September 03, 2011

Rahman Raheem Meaning

Maulana Peerzada Syed Aleemisha Aamiri speech
Published in Muslim Murasu, September 2011

The Quran verse starts by referring to an attribute of Allah. “ArRahman allamal Quran”. “Most Gracious. It is He Who has taught Quran”. Instead of mentioning God’s name, one of His aspects has been mentioned.
Let us understand who is Rahman. Rahman is He Who teaches Quran. ‘Rahman’ is intensive, superlative form. It means maximum, incomparable gracefulness. To teach Quran is the biggest mercy of all the mercies from God. Health, wealth, relations, power and influence, these are small and insignificant when compared to Quran.
Quran begins by referring to this Rahmaniyath attribute of God. This is the foremost and most important attribute. Whenever God comes in contact with creations, He presents Himself as Rahman. He gives His address and details. “ArRahman alal arshistava”. Allah has established His throne in Arsh. Our faith is that Allah is in Arsh. But He also reveals that ‘ArRahman fas al bihi kabeera’. Learn about Him from those who already know. There are Sufis and spiritually exalted people living in the locality. Learn spirituality from them. God has revealed Himself and His attributes all over Quran. But still it is imperative to surrender and learn about Him from few gifted people.
Whether God is angry or He is pleased, the first attribute that He will display is Rahmaniyat. Whether a person is put in hell or in heaven, God will always be graceful to him. The Rahmaniyat quality is eternal, it won’t wane or change. It is a merciful quality to learn and teach Quran.
Quran is a mirror that will reflect our Holy Prophet. When Gabriel asked Prophet to read, Prophet replied saying he does not read. Gabriel insisted for the second time. Again Prophet replied, “ma ana bikarri”. Prophet is not a Kaari (one who reads Quran). He is Quran. Quran reveals his character, attributes, behavior, conversations, negotiations, discipline, humility and intellect. Prophet’s internal and external aspects are displayed in Quran. “Inna nahnu nazzalna zikra va inna lahu lahaafizoon”. We sent this down and We will protect it. There are no Hafiz (one who has memorized a book) for previous Sacred Texts. But there are numerous Hafiz for Quran.
Rahman and Raheem are two different aspects. Man is provided with hearing, sight, smelling and sensing abilities, various facilities, wealth, knowledge and authority. Even a person who is sent to hell will have different senses functioning for him. God’s mercy will be extended to everyone impartially in this world. Raheem aspect is for those who do good. People having faith and fear of God will be rewarded in the next life. God has life. He gives life. He is merciful. He bestows His mercy. Hafiz each should create many Hafiz. Each Aalim should create hundreds of Aalims. Quran is alive in heart. Quran is Allah’s words, His conversation and command. Allah is Kadeem. Kadeem means that which has existed forever and will exist forever. Allah is Kadeem and so are His sifath (attributes).
Surah ‘Fatiha’ means that which opens or reveals. One who understands Fatiha will be able to understand remaining Quran. Fatiha contains essence of Quran. It is Quran said briefly. Remaining verses in Quran are commentary to this Surah. 6666 verses are contained in these seven verses. Man is also made of seven qualities namely hayaath, ilm, iradha, samaa, basarath, kudrath and kalaam.
Surah Fatiha is mandatory in all Namaz (worship). Only namaz where this Surah is not recited is Janaza namaz. It is actually a dua (prayer), not namaz.
All of Allah’s 99 names can be broadly categorized either as Rahman or Raheem. Who is God? A common answer that can be given to both believer and non-believer is that God is Gracious and Merciful. He nurtures even those who reject and are against Him. He is common to both good and bad people. That is the reason Allah starts revelation with Rahman and Raheem attributes.

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