November 08, 2012

Direct Contact With God

Darse Quran by Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, November 2012

Surah 10, Yunus, last Rukoo, verse 104; Allah addresses every human being, ‘Ya ayyuhannaas’. Christians, Jews or idolaters cannot say that they did not receive the message. This applies to every human being coming till the last day. Allah will use affectionate words ‘Ya ayyuhallazina aamanu’ when He explains any Shariat related matter. ‘Ya ayyuhannaas’ will be used to address everyone while explaining Tawheed or core principle. I use to tell Quran verses while discussing with other educationists. They will express their pleasure and surprise and ask if Quran deals with such things.
But Shaitan hinders men from approaching Quran. Even Muslims mostly don’t read Quran. Seeing Quran will earn good rewards. Reading it will create light and brilliance in heart. My Hazrat often used to say, “Angels will do Tawaaf (circumambulate) around your grave like they do in Kaaba. Keep reading Quran regularly”. Such honor will be given after death. Benefits are even more while alive. The day, month, Prophet, angel, Ummat on which Quran descended are exalted than other days, months, Prophets, angels and Ummats. Connection with Quran brings such exalted status. Atleast quarter Para of Quran should be read everyday after Fajr prayer. This is a duty on you towards Quran.
Verse 104 continues – ‘in kuntum fi shakkin min deeni falaa ahbudullazina tahbuduna min doonillah’. ‘If you are in doubt as to my religion, I don't worship what you worship other than God’.
People of other religions worship everything. They will go on pilgrimage and offer sacrifices. But they won’t worship God. Principle of Islam is that every activity including sacrifice, prayer, life and death are only for God. Surah 6, Anaam, verse 162 – ‘qul inna salaati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamaati lillahi rabbil alameen’.
Even during joyous Eid celebrations, we start with offering prayer to God and thanking Him for granting us the opportunity to fast. Every activity of Muslims is directly attached to God. Going to a Allahwala (saint) is to make it easy. He can teach you in ten minutes what otherwise you may take ten years to learn. A candle will kindle another candle. You can cover the distance on your own but it may take long and hard efforts.
Rasoolullah’s Waseela is enough to approach Allah. A Murshid or Peer (spiritual guide) is enough to reach Prophet. Those who have already seen Shaitan’s ploys, and having experience and knowledge of destination and journey will be helpful to you. “Praise me, prostrate before me, give me donations”. Selfish person cannot be Peer. His job is to lead followers to God. His job ends there.
We prostrate before Allah. One who does not surrender to God will have to surrender to everyone else. Prophet says that Allah will raise the person who surrenders to Him. Beard, skullcap, Kurta, simple dress will give humble appearance. Expensive Sherwani should not be worn as a show of pride. Climate conditions are different in Russia. We can’t wear these dresses there. Islam does not specify or endorse a particular dress. There are three requirements prescribed; conceal and cover body parts, protect from weather and look nice. Scanty, tight, revealing dresses are bad. They should be avoided.
Verse 104 continues – ‘walaakin ahbudullahallazi yatawaffakum’. ‘I worship God who will cause you death’. Science has brought many things under control. Death still remains elusive. No drug has been invented to prevent it. Funds are being spent in America to give life to dead people. These researches have not benefited and will not benefit. Allah has retained some activities in His direct control.
Death can shatter man’s disbelief in God. It humbles him. Prophet said to remember death often, because it will shatter your desires and greed. It is not suggested to recite, ‘death, death’. What is important is to bring those scenes before your eyes. Your body is being washed, people are standing around and witnessing, Sandooq (coffin) is ready. The thought of death will control impulses. A Sufi showed a graveyard and said this is the habitation here. More people are assembling and rushing towards here. This is the place with maximum population density.
Read Malfuzat (conversations) by saints. Readership is dwindling. It is important to read Prophet’s life and history of Auliyas. Interest to find and read good books is not there. This the reason adverse ideas and philosophies are spreading.
Verse continues – ‘wa umirtu an akuna minal mumineen’. ‘I have been commanded to be one of the believers’. ‘wa an akim wajhaka liddeeni hanifa’. ‘Set your face towards religion with true piety’. ‘walaa takunanna minal mushrikeen’. ‘and never become one of the unbelievers’. It is addressed to Prophet but message is to full Ummat. ‘walaa tadwu mindoonillahi maalaa yanfauka walaa yazurruka’. ‘Nor call on any other than God, such will neither profit you nor hurt you’. Call Allah, pledge allegiance only to Him and ask only His help. Some people are using the word ‘Shirk’ indiscriminately. Ask only Allah. Take Rasoolullah and Auliya as Waseela. But don’t ask directly to Rasoolullah or Auliya.
‘fain faalta fainnaka izan minazzaalimeen’. People asking others are unjust. Idolaters had separate idols for everything like rain, prosperity in business, education etc. They will go to Allah only for important things.
Every demand should be submitted to Allah alone. You may get tired of asking. Allah won’t get tired of giving. Allah dislikes those who don’t ask Him. He is pleased with those who plead to him. You will have to run here and there for help if you don’t ask Allah’s help. It is arrogance not to ask Allah’s help. You have succeeded if you pray to Allah. Allah will create means and situations if you pray. ‘wain yamsaskallahu bizurrin falaa kaashifa lahu illa huwa’. No one can stop a loss if Allah desires so. No Musibat (trouble) comes without Allah’s command. ‘Musibat’ means that which arrives. Return to Allah for all your troubles. ‘wain yuridka bikairin falaa raadda lifazlihi’. No one can stop Allah’s favor when He desires. ‘yusibu bihi manyashau min ibadihi wahuwal gafooru raheem’. Allah gives to whoever He pleases. ‘qul ya ayyuhannaas kadjaakumul haq’. Truth has come to you. Truth here refers to Rasoolullah, Quran and Islam.

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