April 12, 2012

Don't Eat Heavily

Darse Quran by Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi
Published in Muslim Murasu, April 2012

A person met me after Juma Namaz and sought my suggestion over a matter. There is a vacant land near a mosque. It belongs to a Hindu. He is willing to give it for free. Is it appropriate. Surah 9, Tauba, verse 17 – “no when they witness against their own souls to infidelity – ma kaana lil mushrikeena inyahmaroona masajidallah”. If that person insists to give it for free, he could rather receive the money from Muslims and donate it to poor people.
People of Meccah had 40 years to recognize Prophet. Even before Nubuwath, plants and trees used to say Salaam to Prophet. He did not become Prophet all of a sudden. It was only a matter of declaration. Allah gave ample opportunity to inhabitants of Meccah to know and acknowledge Prophet. Only few accepted. They were exiled to Medinah where they established political rule.
Idolators in Meccah claimed, “We are caretakers of Kaba. We give water to pilgrims. We keep Kaba neat and clean”. They had no faith in God. They did not believe in Prophet or Akhirat. Maintaining Kaba is of no use to them. Allah did not ask their service. The responsibility and privilege of maintaining Kaba belongs to Muslims.
It is the job of Muslims to glorify mosques. There are many mosques in Hyderabad that have been built from Mehr amount. Many have individually donated amounts like 5 lakhs and ten lakhs. Once a mosque is built, it will remain a mosque till Qiyamath (last day). All the mosques will merge with Kaba on that day. If a person even removes a waste or dirt from mosque, a tree will be planted in heaven for him. Heaven is a barren place. Onus is on you to decorate it with your good deeds.
The question was about Kaba. But the decree sent by God applies to every mosque. Money from unbelievers should not be used for mosques. Jakath (alms) money is also prohibited for mosques. Jakath belongs to poor people. It should not be used for mosques. A person receiving alms should pray to God to change his lot. His position will improve. Upper hand is better than the lower hand. You should pray to God to make your hand as donating hand. Dua (supplication) is essential. Allah is angry with those who don’t ask Dua. Surah 25, Furqan, verse 77 – ‘maa yahfau bikum rabbi lavlaa duaukum’. Allah does not care if you don’t ask Him. Allah likes His servants to plead and surrender. Prophets reached exalted position after traveling through difficult situations. They had to cry and plead to God even though they had exalted status. Allah’s Blessing will not go towards proud and arrogant people. No benefit can come until heart melts and humbles itself. Namaz is first step to humility. Dua should follow it. First ‘iyyaka nahbudu’, later ‘iyyaka nastaeen’.
You won’t get up early in the morning for prayer if you eat heavy dinner before going to bed. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a poor. Sleeping less is a sign of noble men. Wise men talk less, eat less and sleep less. ‘akeemu salatha’ – Establish prayers. This means to regularly pray five times a day. In addition, you should stay in the state of Namaz throughout the day. You should be filled with the belief that God is constantly watching you.

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