August 20, 2011

Quran Discourse Scarcity

Muslim Murasu, August 2011

Quran discourse arranged during the holy month of Ramzan is an important arrival. Weekly and monthly classes are conducted round the year.
Preachers relying heavily on bit notes held in their hands have been taking Tamilnadu for a ride for the past 30 years. Society cannot give prominence to sudden half-an-hour preachers. Society should take care of the needs and facilities of sublime commentators. Even one lakh rupees per month won’t be an appropriate reward to them.
As a result of Quran discourses falling in the hands of disparate groups, group-based fanatic preachings are being delivered in the name of Quran. Commentators are prioritizing the dogmas of their adherent groups instead of presenting supreme contents of Quran. Consequently, moomin is left to scramble for apt Quran teachings even in the sacred nights of Ramzan. Although 350 mosques decorate the city, finding Quran discourses that are fit enough to be published continuously in newspapers or magazines is appearing difficult.
Spiritual wisdom should flow direct from the heart. First requirement for this is to have halaal income and halaal intake. There is a portion of haraam in donations by philanthropists, and consequently commentator unwittingly intakes wrong, inappropriate and contaminated rizk.
It takes 25 years of uninterrupted education and 10 years of experience for fruitful formation of an engineer or a journalist or a doctor or a lawyer. Same parameters should fit for Quran scholars also. To complete qualification, it is imperative to take refuge under guruji, sheik or mentor and learn the art. Family expense for 35 years will amount to 4 crore rupees. Though austerity is a rule, Quran commentators should be held in supreme honor and respect. We will give you eight thousand rupees per month. If possible take somehow from someone and manage your family. This is cruel attitude.
Students having love and interest in Quran should be identified in early stage and high investment should be made to teach them different languages like Arabic, Urdu, and nurture them with special care. They can be trained atleast for 30 years under a senior veteran scholar.
Quran discourses these days are not inculcating taqwa, fear of God. They cannot be covered in Muslim magazines. Quality is going down. One is left to run after discourses in Urdu language, take refuge there with humility, and learn Quranic ideas. Islamic religious people can analyze about the dearth of discourses engulfing Tamilnadu.

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