herd and go into forests”. Avoid political interference and do missionary works in whatever way possible. Work in non-political spheres. Muhaddiseen collected and compiled Hadees. They followed the guidance in Hadees. Today as well there is necessity for a literary mission.
Bukhari and Muslim are two very important Hadees books. You can ask for private audience with ruler and express your angst, reservation, opinion and opposition privately. Avoid protests and agitations. They won’t help. If Muhaddiseen had fought with the rulers, we would not have received Hadees compilations. Hadees collection was the need of the hour of that period. They did this remarkable work without meddling with politics. We have got Hadees books only because they stayed away from political opposition and aggression against state. Today is an age of democracy, secularism, communication, science and technology. We have to present Islam in a way others will understand. We have to create literature that caters to the needs of the present generation. There is lack of literary work in the entire Muslim world. Islamic scholars are busy with political opposition.
Those who constantly oppose government have no achievable targets in their minds. Perfect, ideal situation is impossible. Avail existing opportunities and move forward.
September 19, 2012
Women Book Readership
Muslim Murasu, September 2012
Islam urges women to acquire education, knowledge, wisdom and experience. 25 lakh women in Tamilnadu show hesitation. 250 women writers are needed today to identify and focus on women issues. Readership among women has completely dwindled. Television is eating up most of the leisure hours. Other cultures and consumerist rage are penetrating their hearts, unbeknownst to them. Private television channels are gradually thrusting obscenity, aggression, restlessness, extravagance and dissatisfaction. Television addiction is dangerous. It spoils the heart. A strong missionary movement can stop this. Women should be trained to write short stories, poems, articles, editorials, bit news, interviews and travelogues. Divisions in houses are deepening when women travel in opposite direction. Society is unable to produce highly intellectual women leaders like Khadeeja and Ayisha (rali). Islamic cadres and activists working in the field shall pay attention to women literature.
One and half lakh graduates and educated women have been produced among Muslims in Tamilnadu in the past thirty years. Thousands of engineering, medical and management graduates have dissolved in the family cauldron. Thousand crore rupee has been spent for women education. Educated women who were groomed with a large investment have been submerged in society like average women. They have no idea on awareness, development and social welfare. They have disappeared in family cycle. Muslim women participation does not look significant in politics, education, literature and economic realms. There is this sad scene too where battling quality of Muslim women are abused for video footage. Reading habit is the first step to women awareness. Among 25 lakh Muslim women in Tamilnadu, fifty thousand can be encouraged to read books and magazines. Today, book readership is less than five hundred. Jewel obsession among women is impeding serious reading. They seek to live independently. They do not support any concerted social efforts by men. Muslims families that have crossed monthly salary of 50,000 shall set their feet in women literature, education and awareness. Otherwise, society will have a bumpy, slippery, treacherous way forward.
Islam urges women to acquire education, knowledge, wisdom and experience. 25 lakh women in Tamilnadu show hesitation. 250 women writers are needed today to identify and focus on women issues. Readership among women has completely dwindled. Television is eating up most of the leisure hours. Other cultures and consumerist rage are penetrating their hearts, unbeknownst to them. Private television channels are gradually thrusting obscenity, aggression, restlessness, extravagance and dissatisfaction. Television addiction is dangerous. It spoils the heart. A strong missionary movement can stop this. Women should be trained to write short stories, poems, articles, editorials, bit news, interviews and travelogues. Divisions in houses are deepening when women travel in opposite direction. Society is unable to produce highly intellectual women leaders like Khadeeja and Ayisha (rali). Islamic cadres and activists working in the field shall pay attention to women literature.
One and half lakh graduates and educated women have been produced among Muslims in Tamilnadu in the past thirty years. Thousands of engineering, medical and management graduates have dissolved in the family cauldron. Thousand crore rupee has been spent for women education. Educated women who were groomed with a large investment have been submerged in society like average women. They have no idea on awareness, development and social welfare. They have disappeared in family cycle. Muslim women participation does not look significant in politics, education, literature and economic realms. There is this sad scene too where battling quality of Muslim women are abused for video footage. Reading habit is the first step to women awareness. Among 25 lakh Muslim women in Tamilnadu, fifty thousand can be encouraged to read books and magazines. Today, book readership is less than five hundred. Jewel obsession among women is impeding serious reading. They seek to live independently. They do not support any concerted social efforts by men. Muslims families that have crossed monthly salary of 50,000 shall set their feet in women literature, education and awareness. Otherwise, society will have a bumpy, slippery, treacherous way forward.
