May 27, 2011

Let Us Call Towards God

Muslim Murasu, May 2011

Difference between God-believers and non-believers is clear, obvious and wide-ranging. A person’s character, nature and style seldom change. What is the discussion point when two persons meet. What is the central focus of their telephone or cellphone conversation. This will provide answers.
Once the meeting or conversation is over, one is engulfed with panic and fear. He is convinced that he is spending his life in wasteful ways. He resolves to earn money atleast in future, buy land, house and jewels by all means. He vows not to forsake a single rupee for others. It is better to be cautious, careful and mindful.
It is anyone’s guess. The person who just visited or conversed on telephone is certainly Shaitan.He is a two-legged beast. In future wherever and whenever he is spotted or heard, it is imperative to pray repeatedly ‘Auzu billahi minashaitan irrageem’ – I seek God’s protection from damned Shaitan. Otherwise, confusion will overpower and create frustration and irritation on everyone. He will create enmity. Even the precious little peace that is leftover in heart will be lost.
On the contrary, 10 minute visit or a few minutes talking on phone with some people strengthens belief in God, Rasoolullah (sal), akhirat and good companions of the Prophet.
Now one can easily understand that the person we are face to face with is God’s disciple.
God sometimes gives advice through human beings. Shaitan empowers worldly desires and selfish attitudes through human beings. It is important to have abilities to identify and differentiate. This is an era dominated by price rise, lust for money, extravagance and raging consumerism. Dhaayis who propound peace of heart, contentment and spiritual discipline will not lose balance and equipoise. To call out towards God is the most important task.
20 human beings do rounds all the time to increase passion for this world. It is imperative to find two such human beings who will incite desire for the next world. Major task for Islamic magazines is to goad human beings back to the path shown by God. The length of the article, the number of pages, words or lines, is not important. Once a person finishes the magazine, thoughts about God should increase in him. Material desires should be removed. Writing should create a simple and stoic surrounding and hearts that are free from worries. Thousands of Shaitans are there to incite lust for duniya. Let us become greats who invite people towards God.

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