July 27, 2013

Man Seeks Perfection

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan speech
Published in Muslim Murasu, July 2013

Prophet (s.a.w.s) said, “addunya khuliqat lakum wa antum khuliqtum lil aakhira”. The world is created for human beings and human beings are created for the hereafter.
Allah has put in place principle of conversion in this world. Initially an object will be in crude form. It goes through a process to become a significant thing. It applies for everything. Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. Glass is formed from silica sand. One converts into another.
This principle should be employed to understand the Quran. Let us re-read the Hadith. “Heaven is created for you and you are created for heaven”.
Man is a profound creation. He desires a perfect world. This desire is deeply etched in every human mind. In truth, he is in search of heaven. But he, by mistake, falls for car, bungalow, money, fame, political power and strength.
He forsakes them after attaining them. This is not what I wanted. He realizes only after attaining them that they don’t provide fulfillment.
Man is the seeking animal and heaven is his quest. Every child is born with immense potential. Every day, nearly one and half lakh people pass away. Average life span is seventy years. Heaven is not merely a matter of faith. It is what explains human life.
A radio program starts with the comment ‘wonderful morning’. Only man can utter such aesthetic words. He should not stop with them. Enjoying morning beauty is very minimal utilization of his potential.
We read of corruption, murder and robbery in newspapers. Man demands a world free of corruption and evil. He expects good things.
Surah Nisa, 4, verse 69 – ‘wa hasuna ulaika rafeeqaa’. They are amazing friends. One can get good friends in heaven. Man wants a world free of accident or threat. He expects peace of mind from conversation. He hates being cheated. He desires such a world.
Everything is created in pair. We have got the desire. Its other half is heaven.
Surah Baqara, 2, verse 32 – ‘laa ilmalana illa maa allamtana’. Angels only know what was taught to them. Man acquires wisdom. Surah Zaariyaat, 51, verse 56 – ‘wama khalaqtul jinna wal insa illa liya’budoon’.
Knowledge of angels is provided by God. Man attains Maarifat (enlightenment) through his knowledge, thinking and hard work. Allah will select such people and make them enter heaven.
Maarifat is a world in itself. Its example is a tree inside a seed. Good word is compared to a tree.
Surah Ibrahim, 14, verse 24 – ‘kalimatan tayyibatan kashajaratin tayyibatin’. It is a tree whose root is firmly fixed and its branches reach the heaven.
Surah Qamar, 54, verse 55 – ‘fee maq’adi sidqin inda maleekin muqtadirin’. They will be seated in the presence of the All Powerful. That is a seat of truth. They would have found and realized the truth.
Heaven is reward for pure ones. Surah Taha, 20, verse 76 – ‘zaalika jazaau man tazakkaa’. Heaven is the reward for those who purify themselves. Pure character and wisdom will grow like a seed. Purity grows and spreads. Such people will make discoveries everyday and will be beneficial. Their thoughts will be fruitful.
Ayisha (rali) said, “kaana rasoolullahi yazkurullaha alaa kulli aayaanihi’. Prophet will be in Zikr all the time. Every experience will trigger his mind and open sluice gates of wisdom. Zikr is not mere recitation of Subhanallah or Alhamdulillah.
Water does not come from tap. Tap is a receiving point. Organs in our body cannot be useful on their own. Eye receives light from Allah. Lungs received oxygen from Allah. God helps seventy eight organs in our body to work fine. Man dies when the supply is stopped. A person unaware of the hereafter will underestimate the blessings of God. Seeker of heaven is in slumber and neglect.
Surah Dahr, 76, verse 27 – ‘yuhibboonal aajilata wayazaroona waraa’ahum yawman shaqeelaa’. They love the fleeting life and put away behind them a hard day. Surah Saaffaat, 37, verse 61 –‘limishli haazaa falya’malil aamiloon’. Let those who strive, strive for the hereafter. Spend your potential for heaven. Make yourself a deserving candidate.
Man desires perfection. This world is full of imperfections. This world can’t satisfy him. We should not celebrate birth day. We can celebrate death day everyday. This can be our last day. Understand the urgency.

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