September 17, 2012
Independent Ministry For Religious Preaching
Muslim Murasu, September 2012
Tamil people, by and large, believe in God. Religious preachers are functioning independently and guarding high ideals. They spend better part of their lives for religious works. Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are important religions in Tamilnadu. Sikhism, Buddhism and Parsi have some followers. Politics and cinema receive major and larger attention. Young generation, with unrestrained curiosity, take plunge into a life of competition. Life based on ideals, traditional values and culture seems out of place. Politicians have made it a habit to brazenly and boldly tell lies in public events. Looting property of others has become rampant. Police violence on law college students in Chennai and brutal murder of a hosteler in Chidambaram medical college bear clear witness to culture of violence in Tamilnadu. Culture should not be allowed to deteriorate further. Causing ruckus in Assembly is another routine sad scene. Indecency and vulgarity is spreading through five star hotels, malls and multiplexes. Religious institutions have not propagated essence of religious values. Instead, they focus on rites and customs. A deep grasp of religion and its fundamentals are in decline in Tamilnadu. Materialistic rage and consumerist craving are on the rampage. Religious values should be imprinted in nascent hearts in childhood during school days. Tamilnadu should lead the nation by creating a separate ministry for this. Tamil scholars, saints and spiritualists have the capacity to guide the entire nation. Rulers have the important responsibility to identify them. Only then Tamilnadu will become numero uno state by 2023. Forty percent of government money continuously being looted by upper section will impede life of Tamil society. Cultural revival can happen by thrusting faith in God. This can stop Tamilians from bestial mentality. Religious preachers should be identified at Taluk, district and state levels, and should be invited and honored in government functions. Five percent of state budget should be allotted for a focused department for religious preaching.
Tamil people, by and large, believe in God. Religious preachers are functioning independently and guarding high ideals. They spend better part of their lives for religious works. Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are important religions in Tamilnadu. Sikhism, Buddhism and Parsi have some followers. Politics and cinema receive major and larger attention. Young generation, with unrestrained curiosity, take plunge into a life of competition. Life based on ideals, traditional values and culture seems out of place. Politicians have made it a habit to brazenly and boldly tell lies in public events. Looting property of others has become rampant. Police violence on law college students in Chennai and brutal murder of a hosteler in Chidambaram medical college bear clear witness to culture of violence in Tamilnadu. Culture should not be allowed to deteriorate further. Causing ruckus in Assembly is another routine sad scene. Indecency and vulgarity is spreading through five star hotels, malls and multiplexes. Religious institutions have not propagated essence of religious values. Instead, they focus on rites and customs. A deep grasp of religion and its fundamentals are in decline in Tamilnadu. Materialistic rage and consumerist craving are on the rampage. Religious values should be imprinted in nascent hearts in childhood during school days. Tamilnadu should lead the nation by creating a separate ministry for this. Tamil scholars, saints and spiritualists have the capacity to guide the entire nation. Rulers have the important responsibility to identify them. Only then Tamilnadu will become numero uno state by 2023. Forty percent of government money continuously being looted by upper section will impede life of Tamil society. Cultural revival can happen by thrusting faith in God. This can stop Tamilians from bestial mentality. Religious preachers should be identified at Taluk, district and state levels, and should be invited and honored in government functions. Five percent of state budget should be allotted for a focused department for religious preaching.
Allah Gave Us Friends And Relations
Hazrat Abdul Samad Suburisha Faizi speech, Poravacheri, Nagapatinam
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
It is not appropriate to go to a provision store and vaguely ask them to give you one kilogram ‘provision’. Shop man will become irritated. Board in the shop is displayed as provision store. It is a common name. All items will be available here. Different grocery items are orderly arranged. You have to particularly ask for what you want. Then you will get it. You cannot enter a fruit stall and vaguely ask for fruits. You have to be particular whether you want apple or orange or grapes. Who named them? No one can change the name of Brinjal as Ladies finger. Brinjal has to be called as Brinjal till Qiyamat. Even UN cannot pass resolution and change its name.
One thousand rupee currency note contains thousand one rupee coins within it. It contains two hundred 5 rupee notes, hundred 10 rupee notes, or ten 100 rupee notes within it. One single thousand rupee notes contain other denominations within it. One Haq, one Supreme Being. Everything is contained within. Lord does not become vegetable or fruit. Provision comes as different guards and grains. You cannot buy anything without using proper name. Entire world is contained within one name. You don’t have the capacity to understand. But I cannot skip this. You learn foreign languages when you go there. That is the way to survive. Rab – everything comes within it. ‘Ilaah’ is common name. Rabbil alameen – Lord of everything. You will have a life free of troubles and sorrows if you understand the meaning of Rab. You will get a splendid life. There should be constant contact and communication with Lord. 99 names come within Rab. Rab and Ilaahi comes within Allah.
