January 22, 2012

Madrasa Administration Lapses

Muslim Murasu, January 2012

Christian practices, traditions, language and culture were thrust upon Indian people during British rule. Guns and canons, prisons and gallows supported this. In such difficult situation, in the interest of protecting religious rituals and fundamentals, Muslims placed their hopes on Madrasa movement, supported it dearly and developed it with reverence.
In the current technology era, religious preachings and teachings are reaching households through television, internet and videos. One has never seen the preacher. But views are influencing the hearts strongly, thanks to internet. Audience base swells fast in this age.
Wakf property, by and large, has not been properly monitored and managed in Tamilnadu. Muslim society has been lax and wobbling in public property administration. Trustees are undeniably dominating with bossy attitude. The rule of the wealthy has become intolerable.
Fifty years earlier, religious heads received great respect from Muslim society. Tableegh madrasa, Tareekath madrasa, Wahabi madrasa, Dargah madrasa, these schisms have made people tired. Muslim society started reducing Madrasa involvement. Crowds in convocation ceremonies have gone down in number. Student admission has become sparse and troublesome. Quality is on free fall. Offspring of senior religious heads have landed IT jobs, medical, engineering and management graduations. They do not come for religious preaching.
People have to know about Madrasa administration, funding, student and trainer counts, qualifications, background and wealth details. Laxity in madrasa administration have surfaced recently in magazines. Religious heads and institutions should operate transparently. They should leverage internet development and submit relevant information to the society. Otherwise, madrasa movement will become weak.

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