May 28, 2011

Development Of Tourism Industry

Muslim Murasu, May 2011

An illusion is unleashed that main focus of tourists is entertainment and amusement. Local tours can cost 10000 rupees and cost of foreign tours can range from one lakh rupees to one crore rupees.
Paris, London, Singapore, HongKong, Kolalampur, New York, Bangkok, Dubai, these are important tourist destinations. Fidelity is not in vogue in these places. Tourists are attracted by water sports, lascivious gambling centers and high-rising luxury markets. Even those who are chaste in their homeland lose their poise and abstinence in the lust and glamor of foreign tours.
100 crore travelers keep circling the globe. 23 lakh foreign tourists visit Tamilnadu every year. France tops the list. Information that is delivered through media about India, Tamilnadu, contributes hugely to the operation of tourism industry. But robberies, burglaries, rapes and communal riots dominate news in print and electronic media. Foreign tourists get repulsed by this and avoid India and Tamilnadu. Tourist count is not increasing even though the land is abundant in natural wealth.
Two crore Tamilians have got permanent residence in different countries. More than 30 lakh visit foreign countries for jobs. Each one of them can bring a friend, companion, a new person to Tamilnadu and tour them in the spirit of hosting. This will give manifold increase in foreign exchange and investment. Tourism industry will guarantee employment for 10%.
Arab countries are rich with money owing to their oil wealth. Many Tamilians work for more than 30 years in Arab countries. They each can bring an Arab Sheikh, businessman, to Tamilnadu. Foreigner will get introduced to pluralistic culture and lifestyle in Tamilnadu.
Eroticism and amusement are purveyed world over in the garb of tourism. A paradigm shift is needed in tourism and tourists should be prepared for cultural and trade exchanges. This will guarantee useful spending of money and time.

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