August 20, 2011

Use Of Pseudonym

Muslim Murasu, August 2011

It is Muslim tradition to have names of Arabic origin. There are many whose lives come to an end before they understand the meaning of their names. Names are integral to religious identity.
In this globalized world, many foreign businessmen are landing in Chennai and other major Indian cities, establish foothold here and market brands having foreign names. There are many who have names with Sanskrit and north Indian words and still have acquired popular influence among Tamil people. During the period of freedom movement, there were many leaders with Arabic names but fared among the best in patriotism. Hindu name or Tamil worded names are not going to bring all respect and pride. Character is more important. Honesty and hard work will always earn good reputation. Islamic, Arabic names are not an obstacle to popularity. Some Muslims innocently hate their Arabic names. They are shedding their identity. Muslim name becomes important during wedding day and final procession.
No Hindu citizen harbors any hatred towards names in Arabic language. They embrace Muslims with their identity, their ‘Sahib’, ‘bhai’ features. Yet some Muslims bury their faces in shame. Pseudonyms are not needed.
A citizen can live in India with the name given by his parents. This is not prohibited. One need not feel shy about that. Any human being is expected to have patriotic feelings, linguistic sentiments and religious affinities. Day to day activities will bring respect to the name. Nation will accept everyone having talent and unbiased vision. Religious name will not be a hurdle. Indian citizenry joyfully accept religious identities and features. Those supporting changing names are betraying the adherent religion. Such people cannot reach great heights in their related fields. Concealing name smacks of dishonesty. The silly idea that people belonging to a particular religion are dangerous, threat to humanity, betrayer, such ideas can be liberally brushed aside. Making one’s religion proud is self-discipline. Crowd mentality is of no use. People following majority religion are not greats, nor are people belonging to minority religion inferiors. When a Hindu male and a Hindu female come together, a Hindu is born. When a Muslim male and a Muslim female involve in intercourse, a Muslim child is formed.
Good behavior and humane qualities are the only fundamental requirements for an Indian. Let us avoid pseudonyms. Let us make an impact with religious names.

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