A Hindu friend who stays in gulf fluently talks Arabic. But a person who studied seven years in Madrasa is unable to speak Arabic. Friends and circle matter. Allay says, ‘Kunu ma’a sadiqeen’. Be with righteous people. We will acquire the quality of those we are attached to. Arabic can be learned if you have interest. Arabs are fond of that Hindu friend. Interest to learn is important. Learn about Rab. We are ignorant about Asmaul Husna, Allah’s names. Muslim women go to banks and inquire about profits in fixed deposits. What is the profit for 5 year period and 10 year period. What will be the profit till death. No one knows. Do you know when you will die. Is there any guarantee to life. ‘Hayyalas salaat’. Allah calls. We are turning deaf ears. Some are busy pandering their grand children. Some are busy in their business. We get ready by 10’o clock for a marriage at 11. That is an invitation. Prayer call is an invitation too.
We give importance to invitation by relatives. Allah created us. Then we got relations. If He didn’t create us, there won’t be any relation. One should not talk while prayer call is given. Allah is calling us. Are we talking anything more important. Imaan will be taken away from us. We will be at loss both in this world and in the Hereafter. We cannot perfectly follow divine commands until we seek and acquire divine knowledge. Lakhs of people are participating in Eid prayers. But mosques remain empty in Zuhar prayer on the same day. 40 lakhs, 80 lakhs, one crore rupee are spent to construct mosques. Mosque is Allah’s house. We should hasten towards it if Allah’s command, Azaan, is announced. This is the path to success.
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
It is not appropriate to go to a provision store and vaguely ask them to give you one kilogram ‘provision’. Shop man will become irritated. Board in the shop is displayed as provision store. It is a common name. All items will be available here. Different grocery items are orderly arranged. You have to particularly ask for what you want. Then you will get it. You cannot enter a fruit stall and vaguely ask for fruits. You have to be particular whether you want apple or orange or grapes. Who named them? No one can change the name of Brinjal as Ladies finger. Brinjal has to be called as Brinjal till Qiyamat. Even UN cannot pass resolution and change its name.
One thousand rupee currency note contains thousand one rupee coins within it. It contains two hundred 5 rupee notes, hundred 10 rupee notes, or ten 100 rupee notes within it. One single thousand rupee notes contain other denominations within it. One Haq, one Supreme Being. Everything is contained within. Lord does not become vegetable or fruit. Provision comes as different guards and grains. You cannot buy anything without using proper name. Entire world is contained within one name. You don’t have the capacity to understand. But I cannot skip this. You learn foreign languages when you go there. That is the way to survive. Rab – everything comes within it. ‘Ilaah’ is common name. Rabbil alameen – Lord of everything. You will have a life free of troubles and sorrows if you understand the meaning of Rab. You will get a splendid life. There should be constant contact and communication with Lord. 99 names come within Rab. Rab and Ilaahi comes within Allah.
A Hindu friend who stays in gulf fluently talks Arabic. But a person who studied seven years in Madrasa is unable to speak Arabic. Friends and circle matter. Allay says, ‘Kunu ma’a sadiqeen’. Be with righteous people. We will acquire the quality of those we are attached to. Arabic can be learned if you have interest. Arabs are fond of that Hindu friend. Interest to learn is important. Learn about Rab. We are ignorant about Asmaul Husna, Allah’s names. Muslim women go to banks and inquire about profits in fixed deposits. What is the profit for 5 year period and 10 year period. What will be the profit till death. No one knows. Do you know when you will die. Is there any guarantee to life. ‘Hayyalas salaat’. Allah calls. We are turning deaf ears. Some are busy pandering their grand children. Some are busy in their business. We get ready by 10’o clock for a marriage at 11. That is an invitation. Prayer call is an invitation too.
We give importance to invitation by relatives. Allah created us. Then we got relations. If He didn’t create us, there won’t be any relation. One should not talk while prayer call is given. Allah is calling us. Are we talking anything more important. Imaan will be taken away from us. We will be at loss both in this world and in the Hereafter. We cannot perfectly follow divine commands until we seek and acquire divine knowledge. Lakhs of people are participating in Eid prayers. But mosques remain empty in Zuhar prayer on the same day. 40 lakhs, 80 lakhs, one crore rupee are spent to construct mosques. Mosque is Allah’s house. We should hasten towards it if Allah’s command, Azaan, is announced. This is the path to success.
