April 17, 2013

Influencing Personality

Muslim Murasu, April 2013

Clean personality is of foremost importance. Making an impression on others is more important. Situation was treacherous during the times of prophets and pioneers. But they did not succumb to the traditions and ideas of the majority.
To have a distinct character and to produce men of similar quality is possible only for people of exemplary personality. Dry and dead will flow with the current. A fish full of life can swim with the current or against the current as it wants.
Racial, language, caste based organizations in Tamilnadu will often create fascinating scenes. Tamilians will usually identify such movements and stay away and keep them away. Anti-liquor campaigns are now being staged in Tamilnadu. Muslim faces are also present in the show. Islamic personality is of a different nature. Self control comes first. There should not be any business or partnership with drunkards. There should not be any sitting together with them. It is not needed to inquire their recovery when they fall ill. They should not be congratulated. Tamilnadu Muslims should first make themselves an embodiment of Shariah.
Election divides Tamilians in different camps. Parliament election, Assembly election, municipality election, cooperative election, by polls, announcement of any of these elections will bring curtains for anti-liquor drama. Anti-liquor campaigns are needed to retain political influence when there are no elections in vicinity. Government staff and officers with drinking habit should be dismissed. They are the ones who will support corruption. Tipsy parties for foreign guests and visitors should be stopped. These campaigners will not support such drastic, real laws.
Chennai was expanded. Twenty lakh Tamilians were thrown into refugee life. Economy took a deep dive. Many died from illness and poverty. 70000 died in Yalpanam. Life in the urbanized capital city of Tamilnadu is thirty times more cruel. Five thousand rupees plot now goes for fifty lakh. One liter drinking water costs twenty rupees. Yalpanam crisis can be resolved only with the help of SAARC and central government. Muslims are also posing and prancing in hopeless agitations.
Tamilnadu is giving space for fake, fictitious agitations. TV owners and corrupt politicians together come up with titles for agitations. Tamilnadu Muslims having fear of God and distinct personality should stay away from this. Farcical events won’t help Tamilians. It will only make us a laughing stock.

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