April 21, 2013

Mental Strength To Bear Losses

Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (rah) Malfuzat compiled by Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nuhmani (rah)
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2013

People taking part in our missionary work should have full faith in the recompense and rewards they will receive. Those following our advise till the last day will contribute to our rewards. The Quran and Hadees gives us courage.
Intention should be pure. God should approve it. When you exhort others for Tableegh (missionary) work, clearly explain them the rewards in the hereafter. Explain them such that the pleasant life in heaven is in front of their eyes. That is the approach of the Quran. This will prepare them for the losses that they may suffer in this world.
When you introduce the message during Gasht (rounds), there should be parallel arrangements for Zikr. Power of other hearts should come into play while a profound message is being presented to a heart. Allah has kept huge powers in the hearts. Zikr will also alleviate delusions created by Shaitan in the hearts of the recipient. When Tableegh work is done to people living in evil condition, more care should be taken for Zikr so that the preachers are safe from the effects of Shaitan and Jinns.
Students of Madrasa are guests of God. Guests should not cause inconvenience to the host. Troubles caused by guests will be more discomforting for the host than anyone else. Shaitan will not entertain anyone seeking knowledge. He loses and despairs. He has lost the first round. Now he will stop them from preaching the message after they complete education. The objective of this mission is to relieve the servants from the clutches of Shaitan.
Madrasa students should serve and obey their teachers. They should fulfill the needs of their teachers before coming out for Tableegh work. Your teachers should be impressed by the progress you make in character, activities, knowledge and culture. They should see this missionary work in good light.
Tongue is a special favor on human beings. Animals don’t have much use for it. Man can put his tongue to proper use and rise above angels. With wrong use, he can stoop lower than pigs.
Maulana Ashraf Ali Tanwi (rah) has passed away. His followers and people in his circle should continue their work. Taking the message and teachings of Maulana Tanwi to people is the proper way of paying respect to him. This will increase his status and he will receive more benefits if more people follow him.
Hadees – ‘man da’aa ilaa hasanatin falahu ajruhaa wa ajru man amalahaa’. Whoever advices a good deed will receive rewards same as the one who follows it.

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