September 12, 2012
Wise Men Will Fear God
Darse Quran by Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
God urges those who turn away from truth and deny the Hereafter to observe the signs in nature. He exhorts them with kindness. But if they persist in their rebellious attitude, He instructs Prophet to ignore and leave them. “Your job is only to tell them”. Imaan, Faith, is Allah’s gift. Bilal (rali) came from Habasha. Salman (rali) was from Persia and Suhaib (rali) was from Rome. They accepted Imaan. But Prophet’s uncle Abulahab did not accept Imaan. Imaan is a tremendous wealth. We have been bestowed with it. Abujahl, Utba, Shoiba used to stealthily listen Quran. But Shaitan had control over them. ‘Katamallahu alaa quloobihim’. Surah 2, Baqarah, verse 7. Allah has sealed their hearts. This verse is not for everyone. Otherwise, nonbelievers will never be able to embrace Imaan. Imaan is spreading in western countries. Many are embracing it. Dr. Hameedullah was a scholar from Hyderabad. He settled in France and lived there for 55 years. Everyday atleast five persons will come to him and embrace Islam. Saudi government was not fond of him. But his French translation of Quran is kept in Haram Shareef. Maurice Bucaille was a medical practitioner in France. He was impressed by elaborate mention about fetus formation in Quran and embraced Islam. He wrote the book ‘Bible Quran and Science’. Let us take Quran to the people.
First Shariat was given to Moosa (alai). It did not have features like Ozhu and Miswak. Complete Shariat has been given to us. Allah has chosen us for Quran. Earlier Ummats did not have Juma. They had to leave the meat of animals slaughtered for sacrifice in hilltops. We have been permitted to eat them. Purpose of Ramzan is to relieve us from fetish for food and turn us towards Allah. It is inappropriate to loudly laugh in this month. This month should be respectfully called as ‘Ramzan Shareef’, like we call ‘Quran Majeed’. Knowledge has ten parts; nine out of them are respect. Only one part is knowledge. Shaitan had vast knowledge. But he did not know discipline, so he was expelled. Surah Yunus, 10, verse 59 – ‘kul ara aitum maa anzalallahu lakum min rizkin’. ‘Did you see what God has sent down for your sustenance’. Some food are Halaal (permitted) while others are Haraam (forbidden). In cloth materials, some are permitted and some are forbidden. Pagans in Mecca whimsically gave decrees about Haraam and Halaal. Some animals can be used only for transport while there are other animals that can be used for milk, meat and other purposes.
‘innallaha lazu fazlin alannaas’. God is full of Bounty to mankind. Halaal and Haraam distinctions are for the wellbeing of human society. Blood will collect and feed germs if animals are killed by hitting with machines. Haraam are those things that can cause spiritual or material loss to man. Taqwa means to stay away from Haraam. ‘innama yagshallaha min ibadihil ulama’. Surah Fatir, 35, verse 28. Those with knowledge will fear Allah. General practitioner is considered more significant when compared to a veterinary doctor. People having knowledge of Creator are better compared to those learned in material knowledge. They will have better clarity of thought. Those who know Allah are intelligent people. Fear will increase with knowledge. ‘la allakum tattakun’. ‘You may become God fearing’. Everyone will not become virtuous. Many people turn away from mosque and Quran once Ramzan is over.
Verse 61 – ‘wala tahmaluna min amalin illa kunna alaikum shuhuda’. ‘We witness all your activities’. ‘wala azgara min zalika wala akbara illa fi kitabin mubin’. All things, small and big, are recorded in a book. Atoms are made of proton and electron. They are made of light, Noor. Allah knows the use and purpose of every atom and every creature. Auliya (friends of God) are those without any regrets about the past or any fear about the future. Verse 62 – ‘alaa inna auliya allahi la kaufun alaihim valahum yahzanun’. They don’t regret for any loss, nor do they fear about inquiry by angels. They won’t fall into anguish or sorrow. Auliyas immerse themselves in God’s remembrance. We disturb them. Pray two Rakaath Nafl before going to Auliya for Ziyarat.
Verse 63 – ‘allazina aamanu wakaanu yattakun’. They will have Faith and be pious. They will do good deeds, they won’t be idle. ‘lahumul bushra fil hayaatiduniya wafil akhirati’. They have glad tidings in this life and in the Hereafter. Auliyas and those who follow them are people selected by God.
Verse 65 – ‘wala yahzunka kawluhum’. ‘Let their speech not grieve you’. ‘innal izzata lillahi jamia’. Honor belongs to God. In Surah Munafikin, 63, verse 8, it comes as ‘lillahil izzatu wali rasoolihi walil muminin’. Honor belongs to God and His Prophet and to Believers. It is a privilege to be a Faithful person. Allah will honor in this world and in the next. We are feeling shy about skullcap, beard and Miswak. Muslims are disgraced because of their bad character. We will get honor if we follow Islamic character. Verse continues – ‘inna lillahi man fisamawathi wa manfil arli’. All things in earth and skies belong to God. What they follow other than God is only their fanciful imagination. Creations are being worshiped in other religions.
