February 07, 2012

First Reform Your Own Self

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan speech
Published in Muslim Murasu, February 2012

We see from history that man has always been after ideals. Very few individuals have applied practical approach and reached exalted heights. Consider the example of Adam (alai). Analyze it with the perspective of idealism and practical wisdom. Allah told the prophet to wander anywhere in paradise and enjoy its bounties. But do not approach a particular tree or have its fruits. Adam and Hawwa ate that forbidden fruit. They were exiled from paradise.
Full paradise is for me. I have rights over this tree as well. I won’t accept any restriction. This was the ideal. But what could have been the practical wisdom? I have been granted the full paradise. This is enough for me. One forbidden tree does not make any difference. Adam (alai) should not have approached that tree.
History is replete with such examples. Men have been relentlessly repeating the same mistake. Greece is land of philosophy. Aristotle got the opportunity to mentor the son of the king there. He was Alexander. Aristotle’s ambition was to create an ideal state, an ideal government. The king was turned into an idealist. Alexander made it his objective to expand his empire. He extended till Punjab. Then his army became tired and refused to venture any further. Alexander died at the height of frustration at the age of 33. Alexander did not weigh practical options. He could have created a good government in Greece that the world would have respected and emulated. He wanted to rule and reform the entire world. He ended in abject failure.
You are living in a world of human beings. There are 750 crore human beings and all are different from each other. You can be ideal and perfect in your personal life. But you have to take practical approach when you come to society. Understand practical possibilities and focus on them.
A hadees says that a person accepting Islam succeeds. Accepting Islam means accepting truth and reality. There should not be compromise in principles. He will get adequate sustenance. There are 750 crore more people. One person can’t get everything. You will get what is essential. That person feels contented and satisfied. Everyone will get adequate sustenance. This is the law of nature. Be happy with what you got. Adam (alai) got paradise. Alexander got Greece. They were not satisfied and they failed.

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