January 14, 2011

Coalition Television Violence

(This is translation of an article published in Muslim Murasu January 2011)

Earlier politics extended support for authority, corruption, abuses and excesses. At some stages, schemes beneficial to public were also implemented. But now, politicians play wildly with people’s lives through television.
Television channel determines list of terrorists. Journalists are sought after to include or dismiss a minister. Television is readily available to threaten upcoming entrepreneur. Television comes handy to rein in manager of educational institute.
Each political party holds sway over corridors of power and nurture private TV channels. Large amount of money is being swindled by blacking out relevant news. Coalition principles help many a candidate win elections. No party has the strength to go to people all alone. Even deposit will be forfeited. Political prospect will be doomed. It will become difficult to protect black money and crony organizations that have been amassed over years. Children will have to come to platform. Private TV channels are new destinations of black money investments. Private TV channels are shielding entrepreneurs who are cooling off under inflationary pressures. Imprisonment is warded off. TV channels collude and carefully play out that no new leaders arise from among backward castes.
Votes of 40 lakh Muslims in Tamilnadu take part in shaping political and electoral results. Muslim organizations, movements and parties are compelled to extend support during elections. Poster, cutout, dais, speech, public event and interview are blatantly staged. As an aside, communal, religious, racial undertones also go on stage. But the winning party will keep Muslim organizations and VIPs at distance from day one. TV channels of ruling party, opposition party and caste-based parties do not telecast Muslim events. Cinema award functions and other events are live-telecast. But the religious meetings, events by educational institutions, cultural and arts events, religious festivals, literary conferences organized by Muslims are completely ignored. Coalition principle is being violated. Camera rejects even events where national level leaders and state level executives participate. Achievements of next generation speakers, writers, thinkers and revolutionaries are kept in the dark. Face and speech of old sharks are sometimes accidentally shown. Private TV channels can liberally telecast public events organized by Muslims within the ambit of law. Hindus wont feel infuriated. There is blot in the hearts of scribes, cameramen and owners. “We want votes but we wont care afterward”. Jamaaths should pay attention to the political coalition TV channels that rejects the community.

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