June 29, 2013

Jibrael Appeared

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan speech
Published in Muslim Murasu, June 2013

Allah has appointed different angels for different works. Jibrael (alai) is the angel who brought Wahi (revelation) for all the prophets, from the first to the last. Every verse in the Quran was brought by him.
There is a Hadith that Ibn Rajab Hanbali calls as ‘haazaa hadeesun azeemun jiddan’, this is a very important Hadith. Jibrael (alai) once presented himself, in an unusual way, in the presence of Prophet (s.a.w.s). This Hadith is called as Hadith-e-Jibrael. This is recorded in Muslim, Bukhari and other books.
There was a conversation between Prophet and Jibrael. Sahabas witnessed it. If you have intense love for Prophet, Sahabas and angels, you will feel their companionship. You can feel like seeing and hearing them.
Usually Sahabas won’t see Jibrael. This Hadith gives blessings to the believers. This applies to people living in twenty first century. Space and time will cease to be a barrier. The intention of this Hadith is good news.
Camaraderie can be felt with strong faith, deep wisdom and intense passion. Umar (rali) is one of the narrators of this Hadith. He was an important Caliph. He has narrated only a few Hadith. His account strengthens the authenticity of this Hadith. Five things are discussed here – Islam, Imaan, Ihsaan, Qiyamat and its signs.
Meditate deeply about this world and then pronounce Kalima. That will change the life. Form and structure of Salaat is important. But Khushoo is more important. It is important to pray with full heart and mind.
Surah Moominoon, 23, verse 2 – ‘allazeena hum fi salaatihim khaashioon’. Those who humble themselves in prayer. Prayer should be physical manifestation of inner fear. It is not a mere ritual, but an expression of reality.
One part of our hard earned wealth should be donated in the path of God. One’s earnings don’t belong entirely to him. Farming can’t be done without land and rain. Factory can’t be run without raw materials. Zakat is to economically acknowledge God.
Ramzan fasting is to realize the importance of food and water. Only circumstances can bring some Khaifiyat (realizations). Ramzan prepares the ground for it. Animals don’t thank for their food. Man should be grateful.
Haj is a historic experience. Many historical incidents are pinned with Mecca. Mecca represents lives of Hazrat Ibrahim, Ismail, Haajira, Prophet and his companions. Sacrifice and missionary zeal can be felt there. Pilgrims memorize some Duas before performing Haj. Learning the history is more important. That will transform a person.
Purpose of Imaan is to attain Maarifat. Only man can attain that. Belief in Books, Prophets and angels are part of Imaan. A complete plan is set in motion to guide humanity. Prophets and Books have been sent. Angels are conducting the world. The world is lifeless in the eyes of unbelievers. Everything is mechanical. But the world is finely conducted.
Scientists see the sky with telescopes. They see its vastness and feel men as left alone in contrast. But people believing angels won’t fall in this despairing thought of loneliness.
Consider a person wandering alone in a desert. Suddenly he is shifted to a city and put in a sea of humanity. Realization of angels, Prophets, Allah will give a pleasure that is more profound and manifold.
Human life will end in despair if you remove hereafter. A tree grows, produces and falls. Human life is not like this. Heaven is in wait for him. Declining hereafter makes everything tragic. Many novels are of misery kind.
It is important to believe fate. Destiny is in God’s Power. ‘Ihsaan’ means to do a thing with finesse. ‘Amal’ indicates mere doing. Ibaadat is of two types. A person in deep and sincere awareness will feel the presence of God. If a person fails to attain that standard, then minimum thing he should do is to realize that God is witnessing everything.
Mother will give birth to her boss. This is one of the signs of Qiyamat (doomsday). Parents will serve the wishes of their children. Children won’t obey their parents.
Earlier, kings used to be concerned that their kingdom should safely go into the hands of their offspring. Now even common people want to see authority in the hands of their children. People are having lot of luxuries. Kings of earlier days did not possess this much wealth. Poor people are constructing high complexes. Weaker sections have got an opportunity to grow and develop. They enjoy lavish lives. Modern economic setup has opened doors for everyone. This is presciently told in this Hadith.
Jibrael came to reinforce the faith. Allah exposed things that were hidden so far.

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