November 26, 2011

Intellect In Government Offices

Muslim Murasu, November 2011

The imperialistic government installed by the British imposed many limits and restrictions on employees. Rulers of yore were not willing to believe anyone on Indian soil. Strict supervision, monitoring, severity and authoritative attitude prevailed and continued on employees.
Employees of these days who feel air of liberty do not submit to restrictions. Caste, religion, reservation and economic background are bringing down the office edifice. Tell the person; I will tell the rule. This is the practical wisdom that is in place. Rules are mended and moulded according to each person. Any employee cannot function peacefully using the legal maze that is in practice.
Government employee is arranging wedding ceremony during working day. It becomes unannounced holiday. Around 400 colleagues attend the ceremony. No one applies or gets prior approval for taking off. They blatantly trample rules and regulations. An employee who takes home 30000 per month spends 15 lakh rupees in marriage. There is no point in analyzing how did he get additional money.
Government staff should get permission from government to buy house, vehicle, bullion or luxury materials. Income details should be submitted. But these are old tales.
Information should not be unnecessarily shared with outsiders. Mobile, telephone, written documents exchange are offense. They should not participate in TV or radio debates. They should not be member in political parties, should not offer donations or funds, should not participate in religion, caste, linguistic, district or region-based groups. Gifts are prohibited. They should not expect benefit from others. They should not criticize government functioning and operation. They should not buy or sell property. They should not, directly or indirectly, take up any part time job. They should not occupy government land, nor help or support such activities. They should not give speeches.
There are thousand restrictions for government staff. Perpetual bonded slaves cannot be expected to possess or display intellectual sharpness. Government trick is to cite legal complexities and distract consumers. The state government today that is enjoying full majority should strive to improve intellectual standards of its employees. They can leverage training from MNC managers. Lest government funds will go wasted.

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