‘huwallazi jaalakamul laila li taskunu fihi’. Allah has arranged nights to take rest. It proves refreshing and relieving after a wearisome hard labor in the day. Sleep is a blessing. There are signs in sleep. (Surah Zumar, 39, verse 42). Some people are able to sleep only after taking sleeping pills. ‘wannahaara mubsira’. Day is made bright for work. Quran encourages us to think and understand. ‘afalaa yanluruna ilal ibili kaifa kulikat’. Surah Gashiya, 88, verse 17. Contemplate about camel, sky, earth and mountain. They have been around for millions of years, but they don’t become old. Meditating a minute about creations of God is better than many Nafl prayers. This will awaken us about Allah and motivate us to do good deeds.
Verse 68 – ‘kalu takazallahu valada subhanahu’. Allah has not begotten any son. Allah will not become old or senile. He has no need for wife or relations. Earth and sky belongs to Him. ‘mataun fiduniya’. Enjoyment in this world is only little’.
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
God urges those who turn away from truth and deny the Hereafter to observe the signs in nature. He exhorts them with kindness. But if they persist in their rebellious attitude, He instructs Prophet to ignore and leave them. “Your job is only to tell them”. Imaan, Faith, is Allah’s gift. Bilal (rali) came from Habasha. Salman (rali) was from Persia and Suhaib (rali) was from Rome. They accepted Imaan. But Prophet’s uncle Abulahab did not accept Imaan. Imaan is a tremendous wealth. We have been bestowed with it. Abujahl, Utba, Shoiba used to stealthily listen Quran. But Shaitan had control over them. ‘Katamallahu alaa quloobihim’. Surah 2, Baqarah, verse 7. Allah has sealed their hearts. This verse is not for everyone. Otherwise, nonbelievers will never be able to embrace Imaan. Imaan is spreading in western countries. Many are embracing it. Dr. Hameedullah was a scholar from Hyderabad. He settled in France and lived there for 55 years. Everyday atleast five persons will come to him and embrace Islam. Saudi government was not fond of him. But his French translation of Quran is kept in Haram Shareef. Maurice Bucaille was a medical practitioner in France. He was impressed by elaborate mention about fetus formation in Quran and embraced Islam. He wrote the book ‘Bible Quran and Science’. Let us take Quran to the people.
First Shariat was given to Moosa (alai). It did not have features like Ozhu and Miswak. Complete Shariat has been given to us. Allah has chosen us for Quran. Earlier Ummats did not have Juma. They had to leave the meat of animals slaughtered for sacrifice in hilltops. We have been permitted to eat them. Purpose of Ramzan is to relieve us from fetish for food and turn us towards Allah. It is inappropriate to loudly laugh in this month. This month should be respectfully called as ‘Ramzan Shareef’, like we call ‘Quran Majeed’. Knowledge has ten parts; nine out of them are respect. Only one part is knowledge. Shaitan had vast knowledge. But he did not know discipline, so he was expelled. Surah Yunus, 10, verse 59 – ‘kul ara aitum maa anzalallahu lakum min rizkin’. ‘Did you see what God has sent down for your sustenance’. Some food are Halaal (permitted) while others are Haraam (forbidden). In cloth materials, some are permitted and some are forbidden. Pagans in Mecca whimsically gave decrees about Haraam and Halaal. Some animals can be used only for transport while there are other animals that can be used for milk, meat and other purposes.
‘innallaha lazu fazlin alannaas’. God is full of Bounty to mankind. Halaal and Haraam distinctions are for the wellbeing of human society. Blood will collect and feed germs if animals are killed by hitting with machines. Haraam are those things that can cause spiritual or material loss to man. Taqwa means to stay away from Haraam. ‘innama yagshallaha min ibadihil ulama’. Surah Fatir, 35, verse 28. Those with knowledge will fear Allah. General practitioner is considered more significant when compared to a veterinary doctor. People having knowledge of Creator are better compared to those learned in material knowledge. They will have better clarity of thought. Those who know Allah are intelligent people. Fear will increase with knowledge. ‘la allakum tattakun’. ‘You may become God fearing’. Everyone will not become virtuous. Many people turn away from mosque and Quran once Ramzan is over.
Verse 61 – ‘wala tahmaluna min amalin illa kunna alaikum shuhuda’. ‘We witness all your activities’. ‘wala azgara min zalika wala akbara illa fi kitabin mubin’. All things, small and big, are recorded in a book. Atoms are made of proton and electron. They are made of light, Noor. Allah knows the use and purpose of every atom and every creature. Auliya (friends of God) are those without any regrets about the past or any fear about the future. Verse 62 – ‘alaa inna auliya allahi la kaufun alaihim valahum yahzanun’. They don’t regret for any loss, nor do they fear about inquiry by angels. They won’t fall into anguish or sorrow. Auliyas immerse themselves in God’s remembrance. We disturb them. Pray two Rakaath Nafl before going to Auliya for Ziyarat.
