March 07, 2011

Muslim Magazine Limits

Monthly magazines bring huge change in Tamilnadu. Magazines deserve merit for rejuvenating the stagnant literary world. Advertisements can be restricted not to exceed 20 percent. Sponsors should realize that the magazines come with high ideals, seeking God’s mercy and according highest priority to the interest of people. Readers of magazines are not rampant consumerists. Sponsors should help in not wasting magazine pages and spreading of ideas of magazines by shrinking the lines in advertisements. Many readers maintain collection of magazines by having hardcover bindings for them. This becomes literature, history and records for the future. Sponsors should understand the high objectives and donate development fund; lust to see owner’s name in block letters should be overcome.
Magazine should exhibit as much importance in bettering international contacts as is given to growth and development of Mohalla. Readers should be informed of the scrutiny on the visits of foreign delegates to Delhi in recent days and months, the discussions held, agreements and their terms. Magazine should peek into and intrude in foreign visits by Indian VIPs and the agreements that have been finalized by the government. Well being of the citizens, development of Mohalla, future of Jamaath, gains and losses, everything is now globalized. Magazine should be able to guide foreign ambassadors, ministers and secretaries. Opinion of the people can be responsibly oriented towards this end.
In particular, Muslim leaders, movements and functionaries, VIPs, their foreign visits, objectives, people they met, commercial and social trusts and organizations that they helped should be informed to readers. This is the only way to end confusion in Mohalla.
Money is being lavishly spent on religious preachings. But financial structure for social, medical, educational needs have not seen the light of the day. Black money is gradually making its way into arts, culture, literature and religious preachings also, thanks to the power wielded by global firms. Magazine is duty bound to be sufficiently warning. Religious pages should not contract. Jumaa speeches of famous mosques, event details should find its place. Government will stand informed of the development in opinion among the Muslim society. The collection of speeches published in magazine will find a book form. Society will wake up. Proxy letters to the editor and fake questionnaires will give irritation and comedy. Prophet did not like fake pride. This is sign of Munafiq, hypocrite. A Muslim life being killed or protected is the gift given by writer’s pen. Only constructive news, decision and information will bring dawn. It can be tried to control politicians. Aligning with one party and scolding another party will earn opposition of one crore Hindus. There is no wrong in stressing on the merits and achievements of the alliance that is supported. Because of oft-changing ruling party, writer will do good not to earn eternal enmity with anyone. Short story, poem, bit information, boxed news, editorial, interview, ground work, speech collection should focus on issues that deeply afflict people like inflation, Waqf improprieties, foreign investment, limitless black money and unemployment.

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