February 23, 2012

Increasing Religious Festivals

Muslim Murasu, February 2012

People in Tamilnadu are hassled with thousands of problems. Religious messages are coming as tender breeze to their hearts. Rationalism and materialism held sway in recent years. Inflation and skyrocketing real estate prices are excruciatingly painful. Elders are not respected. Television and films engage youngsters. Nuclear families are on the rise. No one knows any escape from heart-wrenching problems. Spirituality, advices, religious festivals and meditation programs prove to be beneficial and curative. Religious aversion is giving way to religious fervor. New religious centers are sprouting cutting across all religions. People having trust in God will not be forsaken. Passion for religion is again starting to dominate in the hearts of Tamil people.

Religiosity, religious preaching and spending from different religious sections should alleviate poverty. Ancient elders created lakes and planted trees. They constructed community halls and feeding centers for the needy. In those days, religious following guaranteed protection to human lives. Religious sentiment should not stop with slogan, zikr and shouting in amplified speakers. Poverty should not have its ugly dance where religious center is installed. Helping poor will be regarded as helping God. Religion should guarantee right to live for every creature under the sky.
Tamilnadu should lead the way in India. Energetic and passionate spiritual lectures beamed from Gujarat are reaching Tamilnadu through private television channels. It was a heartening sight to see Muslim women, unmindful of even severe cold, participating to hear spiritual lectures by scholars who came from north, recently in 12 days Milad celebrations organized in the central part of the capital city of Tamilnadu. Christians, for their part, are taking advantage of private television slots and improving their standard. Tamilnadu with its thriving spirituality will surely ascertain livelihood rights. God will shower His blessings.

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