Verse 63 – ‘allazina aamanu wakaanu yattakun’. They will have Faith and be pious. They will do good deeds, they won’t be idle. ‘lahumul bushra fil hayaatiduniya wafil akhirati’. They have glad tidings in this life and in the Hereafter. Auliyas and those who follow them are people selected by God.
Verse 65 – ‘wala yahzunka kawluhum’. ‘Let their speech not grieve you’. ‘innal izzata lillahi jamia’. Honor belongs to God. In Surah Munafikin, 63, verse 8, it comes as ‘lillahil izzatu wali rasoolihi walil muminin’. Honor belongs to God and His Prophet and to Believers. It is a privilege to be a Faithful person. Allah will honor in this world and in the next. We are feeling shy about skullcap, beard and Miswak. Muslims are disgraced because of their bad character. We will get honor if we follow Islamic character. Verse continues – ‘inna lillahi man fisamawathi wa manfil arli’. All things in earth and skies belong to God. What they follow other than God is only their fanciful imagination. Creations are being worshiped in other religions.
‘huwallazi jaalakamul laila li taskunu fihi’. Allah has arranged nights to take rest. It proves refreshing and relieving after a wearisome hard labor in the day. Sleep is a blessing. There are signs in sleep. (Surah Zumar, 39, verse 42). Some people are able to sleep only after taking sleeping pills. ‘wannahaara mubsira’. Day is made bright for work. Quran encourages us to think and understand. ‘afalaa yanluruna ilal ibili kaifa kulikat’. Surah Gashiya, 88, verse 17. Contemplate about camel, sky, earth and mountain. They have been around for millions of years, but they don’t become old. Meditating a minute about creations of God is better than many Nafl prayers. This will awaken us about Allah and motivate us to do good deeds.
Verse 68 – ‘kalu takazallahu valada subhanahu’. Allah has not begotten any son. Allah will not become old or senile. He has no need for wife or relations. Earth and sky belongs to Him. ‘mataun fiduniya’. Enjoyment in this world is only little’.
September 06, 2012
Prophet's Invitation To Hinda To Accept Islam
Weekly Speech at Tablighi Markaz, Tolichowki, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
Dawath is powerful. It acquires the strength to annihilate falsehood in each era. Surah AlaImran, 3, verse 160 – Inyansurukumullahu falaa gaalibalakum. If you help in Allah’s cause, no one can overcome you. None can get stronger than missionary workers. They will have upper hand. Sahabas were less in number and weak in force. They succeeded in Badr, Uhud and Kandaq battles. They defeated empires. They were once fled away from their homes and city with nothing. Prophet induced fraternal feeling among them. People who were once outcast later conquered the world. Victory came to their feet. Brotherhood is a facet of Imaan. People of Medina showed love and friendship and shared their wealth and belongings. Sahabas from Mecca gave their hard work and fared as merchants and labors. Nowadays it looks difficult to care even for blood brothers. Hosting for a lunch or dinner looks arduous. Own children appear as burden. Life has become selfish and self-centered. Full life revolves around frenzy over uniform, shoes and books. Sahabas were ready to host and feed entire Ummat.
They spent and spent and got more and more prosperous. We save money desperately and remain poor and needy. A Hadees says that man becomes miser and coward when he acquires material wealth. If you understand God’s glory, spend your life for His religion. ‘wa maa qadarullaha hakka qadrihi’. Surah Zumar, 39, verse 67. ‘They don’t understand God’s greatness as is due to Him’. He can take the entire world in His hand. Man always needs God’s help. Man does not see; God makes him see. Man does not hear; God makes him hear. Man will understand this while losing his faculties in deathbed. He will lose sight and hearing. Each talent is given by God. Man has to give account for everything, even for the food that he got after severe starving. Fatima (rali) was famished. Didn’t Prophet have the ability or talent to feed her. Prophet used all his abilities for Ummat. He sacrificed himself and his family. This is difference between Nubuwath and Huqumat. Huqumat means to delegate pains to others and take gains for oneself; it is to praise or protest, all for selfish motives. Nubuwat means complete sacrifice. ‘Summa latasalunna yawmaizin anil naeem’. Surah Takashur, 102, verse 8. Man has to answer for each blessing he receives. Every talent will be accounted for. We use all our abilities for luxurious houses, marriage lavishes and hoarding wealth. ‘haza min fazli rabbi’. We will know whether it is Allah’s grace or wrath only on judgment day. Islam permits only needful spending. Extravagance is prohibited. Prophet said after Uhud battle that other communities will leap on the dignity of Muslims like dogs go after bones. Muslims will be huge in number but weakened because of their love for material world and fear of death.
