February 13, 2012

Allah Is Your Friend

Darse Quran by Maulana Mustafa Shareef Naqshbandhi in Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad
Published in Muslim Murasu, February 2012

Unbelievers in Meccah accused Prophet as poet, sorcerer among other things and plotted to kill him. Even after Prophet came to Medinah, unbelievers joined hands with Munafiqeen (hypocrites) and sought to destroy Islamic mission. Allah gives them a chance inspite of all this. Surah 8, Al Anfal, verse 38 – If unbelievers desist, all their previous sins will be forgiven. Allah’s mercy is for everyone. He is ready to forgive even after damage is done. When files are deleted from computer, only some copies are purged. But God will wipe out all the records without any trace. Angels are having small books. Main Book is with God. ‘Indahu ummul kitab’. In this world, even after a person is acquitted, his case files will be stored for times to come. Allah can remove all mentions of the crime. He forgives when one repents. Redemption will be so complete that it will become like the sin never happened at all. We should do Tauba during mornings and evenings.
Verse continues – if they do not desist, Allah will destroy them like He did with earlier communities. Next verse, 39, prescribes the formula for us. Do not harm anyone. But donot let anyone go who harms you. Treason should be wiped out. “va kathiluhum hatta lathakuna fithnathun va yakunu deenu kullahu lillahi”. All will get justice when Allah’s religion is established. Everyone will find peace. If unbelievers persist in their mischief, know that Allah is your friend. He will help you. “Annallaha maulakum nihmal maula wa nihman naseer”. Have friendship with Allah. All your problems will be gone.
Next verse is about division and distribution of booty obtained in war. Sahabas (companions) were unaware of the rules. This was a war between truth and falsehood. All seized materials belong to God and His Prophet. He involved you in this struggle. Rules are laid down. 20 percent, one-fifth, should be set aside for God and Prophet. Some commentators explain that God’s share means Kaba maintenance. Some others are of the view that God’s share also belongs to Prophet. Sadqa (alms) is prohibited for the family of Prophet. But booty is allowed for them. This is God’s gift.

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