December 27, 2012

Tafseer That Was Revealed In Dream

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (rah) Malfuzat compiled by Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nuhmani (rah)
Published in Muslim Murasu, December 2012

Few minutes before Namaz (prayer) can be spent to concentrate and meditate (Muraqaba) about prayer. Prayer without mental preparation won’t have strength and grip. Sunnat, Nafl Namaz and Iqamat are in a way a preparation for Farz. We are not preparing for prayer. Consequently our Farz prayer has also become lax. Dua – ‘Allahumma inni asaluka tamaman ozhu watamamas salaati watamama rizwanika’.
In the initial days, Prophet himself went to people and proclaimed the message. He did not expect them to invite him. He sent his Sahabas to some places. Let us continue our Tableeg (missionary) work the same way. Let us voluntarily reach out to those who are away from religion and those who take the religion casually.
Maulana started panting. His health deteriorated and became weak. He said, “You have come to me late. I am unable to speak at length. Continue your works as instructed”. After every prayer, say Tasbeehe Fatima, third Kalima, say Durood Shareef seventy times in mornings and evenings, Istagfaar, Quran Kiraat and Tilawat, Tahajjud, have companionship with Ahle Zikr. Zikr without Ilm is Fitna and Ilm without Zikr is gloom.
Dream is fortieth part in Nubuwat. Some people will receive more progress through dream than by Riyazat (tough worship). Ilka will be received in dream. Tableeg method was revealed to me in dream. I understood Tafseer for the verse ‘kuntum khaira ummati ukrijat linnaas’ in dream.
It is job of prophets to enjoin goodness and forbid evil. ‘tuhminuna billah’. This will strengthen Imaan (faith). Condition is to enjoin goodness and forbid evil. That is the way to develop Imaan. Care for your own guidance more than you care for others. Muballig (preacher) will receive his rewards when he preaches, it is immaterial whether his audience accepted his message or not.

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