Deen Dawath (missionary work) will bring an amicable atmosphere. Life will thrive. Five times prayer call a day should imprint God’s glory in our hearts. Man is dependent on Allah for everything. Our society is totally stuck and lost if one server goes down. This cannot be held as growth. Growth was evident in lives of Sahabas. They had Ruhaani growth, Amal growth and Imaan growth. Once earth shook when Umar (rali) was the ruler. He whipped the land with his lash and told, ‘We are living here as Allah’s servants’. Tremor stopped immediately. Umar (rali) gave a heads-up call to Zariya (rali) who was battling hundreds of miles away. These historic incidents show the strength of Imaan. When Rasoolullah set out on Hijrat, he recited a verse from Surah Yasin and sprinkled sand on unbelievers. Unbelievers fell into a slumber. ‘waja alna mimbaini aydihim saddan wamin kalfihim saddan fa agshainahum wahum la yubsirun’. Surah Yasin, verse 9. ‘We have covered them. They can’t see’. In another verse Allah says ‘wama ramaita iz ramaita walaakinnallaha rama’. Surah Anfal, 8, verse 17. ‘You did not throw. Allah threw’.
When a man devotes himself to Allah, Allah will take care of all his affairs. This mercy is not limited to Prophet. This will be extended till the last day. What is needed is anguish and anxiety for full Ummat. Each person should be saved from hell. Hinda was staying in Mecca when Mecca was conquered. She was the one who killed Prophet’s uncle Hamza (rali). Prophet prayed to Allah to give guidance for Hinda. Hinda sent him a message that she is also willing to embrace Islam, but a verse in Quran is making her hesitate. Surah Furqan, 25, verse 68 – ‘wallazina la yadwuna mahallahi ilaahan aakhara vala yaktulunannafsallati harramallahu illa bil haqqi vala yaznun’. Those who committed Shirk, murder or prostitution will be severely punished. Prophet regretted and prayed more for her guidance. Another verse was sent down. Verse 70 – illa man taaba wa aamana wa amila amalan salihan faulaika yu baddilullahu saiyiaatihim hasana’. For those who believe and do good deeds, Allah will turn their sins into good deeds. Prophet conveyed this good new to Hinda. She expressed her doubt if she will be able to do any good deed. ‘Will I get opportunity to do good things. I have not done anything good so far’. Prophet continued praying for her. Another verse descended. Surah Nisa, 4, verse 48 – ‘wa yagfiru maaduna zalika limanyashau’. He will forgive whom He pleaseth. Hinda again contradicted saying that she is not sure if Allah will wish to forgive her. ‘Will I be forgiven’. Prophet again prayed for her. Another verse came. Surah Zumar, 39, verse 53 – ‘ya ibadillazina asrafu alaa anfusihim laa taknatu min rahmatillahi innallaha yagfiru zunooba jamia’. ‘Don’t despair. Allah will forgive all sins’. Finally this was felicitation for Hinda. She accepted the good message. She came to Prophet and embraced Islam. Prophet asked her about killing Hamza. She narrated the incident. Prophet request her not to appear in front of him, because she reminded him of Hamza. Prophet told that this is not out of anger. Hinda relocated to Sham. She came to Medina after Prophet passed away. Muslima bin Kazzab waged war on Medina with an army of 70000 soldiers. Abubakkar (rali) was Kalipha. 400 Sahabas who were Quran Hafiz were slain in this war. Khalid bin Walid (rali) led Muslim army. Hinda killed Muslima bin Kazzab who claimed as a prophet. Hinda thanked Allah for giving her this opportunity. Are we concerned atleast about Imaan in our families ?
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2012
Dawath is powerful. It acquires the strength to annihilate falsehood in each era. Surah AlaImran, 3, verse 160 – Inyansurukumullahu falaa gaalibalakum. If you help in Allah’s cause, no one can overcome you. None can get stronger than missionary workers. They will have upper hand. Sahabas were less in number and weak in force. They succeeded in Badr, Uhud and Kandaq battles. They defeated empires. They were once fled away from their homes and city with nothing. Prophet induced fraternal feeling among them. People who were once outcast later conquered the world. Victory came to their feet. Brotherhood is a facet of Imaan. People of Medina showed love and friendship and shared their wealth and belongings. Sahabas from Mecca gave their hard work and fared as merchants and labors. Nowadays it looks difficult to care even for blood brothers. Hosting for a lunch or dinner looks arduous. Own children appear as burden. Life has become selfish and self-centered. Full life revolves around frenzy over uniform, shoes and books. Sahabas were ready to host and feed entire Ummat.
