January 19, 2012

Are Mosques Needed In Every Street?

Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Offering prayers in groups is 27 times more beneficial. Long distance to mosques has caused a surge in new mosques. Continuously commissioning this work costing two crore rupees will lead to economic plundering.
The role of mosques in social, economic and education system is meager. There are adequate number of mosques for 50 lakh devotees in Tamilnadu. Additional mosques are not going to uplift the community. Mosques shall transform as helping centers. Building should help and prioritize poverty eradication. Otherwise, it will become a burden on the society.
Muslims have adequate and excess fund for social managing. Wedding ceremonies are perfect evidences. Surging foreign travel and pilgrimage applications further testify this.
Notice boards in mosques should serve as information dispensations and connecting bridges. Juma announcements should support poor families. Protecting God and uplifting Muslim family; of these two, priority should go to human side. This will strengthen religion.
Families are languishing in rented houses. New mosques and new societies are retrograde ideas. Traditional, ancient mosques should be put to proper use 24 by 7. New mosques coming up with urgency and out of emotional outburst will only increase hotheads and unfits.
Construction can be stalled for some time. Inflation is throttling. Backs of Moomins are breaking under unbearable stress. Families reeling under income of less than 50000 rupees will render disgraceful thoughts. Government is content to be onlooker. Change in government won’t bring change in poverty situation.
Education, employment, loans with easy installments, industrial training and marriage counsel should get priority. New buildings are no more needed. Philanthropists should donate their money only for eradicating poverty in Muslim society. Poverty will bring apostasy. Compelling need now is to populate already established, empty mosques.

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