They spent and spent and got more and more prosperous. We save money desperately and remain poor and needy. A Hadees says that man becomes miser and coward when he acquires material wealth. If you understand God’s glory, spend your life for His religion. ‘wa maa qadarullaha hakka qadrihi’. Surah Zumar, 39, verse 67. ‘They don’t understand God’s greatness as is due to Him’. He can take the entire world in His hand. Man always needs God’s help. Man does not see; God makes him see. Man does not hear; God makes him hear. Man will understand this while losing his faculties in deathbed. He will lose sight and hearing. Each talent is given by God. Man has to give account for everything, even for the food that he got after severe starving. Fatima (rali) was famished. Didn’t Prophet have the ability or talent to feed her. Prophet used all his abilities for Ummat. He sacrificed himself and his family. This is difference between Nubuwath and Huqumat. Huqumat means to delegate pains to others and take gains for oneself; it is to praise or protest, all for selfish motives. Nubuwat means complete sacrifice. ‘Summa latasalunna yawmaizin anil naeem’. Surah Takashur, 102, verse 8. Man has to answer for each blessing he receives. Every talent will be accounted for. We use all our abilities for luxurious houses, marriage lavishes and hoarding wealth. ‘haza min fazli rabbi’. We will know whether it is Allah’s grace or wrath only on judgment day. Islam permits only needful spending. Extravagance is prohibited. Prophet said after Uhud battle that other communities will leap on the dignity of Muslims like dogs go after bones. Muslims will be huge in number but weakened because of their love for material world and fear of death.
Deen Dawath (missionary work) will bring an amicable atmosphere. Life will thrive. Five times prayer call a day should imprint God’s glory in our hearts. Man is dependent on Allah for everything. Our society is totally stuck and lost if one server goes down. This cannot be held as growth. Growth was evident in lives of Sahabas. They had Ruhaani growth, Amal growth and Imaan growth. Once earth shook when Umar (rali) was the ruler. He whipped the land with his lash and told, ‘We are living here as Allah’s servants’. Tremor stopped immediately. Umar (rali) gave a heads-up call to Zariya (rali) who was battling hundreds of miles away. These historic incidents show the strength of Imaan. When Rasoolullah set out on Hijrat, he recited a verse from Surah Yasin and sprinkled sand on unbelievers. Unbelievers fell into a slumber. ‘waja alna mimbaini aydihim saddan wamin kalfihim saddan fa agshainahum wahum la yubsirun’. Surah Yasin, verse 9. ‘We have covered them. They can’t see’. In another verse Allah says ‘wama ramaita iz ramaita walaakinnallaha rama’. Surah Anfal, 8, verse 17. ‘You did not throw. Allah threw’.
When a man devotes himself to Allah, Allah will take care of all his affairs. This mercy is not limited to Prophet. This will be extended till the last day. What is needed is anguish and anxiety for full Ummat. Each person should be saved from hell. Hinda was staying in Mecca when Mecca was conquered. She was the one who killed Prophet’s uncle Hamza (rali). Prophet prayed to Allah to give guidance for Hinda. Hinda sent him a message that she is also willing to embrace Islam, but a verse in Quran is making her hesitate. Surah Furqan, 25, verse 68 – ‘wallazina la yadwuna mahallahi ilaahan aakhara vala yaktulunannafsallati harramallahu illa bil haqqi vala yaznun’. Those who committed Shirk, murder or prostitution will be severely punished. Prophet regretted and prayed more for her guidance. Another verse was sent down. Verse 70 – illa man taaba wa aamana wa amila amalan salihan faulaika yu baddilullahu saiyiaatihim hasana’. For those who believe and do good deeds, Allah will turn their sins into good deeds. Prophet conveyed this good new to Hinda. She expressed her doubt if she will be able to do any good deed. ‘Will I get opportunity to do good things. I have not done anything good so far’. Prophet continued praying for her. Another verse descended. Surah Nisa, 4, verse 48 – ‘wa yagfiru maaduna zalika limanyashau’. He will forgive whom He pleaseth. Hinda again contradicted saying that she is not sure if Allah will wish to forgive her. ‘Will I be forgiven’. Prophet again prayed for her. Another verse came. Surah Zumar, 39, verse 53 – ‘ya ibadillazina asrafu alaa anfusihim laa taknatu min rahmatillahi innallaha yagfiru zunooba jamia’. ‘Don’t despair. Allah will forgive all sins’. Finally this was felicitation for Hinda. She accepted the good message. She came to Prophet and embraced Islam. Prophet asked her about killing Hamza. She narrated the incident. Prophet request her not to appear in front of him, because she reminded him of Hamza. Prophet told that this is not out of anger. Hinda relocated to Sham. She came to Medina after Prophet passed away. Muslima bin Kazzab waged war on Medina with an army of 70000 soldiers. Abubakkar (rali) was Kalipha. 400 Sahabas who were Quran Hafiz were slain in this war. Khalid bin Walid (rali) led Muslim army. Hinda killed Muslima bin Kazzab who claimed as a prophet. Hinda thanked Allah for giving her this opportunity. Are we concerned atleast about Imaan in our families ?
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